Jennifer finally has an epiphany

chapter 5

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Jennifer left around eight o’clock and headed back to her apartment. She was rubbing her stuffed belly while she drove. She was relieved that no one was around when she parked her car and when to her unit. Her belly was still really bloated and her jeans un-zipped and the shirt still riding up on her belly. She would be embarrassed if anyone saw her with her tummy sticking out.

Around eleven, Jennifer’s stretched out stomach wanted to be filled again. She downed two glasses of milk and ten cookies. She had changed into a teddy outfit to go to bed which only accentuated how bloated she was. Looking in the mirror, Jennifer patted her bulging belly and giggled.

She got up a little late, fixed a good breakfast and started back on the computer again looking of opportunities for a new job. Just before eleven thirty her door bell rang. Now embarrassed that she wasn’t dressed, she looked through the peep hole relieved that it was only Mom.

Jennifer opened the door. “Mom what are doing here?” “Well I was doing some shopping and I thought I had better get you some more groceries too. I don’t want you spending all of your savings looking for a new job.” Mom then noticed that Jennifer was not dressed yet. She teased, “Well aren’t you the naughty girl, running around her apartment in just panties and a camisole.” She did notice, that Jennifer was clearly gaining weight, her belly had a nice curve and the panty was cutting into Jennifer thighs and bottom.

Mom had bought five bags of groceries for Jennifer, some healthy stuff, but a lot of cookies, ice cream, chips, peanut butter and jelly, bread and even some pastries. She knew of all of Jennifer’s weaknesses and took full advantage of them.

They unloaded the grocery bags and Mom suggested that Jennifer continue to work on the computer while she fixed them lunch. Jennifer agreed and went back to the computer. Mom fixed a nice thick sandwich with lots of mayo, cheese and cold cuts on a two thick slices of bread, plus plenty of chips.

Mom called, “Jennifer, dear, lunch is ready”. Jennifer padded over to her kitchen table, and plopped down. “Whoa, Mom this is a big sandwich.” “Oh nonsense dear, you need a good lunch, now eat up.” Mom served regular Coke, deliberately not buying diet.

Jennifer finished her lunch and had an ice cream sundae for dessert. Mom cleared and washed the dished while Jennifer sat at her computer, rubbing her bulging belly.

Mom called from the kitchen, “Jennifer, I am going to get going dear. I got out a frozen dinner for you, so it will thaw before supper time.” “Oh thanks Mom.” Jennifer got up and gave her Mom a hug. Mom was pleased to see Jennifer’s belly bulging with the big lunch. “Dinner at home tomorrow night, Okay?” Jennifer absently ran her hand over her belly, “Sure Mom that sounds great.”

The dinner Mom got out was a two pound lasagna dinner. Jennifer thought to herself. “If Mom has her way I will gain back the weight I lost and then some.” Jennifer went ahead and put the dinner in the oven and then ate all of it when it was done. She also had a large glass of Coke and ice cream for dessert. Jennifer went to bed full.

At dinner the next evening, Mom finally pressed about getting in touch with Matt. “Jennifer, have you tried to get a hold of Matt?” “No Mom I have not, but I think I know who I can ask about where he might be hanging out. I would rather “run into him” than call and sound whiney.” Mom accepted that answer. She and Jennifer chatted while Mom plied her with as much rich food and she could get into her. Jennifer left for her apartment, stuffed and bloated as usual.

The next morning Jennifer called the friend of hers who worked at the same company that Matt did. “Hello, this is Carol, may I help you?” “Carol this is Jennifer, how are you?” “Jennifer, I am great how are you? I heard you got laid off is that true?” “Yes Carol it is, but I am doing okay. Can I ask you a question?” “Sure Jennifer, what is it?” “Carol I really want to get back together with Matt, do the people at your company go out for TGIFridays or anything?” “Yes we do, it’s Angelo’s on Sixth St. and Matt usually goes out with everyone too! We get there around five thirty.” “One more thing, Carol, if it is okay?” “Sure Jennifer what is it?” “Do you know if Matt is seeing anyone?” “Well Jennifer, he has been working with an intern here, her name is Sara. She is younger than you guys, but only by a couple of years. I did hear that Matt really liked her, but she has a serious boy friend. One other thing, you should know.” What is it Carol?” “The intern Sara, well she is getting kind of fat. She was a little overweight when she got here a few months ago. I have seen her around and she is really gaining a lot of weight. Julie, who also works with Matt told me that she gained some weight at college and she was going to diet, but her boy friend loved her extra pounds. From what I have seen, he is encouraging her to gain even more weight.” “Umm that is interesting. Hey thanks for talking to me Carol, I will see you Friday at Angelo’s.” “You are welcome, Jennifer, I guess I will see on Friday!” Carol and Jennifer hung up.

Jennifer thought, “Mom was right, Matt hated my working out! God what an idiot I have been. Matt loved my figure he even told me and I continued to work out and lose weight.” Jennifer patted her belly, she was only wearing a bikini panty and a t-shirt, “Time to repair the damage!”
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
I hope you continue! Maybe Matt gains a bit of weight too? And maybe she gets pregnant for real?