Jennifer finally has an epiphany

chapter 4

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Jennifer kissed her Mom and got in her car to drive home. She had to un-snap her jeans her belly felt so full. But she decided it felt good to be full, it had been months since she really had a good meal. She took off her jeans as soon as she got home and changed into a nighty with a bikini panty and camisole. While in the bathroom brushing her teeth she notice her tummy bulging and gave it a pat. It really felt good, in fact she was a little turned on patting and poking her little belly. She went to bed turned on.

The next morning Jennifer fixed a good breakfast, not huge, but a lot more than she had been eating in the last few months and it felt good. She did not bother to get dressed, but just stayed dressed in her bikini and camisole. She started surfing the net for employment opportunities. Soon though, her now stretched out stomach felt empty and she hungry. She fixed a few pieces of toast with peanut butter and honey, another glass of orange juice.

When noon rolled around, Jennifer fixed a PB&J sandwich, with several crackers with peanut butter on them, chips and a regular coke. One sandwich was not enough so she fixed another one. She ate several cookies for dessert and went back to working on the computer sending emails and resumes to prospective employers. She felt hungry around three and finished the package of cookies.

The phone rang, “Hello” answered Jennifer. “Hi honey its me Mom, would like to come over for supper tonight dearest?” “I would love too, Mom, what time?” “Anytime dear, really as soon as you would like.”

Jennifer hung up and got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She stripped off her bikini panty and the camisole. She immediately noticed her tummy had a curve to it again. She gave her belly a pat, still feeling a little full from the cookies, she thought, “Why did I ever listen to those freaks at the office and start beating myself up to loose weight! I never worried about my figure before I started working there!”

Jennifer dried off and started to get dressed she pulled on a pair of bikini panties and marveled that they felt just a bit tighter than just a day or two ago. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a slightly too short t-shirt, just enough to show a little midriff.

She drove her Mom’s house and went in, “Hi Mom its me Jennifer.” “Oh hello dearest, come in, I almost have dinner ready for us.” Mom knew exactly what Jennifer needed, calories and lots of them. She fixed spaghetti with a rich meat sauce, garlic bread, salad and for dessert a rich heavy cheese cake. When Jennifer saw the feast on the table, her belly growled. She giggled, “Oh I must be hungrier than I thought.” She let Mom serve her a huge plate of spaghetti and sauce, she smothered it with parmesan cheese and had three slices of buttery garlic bread, a salad with heavy bleu cheese dressing. She ate it with abandon getting totally stuffed to the point of having to un-snap her jeans. Then Mom served her a huge slice of cheese cake covered with chocolate and caramel sauces. Jennifer thought she would burst she was so stuffed and bloated, but cheese cake was so good she ate all of it.

Jennifer slouched back in her chair, her belly noticeably bloated pushing down the zipper of her jeans and lifting up her short t-shirt. “Burp, oh excuse me Mom, I’m sorry, I just so stuffed full. I really ate too much!” Jennifer said while patting her bulging belly. Mom just replied, “Nonsense dear, you are still so skinny, you should eat as much as you can!” Mom was thrilled that Jennifer was eating so much and not complaining at all. It even seemed to her that she was enjoying eating again.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
I hope you continue! Maybe Matt gains a bit of weight too? And maybe she gets pregnant for real?