Draft belly

chapter 2

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Mom” I protested, “I can’t eat all of this I’ll explode!” “You can try dear, I will help you” She wasn’t kidding either. She fed me the whole tray. I thought I was going to explode I was so stuffed. It was nearly seven thirty by the time she had crammed the last mouthful into my mouth. She patted my distended belly and told me to take a nap. I was so full, I really did not care. I fell asleep for three hours. Mom woke me with a box of fresh donuts, still warm from the bakery. “Mom”, I protested in vain, “it is only ten thirty, I can’t eat again already!” “Sure you can dear, these are your favorites” She quickly stuck one in my mouth, all I could do was chew it up and sallow, before another one was shoved in right after it. I finished the whole box. “Why don’t you take a shower dear and get dressed for lunch.” She purred. “Mom, I’m still stuffed from breakfast, I can’t eat any lunch yet!” I said. She poked my bloated belly, smiled at me and left.

I struggled to my feet, I was so full. I slipped off my briefs, letting them slide to the floor. I stepped out of them and staggered to the bathroom. I showered, I was taken aback when I got a hard on lathering up my bloated belly! Of course all I could find to wear, was a clean pair of briefs, which felt tight around my bloated waist. The t-shirt that I found felt tight to me also and went downstairs.

My mother said to go in and watch TV for a while. I did but soon fell asleep. I just wasn’t used to being so full and bloated. Around one o’clock Mom woke me up and asked me to come into the kitchen. She had a large pizza sitting on the kitchen table for me, again it was a favorite of mind. I heavily sat down and started to protest as the first of eight huge slices was shoved into my mouth. She finished stuffing me around two o’clock. I was in a stupor I was so stuffed I sat there for a half hour, I couldn’t believe it when came over with an ice cream sundae and started to feed it to me.

She had to help me up and into the den where with her help I lowered myself into the recliner and of course fell asleep again. I dreamed of becoming so fat that I couldn’t walk or fit through doorways, my mom shoveling food into me as became even bigger.
I woke, embarrassed that I had had a wet dream. I got up, used the bathroom, stunned at my reflection in the mirror, I looked bloated and fat. I had only been fed for less than one day, and results were already showing up!

It was later than I thought. Mom had a huge dinner of pasta and alfredo sauce, a whole can of parmeasan cheese, a huge loaf of garlic bread smothered in butter and more ice cream. She smiled as I sat myself down to be fed again. I didn’t even protest, I just let her stuff me with the rich dinner. It took an hour for Mom and I to finish everything. I felt like a beached whale. I rubbed my distended stomach, burped and looked at my Mom. She was crying. “Honey, I’m so sorry to stuff you like this, but I don’t want to lose my baby to this awful war”, she sobbed. It was my turn. “Mom, I know, I’m sorry, I was selfish not to think of you and how much you worry. I talked to Sally, she promised she would still date me if I got fat. If this is the only way to keep me from being drafted, then I don’t mind you fattening me up.” I finished. I was beginning to get turned on by the feedings and I knew my mother meant well. She helped me up, patted my belly, and pinched my bottom (as she called my butt) as sent me to the den while she cleaned up.

I started to worry how Sally was doing with her grandmother. I really got worried when I imagined me getting fattened up by my mom and Sally not gaining any weight at her grandmother’s. What would happen then, she would dump me for sure, if I was huge and she was still thin! I didn’t have a thing to worry about.

Sally arrived at her grandmothers around two thirty. She got her stuff out of the cab, it was really hot and humid. Her grandmother’s house was in Florida, near the beach and water though, so the heat and humidity could be tolerated.

She was stunned when she saw her grandma, she had gained weight since spending Christmas with the family the previous winter. Her hips filled the doorway and her belly was even more pronounced than it was during the holidays. Grandma gave Sally a big huge. Sally could feel the softness of her body pressing against her, she smelled of cooking, Sally had a feeling of well being and happiness wash over her, she even felt a little turned holding her grandma’s sides.

Grandma insisted Sally change into a bikini and have lunch with her. She loved the way bikini’s looked on “young people” as she said it. Sally dutifully changed, she was a little embarrassed when she looked in the mirror of her bedroom and notice that her “freshman ten” showed up around the waist band and leg openings of her bikini panty. She ran her hand over her modest tummy and bottom, wondering how big they might get under grandma’s tutelage.

Grandma smiled admiring Sally’s figure in her bikini. She then served Sally a huge plateful of rich pasta and sauce. Sally started to protest, but Grandma said, “you are so skinny my dear, now eat up, I can’t send you back to your mom so skinny.” Sally groaned to herself and dug into the huge plateful of food, knowing it was no use protesting grandma’s portions. She finished her serving only to be served another one equally as large before she could utter a word of protest. She finally finished that serving, bloated and stuffed she was relieved that grandma cleared the table only to look up and see a large ice cream sundae plopped down in front of her. “Grandma,” she protested, “I can’t eat all this, I feel like I’m going to burst now” she cried. But Grandma just smiled as Sally started to spoon the rich desert into her mouth. When finished, Sally thought she would not be able to get up from the table, she felt so bloated. She was sweating she had eaten so much rich food. She got up with Grandma’s help and staggered out to the deck and heavily sat down. She patted her bloated tummy, thinking if this kept up, she would not be able to fit in this chair and a few weeks, and fell asleep.

She started dreaming of being really fat, looking like she was pregnant all the time and waddling around with a big bloated belly sticking out in front of her. She was startled when she woke up “wet” from her dream. She thought of Ned, what if his mother did not go through with her plan to fatten him up to avoid the draft, she would come home fat from her grandma’s overfeeding her and Ned would not have gained any weight, what then?
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Diva 3 years
This was so good, please make more with moms stuffing their sons