Jennifer finally has an epiphany

chapter 7

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Their salads came and Jennifer’s was smothered in bleu cheese dressing and she devoured it. She had several bread sticks, dipping them in olive oil. Matt too finished his salad.

When their entres arrived, Jennifer laid into hers like a woman possessed. Matt ordered a bottle of wine as Jennifer put forkful after forkful of rich pasta and sauces into her mouth, washing them down with of wine.

It took her forty five minutes to eat all of her dinner. Much Matt’s delight, her belly was now taught and bulging with the huge pile of pasta and sauce she had finished. The waitress came over, stunned that Jennifer true to her word had finished the entire platter.

“Would you two like any dessert, coffee, tea or after dinner drinks?” Thinking there was now way Jennifer could fit another morsel into engorged belly. “Yes I would love a big slice of your cheese cake and plenty of chocolate sauce please.” Giggled Jennifer. Matt just replied, “I would like a cup of coffee, that’s all.”

Matt could not believe how much Jennifer had just eaten. She used to be a pretty good eater, at least making a good dent in an entre when they used to go out to dinner. But tonight this was awesome, Matt did not think he could have finished the combination platter that Jennifer had just hammered down.

The rich dessert and Matt’s coffee arrived. Jennifer looked at it with greed in her eyes, she couldn’t weight to devour it in front of Matt. Jennifer leaned back in her chair and reaching under her engorged belly she was trying to lower the zipper of her jeans all the way down. The button had popped thirty minutes ago, but the zipper was still locked.

“Jennifer, you okay?” asked Matt. Jennifer giggled and blushed, “I am so embarrassed Matt. My zipper is stuck and these jeans are cutting into my tummy. I can’t get it down! Would you help me?” Now Matt blushed, but it was a dream come true! “Sure Jennifer, lean back in your chair.” She leaned back revealing her amazing, engorged, bulging belly. Matt came around the table and looking down through Jennifer’s plump cleavage, her boobs were nearly spilling out of the tight blouse, he reached under Jennifer’s belly and lifted it up a bit. He found the zipper clasp and release it pulling it down. Jennifer let out a sigh and her belly! Matt just about stumbled looking at Jennifer’s ballooning body, now stuffed. Her waist was now four inches larger than when they sat down to dinner!

Matt sat back down. He was sweating, his forehead was damp and he was so turned on he could hardly stand it. Jennifer giggled, “Matt I think I need to finish this cheese cake as fast as possible.” Matt sipped his coffee, “Go for it, Jennifer!”
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
I hope you continue! Maybe Matt gains a bit of weight too? And maybe she gets pregnant for real?