Jennifer finally has an epiphany

chapter 9

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“Hi Mom, how are you?” “I’m fine dear, how are you?” “Mom I am great! Matt and I went to dinner last night, we had a fantastic time too!” “Oh Jennifer that is wonderful, I am so happy for you. Where’s Matt now? Are you going out again? Has he asked you anything?” “Mom, it okay, he is here with me now. We are just hanging out.”
“Oh Jennifer, that’s wonderful dearest! Say why don’t you and Matt come over for dinner tonight?” “Just a second, Mom let me ask Matt.” Jennifer held the phone to her boobs, “Matt my Mom wants us to come over for dinner, is that okay with you?” “Oh sure Jennifer that would be great, I really like your folks.” “Mom, what time should Matt and I be there?” Asked Jennifer. “Honey how about around six, okay?” “Six sounds fine Mom.” “Jennifer, bring your appetite and wear stretch pants!” giggled Mom. Jennifer giggled too. “Oh I will Mom, you don’t have to worry about that anymore!”

Matt went home to change. He still had only his work clothes on. He picked up Jennifer around five thirty. “Whoa, Jennifer, I like what you are wearing!” Jennifer giggled, patting her plump tummy and round bottom, making both jiggled in her tight stretch pants. “These are my “I am going to eat too much tonight” pants.” Jennifer’s pot belly was barely covered by a tight t-shirt. Jennifer deliberately wore a too small bikini panty under the stretch pants to create deep panty lines to accentuate how much weight she had gained.

They got to Jennifer’s parents house and went in. Her mom greeted them smiling, she was so glad that the couple was back together. She noticed Jennifer’s tight stretch pants and gave her daughter an affectionate poke in her soft bottom cheeks, causing them to jiggle.

Matt went in to the living room to say hi to Jennifer’s dad. Jennifer, slapped her bottom in the tight pants and said to her Mom, “Make sure you stuff me like a goose tonight, I want to get totally bloated tonight!” Mom reached out and pulled the waist band of Jennifer’s pants out and let it snap back. “Don’t you worry dearest, I will make sure you are stuffed to brim tonight!”

Jennifer and Mom carried in the platters and casserole dishes and called, “Dinner’s ready!”

Matt and Jennifer’s Dad came in and sat down, Mom began serving. Jennifer’s plate was filled to the rim, covered in rich food. Jennifer laid into her dinner as if she hadn’t eaten in months. She cleaned her plate and Mom refilled it, again and again and again. Jennifer’s belly was bulging with food, but her stretch pants let her belly get bigger and bigger. Her t-shirt began to ride up revealing a nice roll of stretched tummy fat beginning to curl over the waist band of her pants.

Mom raised her eye brows, hoping Matt and Dad would not see her. Jennifer just looked back smiling and winked. Mom and Matt cleared. He realized what Jennifer and her Mom were up to and wanted to encourage Jennifer to eat as much as she could. Jennifer sat in her chair caressing her belly to make room for dessert.

Mom served Jennifer a huge slice of pecan pie with several scoops of ice cream. Jennifer pounded it down and asked for another, much to Mom and Matt’s delight. After her second slice of pie and ice cream, Jennifer sat back in her chair and sloughed, letting her amazing belly stick up in the air. The waist band had sagged down and her t-shirt now rode up almost to her bra. Jennifer’s face was sticky from the rich dessert, she was smiling and her eyes were slightly glazed.

Matt asked Jennifer’s Dad if he could have a word with him in the living room. Matt and Dad got up and left the dining room.

Mom asked, “Jennifer are you okay dearest, you ate so much tonight, I am so proud of you. I watched Matt he could not take his eyes off of you all through dinner.” Jennifer giggled, patting her taught, engorged belly, “Oh, URRP, excuse me, Mom that was the best dinner ever! I am so stuffed I don’t think I can get up!”

Matt and Dad came back in from the living room. “Go ahead Matt ask her, you have my permission!” said Dad. “Jennifer, will you marry me?” asked a smiling and totally turned on Matt. Jennifer shrieked, “Oh Matt yes, yes, a thousand times yes!”

Mom and Jennifer were crying they were so happy. Jennifer was still sloughed in her chair with her belly sticking out. She sat there while they all had after dinner drinks to celebrate the event.

An hour later, Matt finally helped, a still engorged, bloated and now, a little drunk Jennifer to her wobbly feet. After kissing her parents she and Matt waddled to the door and said good night.

Once outside they embraced and kissed hard and long. Matt’s hands running down inside Jennifer straining stretch pants to knead her plump bottom, while Jennifer pushed her bulging tummy up against Matt.

When they came up for air, Jennifer said in a throaty voice, “Matt get me home, right now!” Matt needed no further encouragement.

They got to Jennifer’s apartment and Matt followed Jennifer up the stairs, watching now fat round bottom jiggling in the tight stretch pants. Jennifer turned around and slapped her bottom cheeks, “Enjoying the view?” She giggled. “Oh Yes, I am!” replied Matt.

Jennifer got the door open and staggered/waddled in. No sooner than the door was closed, Matt and Jennifer were locked in an embrace, kissing hard, as Matt’s hands ran over Jennifer’s bottom, love handles, boobs and belly! They got into the bedroom, while taking off each other’s clothes and fell onto the bed. Making love for a couple of hours and for the second night in a row, the best ever!

Jennifer woke up before Matt and went into the bathroom. She was startled to see how fat her belly and bottom had become during the gluttony of the last two days. The surprise soon gave way to arousal as Jennifer started to “play” with her new assets. She hefted her bottom cheeks and let them drop feeling the “jiggle”. She did the same with her plumper boobs and then hefting her round pot belly and letting it drop, shaking and jiggling like a bowl of jelly.

Jennifer waddled back into the bedroom, her belly swaying from side to side as she waddled, letting fat, round thighs pass each other. She waddled up to Matt’s face as he was still asleep in bed. She stuck her belly right up against Matt. “Good Morning Honey!” she giggled. Matt looked up into the best view an FA can have, a soft, round, bulging, bloated tummy! He kissed Jennifer’s belly, causing her to shriek in delight.

“Matt, I want to call Mom and Dad, we need to get planning for our wedding before I get too fat to waddle down the aisle!” She said, slapping her awesome belly.

Matt and Jennifer were married only six weeks later. They were explaining that Jennifer was merely fat, and not pregnant to nearly everyone coming through the reception line. This only made Jennifer and Matt more turned on.

They went on a cruise, on which Jennifer ate continuously, gaining another twenty pounds.

After returning from the cruise and moving into Matt’s condo, Jennifer got a new job with a baking company whose management had no issues with employees sampling the company’s many products while they worked.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
I hope you continue! Maybe Matt gains a bit of weight too? And maybe she gets pregnant for real?