Grown up

chapter 5 - 'more?'

The sun felt warm on Michaela's face. She felt the odd angle of the bed and the heaviness of her skull against the thin pillow. She felt her hangover in every inch of her puffy face. She moaned and rolled over, remembering the extreme events of last night. Her mouth was dry and her throat was scratchy. She realized she was alone in the bed and sat up.

Her huge, sagging tits rested on her tummy. The room smelled of sweat, fast food, and stale booze. She looked up at the open window and breathed in the fresh air. It was almost sickening. She felt bile in the back of her throat as she padded her feet onto the shitty apartment hardwood.

Where was Mel? Where was Matt? She heaved herself up, feeling her gut slosh both externally and internally. Her balance was off and she grasped the windowsill to steady herself. Her stomach felt uneasy and hollow - and she felt the bottom of her belly kiss the top of her thighs as she leaned over. A big gurgle told her she might know the source of the issue.

It was 10:37am. She was hungry.

Michaela had know idea where the other two were, but more concerning, had no idea where her clothes were. She nervously fondled her breasts and moved the room around to find her clothes. They were nowhere to be found. She picked up a dank bedsheet and wrapped it around her bulbous body. She felt nervous as she felt the fabric stretch to cover her physique.

When she left the bedroom, she felt the cold of the apartment in full effect. She thanked herself for her extra blubber to keep her warm. Her bleary eyes and fat-padded feet lead her to the kitchen. The mess from the previous night was gone, everything was clean. The morning breeze had aerated the disgusting gluttonous odour, thankfully.

A massive blender full of brown liquid sat on the counter. A sticky note faced Michaela, damp with condensation.

"Start the day off right. ;) Back with brunch - don't leave yet. - M+M"

Michaela stood in the kitchen, her throat swelling and her stomach swirling looking at the huge glass blender's jug. She picked it up, feeling her uvula tighten in hungover concern.

She lifted it to her lips slowly. The white bedsheet fell from her shoulders and crumpled around her feet. With two hands, she tipped the thick weight gain shake back down her throat and filled her upset gut. She could taste coffee, peanut butter, and the artificial bite of weight gain powder. It was clearly ice cream based - she felt it slowly spill down her face as she chugged towards the end.

Gasping and guzzling towards the finish line, she heard the lock in the door. Her heart stopped and she went to put down the jug.

Then the events of the previous night flashed through her mind.

The memory of how they both idolized her and her fatness.

The lust they leered with and the power she held.

With that in mind, she decided not to cover her body, or hide her empty shake.

Instead she turned, but one hand on the top of her belly's dome, and chugged the final few drops. She stood facing the door, fully nude, the mounds of her body in full sunlit display.

Mel and Matt walked back in. He was stuffed into a tight UnderArmour shirt, she was in a floral romper. Her chunky legs were on full display, his moobs were hugged tightly by the exercise fabric. They held huge brown bags of takeout. Michaela could see at least three different brands of takeout in Matt's arms. Mel lugged a big cardboard box full of booze. They were intentionally quiet, paying due respect to Michaela, who they thought was still in bed sleeping. They slipped their shoes off just as Michaela finished the jug and stifled a burpy, "Hey."

They turned and stood in shock. Mel smiled with naughty excitement and Matt had that glazed over look of extreme horniness.

"Thanks for the snack, it really hit the spot." Michaela said as she massaged her big belly. "What's for brunch? I'm starving."

Michaela could feel her role as sex icon encompassing her. She was performing and it was doing...a lot for her. She reached down and brushed her fupa with coy lacksadaise.

Matt came over first, dropping the takeout on the counter and assembling the buffet. Mel stowed the box on the floor, and slipped off her romper. She dug three bottles of wine out of the box. They were brightly coloured and very sugary.

"Breakfast wine?" She uncorked one and handed it over. Michaela took a sip. She felt her body reject it, but longed for the fried smell from the brown bags. As if reading her mind, Matt handed her an Egg McMuffin. "This should hold you over."

Michaela had never enjoyed a bite of something more. It was exactly what she needed. Carby, cheesy...beautiful. Mel lead her to the couch and the cleaned off coffee table.

"Where are my clothes?" Michaela asked as Mel played with her hair.

"Oh...I don't know..." she said, lying lustreously. Michaela cocked an eyebrow.

"I can't go home like this."

"Oh no, no. You won't. I guess you'll just have to borrow some of mine."

Michaela's heart fluttered. "I absolutely will not be able to fit my ass into your clothes."

Mel smiled as Matt walked over with the huge breakfast tray. Egg McMuffins, hashbrowns, two plates of bacon, cups of beans, massive sausages, a big baguette.

"I think that's the point." He said in a hungry voice. "We're going to get you into some of Mel's clothes, if we can. Then we're going to parade you around town, stopping for snacks until you burst out of something...Antony is gonna lose his shit."

"But first, we eat." Mel said. They all grabbed handfuls at a time and stuffed and drank the hair of the dog away.

"I'm excited." Michaela said, halfway into another Sausage McMuffin. She was adding extra bacon and dipping it into a Hollandaise. The greasy sandwich was coated in decadent thickness. "Oh, and Mel?"

She looked up, halfway through a bacon-hashbrown sandwich.

"You can keep the clothes you stole from me. I figured you might need that size soon enough anyway."

Michaela reached over and spanked her belly and shook it. Matt, who had undressed to match the ladies, was getting excited.

Mel's mouth hung agape for a moment. The wine was already taking to Michaela's head. She was back in BBW mode.

"I figured you won't fit into them by Christmas, at this rate."

The horny pause was deafening. Michaela broke it with her munching and gulping.

"At least...I hope you won't."

Michaela leaned over and kissed her, sucking her sweet lips.

"This is too much work!" Michaela said, leaning back. "One of you, feed me, the other me out."

Mel and Matt stared at each other in shock. What kind of monster had they made?

They both obliged, hungrily, of course.

As Michaela lay in sweet bliss, she let herself orgasm to the thought of destroying Mel's too tight clothes in public, imagining her gut busting open a pair of jean shorts. She let herself climax to the thought of Matt catching up to 300lbs of pure doughboy. She quivered at the image of Mel growing out of Michaela's own pair of sweatpants, expanding beyond her current size and being her fattened up friend. She thought of just how insane these nights would be when Antony returned, and the orgies of food and gluttony and fat.

As she approached her final climax, she felt a buttery biscuit pass over her lips.

She cried out as she came to the thought of reaching 400lbs.

"More?" Mel asked.

5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 1 year
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VampireD 1 year
You should finish this
Bbman30 1 year
I think Matt and Mel should get their own series, really fatten them up.
Austin Micha... 3 years
Will this get a sequel?
Xandercroft 3 years
Chapter 5. More? Yes! More chapters please. Very sensual descriptions.
Perenolde 3 years
Great update!
Austin Micha... 3 years
By the end of chapter 17 Michaela hits 420 and she is a SSBBW and begging to be immobile
Monthofdays 3 years
I've been reading weight gain fiction for 20 years and this is honestly the best one I've ever read.
Jdm 3 years
Yeees Michaela is back!