Draft belly

chapter 6

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Mom had gained weight too. I was surprised she had been 5’6” and around 130 pounds for years, but all the over eating I was doing and how clearly I was enjoying it. She got wrapped up nibbling and snacking with me joining me in my many meals even sampling the weight gain shakes sometimes. I thought she looked great, most of the new weight had settled on her belly and hips. She now had a nice little waddle, she weighed 180, she looked pregnant, her belly stuck out so far.

Sally and Grandma had a wonderful summer of eating, eating and more eating. Sally ballooned under her Grandma skillful cooking and feeding. Sally true to her word did not get any exercise at all she laid around snacking and nibbling all day. Grandma taught her the best most fattening recipes.

Grandma had to buy Sally new panties and bras for expanding figure, Sally loved to waddle around the house bloated with rich food in her panties, Grandma even found some large size bikinis for her too. Sally now looker nine months pregnant with triplets. Her belly stuck out so far she had trouble seeing in front of herself. Her breasts remained modest, but her bottom became round and soft, it jiggled whenever she walked, waddled around the house. Her weight had gone from 125 to 190 pounds and she loved every ounce of it. Grandma was so proud her fat little grand daughter, she had sculpted a masterpiece!

I called Sally with the great news about flunking the draft physical. Sally couldn’t weight to see her now huge fat boyfriend. Grandma wanted to see me again. Mom wanted to meet Grandma. Grandma invited Mom and I to her house for a weekend, after which we would bring her latest masterpiece back home.

We drove down, or I should say Mom drove, I couldn’t fit behind the wheel of our car. I was so nervous, I had bought a ring for Sally, Mom didn’t even know about it. When we pulled up I struggled out of the car. I was way out of shape, but still loving my new girth.
Sally waddled out on the porch, she shrieked with joy when she saw me, I was in awe, she looked fantastic, her belly was huge, giving her a massively pregnant look, her bottom bounced up and down as she waddled down the steps to hug me. Our huge bellies touched first, we both giggled, poking each other’s fat, it was great. “Sally, you are so beautiful honey, you look fantastic, baby, your belly and bottom are amazing.” I cried. “Oh Ned, you look amazing, your are so huge, your belly is awesome!” “Thanks Sal” I said kissing her.

Sally gave Mom a hug, complementing her on her gain. Mom kissed her, “Sally dear you look so happy and contented and lovely dear.” “Thanks, Mrs. Fox, you look so wonderful, too.” Mom, blushed, “I have to tell you something dear, when I started to fatten up our Ned, I was getting so turned on, my only outlet was to eat along with Ned. I can really see now why you and Ned wanted to gain weight and get fat. I love my new body, I love being able to eat all I want whenever I want and not worry about fitting into clothes or needing to exercise.” Sally hugged Mom again, and said, “Let’s go in and get STUFFED, Grandma and I have fixed the richest most fattening meal we could think of and we made a ton of it.”

We all waddled up the steps, Grandma loved Mom, they giggled and chatted Mom was in awe of Grandma girth. We sat down at the table as dish after dish came out from the kitchen. Sally had to use a cart to bring out the platters, her belly was so big she had trouble carrying anything in front of her. It was pretty hot, Grandma suggested we change into bathing suits and t-shirts. Mom did not bring anything but Grandma had a bathing suit that would fit Mom. I had to admit, though I could not keep my eyes off of Sally’s huge belly, Mom was impressive in her borrowed suit. Sally waddled out of her bedroom into my wildest dreams, she was so impressive. The suit panty enhanced her belly and bottom. Mom said for me to just strip to my briefs and t-shirt.

We started our victory feast. My success at the draft physical, Sally’s gain, my gain and my Mom’s gain were the reason for the feast. We gorged ourselves on the rich food for hours. Grandma and Sally kept bringing out more and more food. We kept on eating and eating, finally around four thirty, four massively distended bellies were full. We all sat back looking and admiring the biggest bellies we had all seen.

Sally looked so awesome to me she just glowed, she was so happy rubbing her huge belly. She smiled at me, I looked down at my own massive belly, my waist had I measured it was now nearly 55 inches. It sagged down pushing my legs apart.

Mom had really filled out Grandma’s old swimsuit. She looked nine months pregnant in it, her belly was so bloated. She had her hands on both sides of her tummy shaking and caressing it. Grandma just sat back admiring her now fat grand daughter, my big belly and my Mom.

My Mom helped me and Sally to our feet, we waddled out to the porch and carefully lowered ourselves into chairs. Sally giggled, I asked, “What honey?” She giggled again as she struggled up out of the now too small chair, “I thought a couple of months ago I would get so big that I would not fit in this chair again, and I was right!”

I laughed too. “Sally”, I said. “Yes Ned,” she answered. “Will you marry me?” I asked.
Sally shrieked, “Oh Ned yes, yes of course I will marry you.” She cried. We were married that fall. In the fall of ’72 President Nixon ended that draft. My massive weight gain would have been for naught, had Sally’s grandma not fatten her up for me.

Sally and I now live in Florida with her Grandma. We run a B & B catering to large couples and families.
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Diva 3 years
This was so good, please make more with moms stuffing their sons