Mistaken destiny

chapter 3

Sally was grateful that her last three meals had been binges. Her stomach was well stretched out to receive the huge plate of heavy linguini. She could feel her belly bloating with nearly each bite she took.

When Sally had cleared her plate, she looked up at Matt and giggled, “God I am so stuffed, that was so good, but I think I ate too much, I feel like I am going to burst!”

Matt was transfixed by the view of Sally’s distended belly, clearly bulging under her short dress, pressing against the belt just under her boobs.

Giggling again, Sally said, “Matt I think you need to drive me home, I have had too much to drink and especially to much to eat to drive myself!” She patted her now clearly bulging belly, which Sally was deliberately sticking out as far as she could.

Matt paid the check, he came around the table to help an engorged Sally to her feet. He slid back the chair looking down on Sally from behind, he could see her soft, white tummy between her pert little breasts. Sally had to push herself up with her arms on the chair to stand up. She leaned back arching her back to support her ballooning belly.

Not only Matt but several other patrons got a nice little panty flash as Sally’s bulging belly lifted her already short dress up even higher. The panty waist band cut into her bloated tummy flesh showing a nice roll which the material clung to.

Matt helped Sally half waddle half stagger to his car. He got another great view of her belly and thighs as he helped her sit down in his car. He came around to the driver’s side and got in.

“Matt did you have a nice time tonight?” asked a smirking, giggling Sally. Matt blushed, “You read my story didn’t you Sally?” Sally giggled, patting her bulging abdomen. “That , I hope is pretty obvious by now, Matt. I was so turned on by your story, I have been bingeing since I read it!” Just then Sally burped. “Excuse me, God I made such a pig of myself tonight. Matt are you sure I did not gross you out stuffing myself?” asked an engorged, slightly drunk Sally.

Matt smiled, “I have never had a better first date or for that matter any date that tops tonight! Sally you are awesome!”

Though both of them wanted to jump each other, they cooled off enough just to plan another date from Sunday morning at a brunch buffet!

Matt drove Sally to her condo and helped upstairs. Sally giggled and hugged him good night as well as a peck on the cheek. She giggled, “I don’t want you to see me in my undies, just yet, I have more work to do,” patting her bloated tummy and bottom, now both nearly showing through the tight, short dress.

Matt blushed, “Sally you are so HOT, be ready tomorrow morning ten sharp!”

After Matt left, Sally pulled off her dress in the foyer and pranced around her condo in just her bra and panties sticking out her bloated belly as far as she could. She loved to look at herself in the mirrors, giggling “Finally I have a boyfriend who wants me to gain weight, this is so cool.” She finally calmed down and used the bathroom, brushed her teeth and went to bed.

The next morning Sally woke up famished, she had pretty well cleaned out her condo of any extra food and snacks, she also wanted to save her appetite for brunch with Matt. She showered and pulled on bikini panties and a matching bra. She found a sun dress that was just a little too small, but in all the right places. Sally wanted to be sure Matt got a great view of her expanding body!

Ten on the dot, Matt pulled up and came up to get Sally. She met him halfway down the stairs. Giggling, “Matt hurry please I am starving I am so famished, I can’t weight to get to the buffet” shrieked Sally.

“Sally that sun dress is awesome, you look so hot!” Sally kissed Matt, letting him run his hand down her side, feeling the beginning of little love handles above the waist band of her bikini panties. “It will look even more awesome when I get nice and full again!” she giggled. Matt nearly fell down the stairs with desire!

They arrived at the restaurant, Sally practically ran inside. Matt paid the fee as Sally started to fill the first of several plates with rich, heavy breakfast foods. She plopped down at a table and just started to shovel the food into her mouth, but without being to much of a slob about it.

Matt could only go back and fill plates for her, in awe, as plate after plate of rich heavy food disappeared into Sally’s mouth. Sally indulged in pancakes, omelets, French toast, scrabble eggs with cheese, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding covered with butter, bread sticks, wine and finally a good portion of a cheese cake.

By noon, Sally was an FA’s dream. Her engorged belly bulged under the tight material of her sun dress. Her tight bra and panties were showing through the dress too. Sally was bleary eyed, bloated, distended, engorged and never more turned on or happy.

Matt was pretty stuffed too. There is nothing like watching a girl gorge herself right in front of you to stimulate the appetite.

Matt helped Sally stand up. She had to arch her back again to lift her engorged belly. She giggled, looking down or her bloated abdomen, “Matt you better get me home, I need some serious belly rubs to digest all of this!”

Matt could swear that several of the guys there were staring in envy looking at Sally literally had to waddle, she so engorged, while their dates or significant other picked and complained at their food.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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