Mistaken destiny

chapter 2

Sally tried to calm down and get some sleep, she finally nodded off at nearly two in the morning rubbing her bloated tummy. She dreamed of being force fed like the girls on Stuffer31’s website. The next morning she was still turned on and her only outlet was FOOD!

Sally surfed while eating every breakfast food in her condo, she stuffed herself with a whole box of cereal, with milk and sugar, then all the pop tarts, she fixed half a loaf of bread as toast and smothered every piece with peanut butter and honey.

By ten thirty, Sally was stuffed and bloated. She was running her hands over her bloated little belly, dressed only in a bikini panty and t-shirt she struggled to get control of herself.

Sitting on the couch rubbing her aching belly, she thought of Matt in a whole new light. “If he really is into fat and chubby girls, then that’s what I will do to get him!” Sally thought.

She downloaded Matt’s story to her desk top and put the disc back in the package. She started to think of a strategy to hook Matt too!

Still in her bikini panty and t-shirt, Sally pranced around her condo sticking out her little belly. She was trying to figure out how to let Matt know that she would be willing to gain weight, but how to do it without looking like an idiot, if he was not into chubby little fatties.

She was still turned on at two in the afternoon, she pulled on some sweats and went out and bought a huge Big Mac, large fries, chocolate shake and two deserts. Back in her condo in just a panty and t-shirt Sally stuffed herself with the heavy fast food.

Lying on her couch rubbing her distended, bloated belly she came up with a plan to capture Matt’s lust and hopefully his heart.

Sally picked out one of her smallest dresses, that was just a bit too short. It had a belt that tied around just under her boobs accentuating her waist, now somewhat bloated. She picked out some sexy panties in a contrasting color so Matt would notice if she flashed any cheek! She made sure the high rise, French cut panties would cut in to her expanding waist and show a nice roll through her dress!

Matt waited for Sally at Angelo’s Restaurant. He was a little nervous that Sally may have looked at the disc and seen his pictures and story. Soon he spotted Sally walking in from the parking lot.

“Whoa” thought Matt, “She is really looking hot, that dress is barely covering her! The way the material clings to her panties, Wow! Is that a bit of a belly I see too.”

Sally smiled as Matt stood up to greet her. She surprised him by giving him a hug. Matt thought, “Did she just press her belly against me?”

“Sally you look great tonight, I didn’t think you would dress up for our little “exchange”. Sally blushed a bit, “Matt, I wanted to impress you, I hope you don’t think I am to forward or some sort of nerd, do you?” “Oh not at all Sally, I hope I did not make you uncomfortable, I just wanted to compliment on how great you look tonight, that’s all, really.” Stammered Matt.

Sally smiled now relieved that Matt thought she looked great in her short little dress.

Matt and Sally were seated a table, Matt pulled out the chair for Sally to sit down, he could swear her saw her panties peeking out from her dress and much to his delight showing a little plumpness around Sally’s thigh.

They ordered wine and an appetizer before ordering. Sally made sure she ate with gusto, but without being to piggy. She did noticed Matt looking at an overweight housewife who was nearly bursting out of her dress a couple of tables over.

They had another glass of wine before ordering. Sally was now relaxing with the alcohol calming her down. She giggled and chatted with Matt, and liked him more and more as they talked.

When it came time to order dinner Sally made sure she ordered a large, heavy entre. Matt thought, “She is so tiny, how does she eat like this and not get fat? Oh Shit! What if she read my story? Well if she did, she has not said anything and she is certainly acting like a girl who does not care about her weight!”

Sally was thinking, “This is great, Matt is even nicer than I dared hope. I could not believe the look in his eyes watching the housewife a couple of tables over. He really likes to watch me eat too, I am going to have really pack it in tonight to really turn him on!”

The waiter brought over their salads and a bread basket, Sally made sure she ate several bread sticks and all of her salad. When the entres came Sally laid into it savoring every bite eating as quickly as she could but not to fast as to make Matt suspicious.

Sally and Matt chatted as they ate. Sally was sure to tell him that her sisters and Mom were all pretty heavy if not fat. She could see Matt’s interest perk up with that discussion.

Matt could not believe how much Sally was eating. She seemed so petite, but she pounding down a huge plate of linguini and alfredo sauce like it was a snack!
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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