Jennifer finally has an epiphany

chapter 3

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Mrs. Holmes was surprised, she always liked Matt and thought that he and Jennifer made a great couple. She had to ask why. “Matt, could you tell me why, Jennifer has not been herself since you two broke up, if there is anything I can do or say to Jennifer that might help.”

“Well, Mrs. Holmes, it really has to do with Jennifer’s new attitude towards working out and losing weight all the time. I really loved her figure before she started all this working out. The last time I saw her she was so skinny, I was really grossed out! She was so beautiful before, and now she looks like a skinny boy, I am sorry I just can’t get around this new attitude of hers.”

Mrs. Holmes was almost in tears. She too was getting concerned about Jennifer’s weight loss. Though she herself was certainly not fat, she was a little shorter than Jennifer and weighted one fifty.

“Well thank you for speaking with me, Matt, have a nice evening.” Mrs. Holmes said.

“You too!” replied Matt.

Jennifer’s Mom had guessed that Jennifer’s new attitude and work out regime were the reason that she and Matt had broken up. It drove her crazy too, when Jennifer would only pick at meals and then complain that she ate too much.

Fortunately for Mrs. Holmes and Matt, thing were about to change. Jennifer’s company got into some financial difficulties and had a big layoff. Jennifer being the last one hired in her department was laid off. She now had to be very careful with her money and dropped the expensive health club membership. Her former co-worker/friends soon forgot about Jennifer and continued their work out regimes.

Mom started to ask Jennifer over for meals to save her money and try to get her to eat more, too. During one visit, Jennifer’s Mom brought up her bumping into Matt at the store. “Jennifer, I saw Matt last week at the Supers.” “Oh how is he, did he talk to you?” asked a curious Jennifer. “Yes he did, he seems to be doing fine, though I think he misses you.” “Mom! Did you ask him about us?” “Yes dear I did, I really like Matt and I think you to make a wonderful couple, I just feel awful about you two breaking up!” “What did he say?” asked Jennifer. “Jennifer he said he did not like your new attitude toward working out and loosing so much weight! He said it really bothered him. Jennifer, to tell you the truth, your weight loss has me concerned too! You are getting so skinny! Jennifer, how much to you weigh?” Jennifer started to sob, “I weighed one hundred and four last time I weighed myself.” “That is awful, this could affect your health, Jennifer, you need to stop this crazy working out and gain some weight back!” Admonished Mom. Jennifer continued to cry, her mom went to her and hugged her. “Mom I have been so miserable since Matt and I broke up, I will do anything to get back together with him!” “Well honey, I think the first thing to do is have a nice dinner.”

Mom and Jennifer sat down at the table and Mom served Jennifer a healthy portion of meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy and a green bean casserole. Mom made sure Jennifer cleaned her plate and she convinced her to have dessert too.
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
I hope you continue! Maybe Matt gains a bit of weight too? And maybe she gets pregnant for real?