Draft belly

chapter 3

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Just then Grandma came out on the deck carrying a big plate of cookies. They smelled fantastic, Sally new she shouldn’t eat any more, but grandma insisted she have several and a big glass of whole milk. Sally lay in the sun wondering how big she would be in a few weeks. She was just about to doze off when her grandma called her in for dinner.

Sally got up, embarrassed by how big her tummy looked and went in for another huge meal in less than four hours. Grandma smiled as she noted Sally’s bloated little tummy sticking out from her bikini panty. Grandma was fat and she was an FFA also. She loved to see “young people” gain weight and get fat enjoying her wonderful cooking. To her, it was her goal in life to have fat, happy grand children, she was determined to reach her goal, one grandchild at a time!

But Sally did not know this. She groaned to herself when she saw the large macaroni and cheese casserole sitting on the table. Grandma served Sally a huge plateful, it was very good smothered in rich cheeses with a thick, rich sauce. Sally was surprised when she was able to finish off the plateful quickly only to be rewarded with another equally large serving and then another. Sally looked down at her bloated tummy as Grandma cleared the table for dessert. Grandma had a voraious sweet tooth and indulged it at every opportunity, especially when her grandchildren were around and tonight was no exception. She waddled out with a super rich mud pie. Sally knew it was her Grandma’s favorite and she also knew there was no way to beg off being to full to have any. Grandma served Sally a huge slice of pie and smothered it in chocolate sauce and watched gleefully as Sally struggled to eat it all.

When she was done it was late enough to go to bed. Sally helped Grandma clear and load the dishwasher. Grandma complemented her several times on her cute figure. Sally knew the complements were because of how bloated her tummy was bulging over her bikini panty. Sally kissed her Grandma good night, getting an affectionate poke in the tummy from her. She stripped off her bikini and got on her teddie. The damage to her figure from all the fat and calories was quite evident with her tummy bulging against the shear material of the teddie and the panty.

Sally woke up very early the next morning. She wasn’t surprised to see her once fairly flat tummy bloated out over her panties. She pulled on a t-shirt and her gym shorts which now were very tight with her freshman “ten” and two huge meals at Grandma’s.
Carefully bending down to tie her cross training shoes she tipped toed out to try to get some exercise. NOT.

Grandma was in the kitchen already, fixing a massive omelet for her “growing” grand daughter. She looked up to see Sally in work out clothes, she became quite upset. It was one thing for boys to exercise and be athletic, but never, ever for one of her grand daughters, young women did not exercise and that was that. She was so upset with Sally she started crying. “Sally, how could you go out and ruin your lovely figure getting all sweaty and out of breath, how could you child,” she sobbed. Sally felt awful, she hugged her grandma and kissed, she too started to cry, “I’m so sorry Grandma, I don’t know what came over me, I will never try to exercise again, I promise!” she sobbed. Grandma kissed her, “look what a fixed for you dear, now I want you to eat everything put in front of you, now promise be you will, dear.” “Oh yes Grandma I will eat everything, I’m so hungry now Grandma, let me start, please!” “Yes dear, now sit yourself down and eat up!” The eight egg omelet, smothered with cheese, filled with more rich cheese, ham, bacon and sausage was placed in front of the now quilt ridden Sally, who to her word gorged herself with the rich food until she thought she would burst! Sally burped leaned back in the chair rubbing her distended abdomen. Both Sally and Grandma knew that there would be no more resistance from Sally at all, She would dutifully eat every morsel placed in front of her. Sally struggled to her feet, her bloated tummy pushing down the waist band of her shorts, she dropped a fork, when she bend down to fetch it, her shorts split down the seam exposing her tight panties. She blushed, “I’m sorry Grandma, URPPP” she said burping again. “That’s good dear, shows you had a good meal, growing children should be proud to pop out of their clothes. Why don’t you take a nice shower and change into your cute little bikini to show Grandma your figure.” Sally burped again, “URPPP, yes Grandma”. She waddled into her bedroom to shower and change.

Stripping off the now ruin and useless jogging outfit, Sally scratched her burgeoning belly and wondered how Ned was doing, hoping that he was going to get as fat as she now knew she was going to get.

Mom sent me to bed early, around ten. I peeled off the tight t-shirt, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I climbed into bed, Mom came in with a plate of cookies and a big glass of milk, I let her feed them to me until the glass and plate were empty. She kissed me and turned off the light. I lay in bed worrying about Sally, what would happen if she didn’t gain any weight? Rubbing my bloated belly I got hard again, I had the same dream about getting really, really fat again too. Mom woke me up around two thirty for a special milk shake, ok fine, I drank it down, surprisingly filling, for her and she turned off the light and kissed me again.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Diva 3 years
This was so good, please make more with moms stuffing their sons