Draft belly

chapter 5

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Mom decided that since I had been inside for last few days, she would take me to the buffet restaurant by the highway. It was great. Mom was impressed at how much I ate that night, when we finally left, I was so engorged I had trouble waddling out to the car.

While I was waddling to the car behind Mom, I noticed that her pants and shirt were getting tight. Her bottom swayed and jiggled on top of her now more pronounced hips. She also had some serious panty lines. When she sat down beside me, I couldn’t help noticing she was also getting a belly too. It had not occurred to me at the buffet, but Mom was really putting away the plates of food too.

Around three Grandma waddled in to wake up Sally with a big plate of cookies for her. Sally sat up and smiled licking her lips anticipating eating all of the cookies. Grandma did not disappoint her she fed Sally the cookies herself. Sally lay back propped up with pillows, her bloated belly bulging out onto her thighs. She put her hand on Grandma’s hand, looking her in the eyes, she place her hand on her bloated belly, “Grandma, I am so sorry for what I did this morning, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I promise I won’t get any exercise at all. I want to get Fat, for you and for my Ned.” Grandma leaned over and hugged her now plump little grand daughter and kissed her. “You are so cute dear, I am sorry I got so upset. You reminded me of your Aunt Linda.” Sally asked, “Really Aunt Linda’s beautiful, Grandma, I love how her belly sticks out making her look pregnant all the time, she is so nice, too.”
“Well dear, when your Uncle Charlie wanted to marry Linda, she had been a marathon runner in college, she only weighed, 100 lbs. I did not want them to get married, she was so skinny she disgusted me. She came down to see me a few months after they were engaged. She wanted to know what I thought of her and was there anyway to change my opinion. I told her point blank, gain weight and get fat or no blessing from me. She smiled, and said, “I thought that was what you wanted, well I have finished running now, and I want to marry your son Charlie, I will get as fat as you want me to.” She stripped off her clothes down to her panties and bra and sat down at my table. I started feeding and stuffing her, even more than I have been feeding you. I have to admit she could really eat, I was surprised, it took us a while to get her metabolism to slow down, but once it did she started to gain. By the wedding day she had gained nearly sixty pounds and she had trouble waddling up the steps of the church, her thighs and belly had gotten to large.
She had the widest smile on her face I have ever seen she was so proud of her new body and marrying Charley. She continued to gain after they got married especially when she got pregnant.

Sally had tears in her eyes. “Grandma, can you help me get fat too. Ned has to gain at least one hundred pounds, or he may get drafted. I promised to get fat for him Grandma.”

Grandma hugged her, she poked Sally’s bloated belly, “We have work to do this summer, dear.” Sally shrieked, “Oh Grandma, thank you, thank you, I will eat whatever you tell me to eat!”

I had the confidence now to eat as much is I could for my mom and Sally. Mom and I planned my menus for maximum calories and fat. I ate six times a day, weight gain shakes, snacking, over eating at every chance I got. I avoided any and all exercise I got as lazy as I could lying on the couch or in bed and it paid off.

I got a notice for my draft physical in late August, Mom was upset, but I was confident that I would be fat enough. When I waddled into the MEPS I weighed two hundred and ninety pounds gaining over one hundred pounds during the summer. I had to wear XXL sweats, my waist was 51” my rear was so fat that it was 54” around. They classified me as morbidly obese. I could barely do any of the tests I was so FAT!
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Diva 3 years
This was so good, please make more with moms stuffing their sons