Jennifer finally has an epiphany

chapter 2

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Matt now knew he was on thin ice, but Jennifer’s new body was not doing anything for him, even though she was nearly naked in what used to be, for him anyway, sexy lingerie. “No, Jennifer, I liked the way your body was before, I loved your curves, and I have to admit, especially during the holidays.”

Jennifer was mad, she had been working out with her friends/co-workers and they were constantly telling her how their significant others really loved them getting thinner and thinner and more buff.

“Matt are you so sort of freak? I have been working so hard to slim down and now you tell me that you liked me at my fattest!” Jennifer then just started to cry.

Matt got up, “I am going home, sorry if I offended you, but you asked.”

Jennifer just sobbed harder. Matt drove home, bummed that he and Jennifer didn’t fool around, but the way she looked now, he figured he could not get aroused anyway.

Jennifer continued to workout and kept to her new schedule with her new group of friends. If anyone asked about her boyfriend, she would just try to change the subject. Matt had not called in two weeks. The last time she was over at her parents house, her Mom had asked how Matt was and Jennifer had to admit that she had not seen him in a couple of weeks.

She wanted to call him, but she did not want to be too aggressive and clingy. She did finally call after the fourth week and Matt answered the phone. “Hello” “Matt it is me Jennifer. How have you been, I have not heard from you in a while, is everything okay?”

Matt answered, “Ah, no, Jennifer not really. I think we need to take a break from each other, we have been going out a really long time. How have you been?”

Jennifer was shocked, she really did think they would be married at some point, and now Matt sounded like he wanted to break up! “Matt I have been fine, I have been working out with my girlfriend too. I am now down to 105 lbs.”

She heard Matt let out his breath, more than just a sigh. “Jennifer, I really want to see some other people, I want us to take a break for awhile, I’m sorry but that is how I feel.”

Jennifer was doing everything she could not to start crying, “Okay Matt, if that is what you want, then good bye.” She hung up the phone and started to cry.

Matt hung up his phone too. He thought, “God she just does not get it! I can’t believe that she is working out so much and losing more weight, jeez she looked like skin and bones four weeks ago, she must really look awful now!”

A few weeks later Matt was introduced to a new intern at the office. She was still in college, but really only a couple of years younger than him. She was pretty hot too, just the way Matt liked girls and women. Sara was her name and she had recently gained the freshman fifteen, though it was her sophomore year. She was a little shorter than Jennifer at 5’ 3”, but she had plumped up to nearly 140 lbs. She had not bought any larger clothes since she had gained weight, thinking she could easily diet off the extra pounds soon.

Matt loved the way Sara looked like she was going to burst out of her skirts or dresses. She showed off great panty lines and had to constantly pull down her skirts, as they rode up on her plump bottom. Sara did have a boyfriend she mentioned in passing and he seemed to be enjoying Sara’s added pounds just as much as Matt loved looking at them.

One evening Matt stopped at the grocery store near Jennifer’s parent house, not even thinking about it. He by chance ran into Jennifer’s mom. “Hi Matt how are you, I haven’t seen you in a while.” She said. “Fine Mrs. Holmes and you?” asked Matt.
“I am doing well thank you for asking Matt. There is one thing I would like to ask you about Matt if you do not mind” “No not at all.” Replied Matt.

“Matt, I understand that you and Jennifer have broken up. Is that true?” She asked. “Well, that is probably true. I did ask Jennifer if we could take a break for each other, but I am not sure if I want to date her again.” He said.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
I hope you continue! Maybe Matt gains a bit of weight too? And maybe she gets pregnant for real?