Mistaken destiny

chapter 4

Matt lowered Sally into the passenger seat of his car. Her tight sundress riding up on her thighs and bloated belly as Matt lifted her legs into the car. Sally giggled, “You might have to get used to doing this!” Matt just chuckled, “I would love too!”

Matt helped Sally staggered up to her condo. She unlocked the door and Matt helped her inside. Immediately Sally started to try to get her now tight sundress off. “Matt help me pull this off, over my head, please dearest.” Matt pulled the dress off and was rewarded with a fantastic view of Sally’s engorged, bloated belly in tight panties and bra. She spun around, with her arm up in the air. She almost fell, Matt grabbed her and she wrapped her arms around him and in a low throaty voice, “Baby, I hope you like what you see, because after this weekend, I am never, ever going to diet or watch what I eat again! I am going to eat everything I want and stuff myself when ever I feel like it.

Matt kissed Sally hard on the lips, caressing her bloated form. “Sally you are so hot!”

“Matt help me to the couch, I need you to rub my belly, I feel like I am going to burst, I am so stuffed!” Giggled Sally. Sally slouched on the couch, her bloated belly sticking up in the air. Matt started to caress it rubbing softly to ease the pressure. Sally burped, “Matt, take off you pants, I hope you have on briefs!” Matt chuckled, “I do wear briefs. I feel that if a guy wants his girlfriend to show off her figure in little bikini panties and bathing suits, then he should be willing to show off a little too!” Sally smiled, “I like that!”

Matt and Sally fooled around on the couch, Matt rubbing and fondling Sally’s bloated tummy, while Sally squeezed Matt’s butt in his briefs. “Sally did you really mean, what you said about dieting and watching your weight when we got home from the buffet?”
Sally giggled, “Yes Matt I did, I really do not like exercising. It has been a struggle for me to maintain this figure (patting her tummy) since I graduated from college and started working. I thought the only way I could find Mr. Right, was to stay slim, but now, that I have seen the FA community, I don’t want to worry about my weight anymore!”

Just then Sally belly growled. Sally giggled, “Well that settles it, I need to eat again!”

Sally pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants, Matt just pulled back on his trousers and they went down to the car.

After going through several drive-thrus, Matt and Sally came back to her condo for a feeding session. Matt gleefully fed, and Sally happily ate everything they had bought. By eight thirty, Sally’s belly was bulging again. She was giddy she was so turned on prancing around the condo in her panties and t-shirt with her bloated belly jiggling over the waist band of the panty. Matt was in heaven watching her.

Sally and Matt fooled around for a couple of hours, barely in control of themselves. Matt left Sally in her panties caressing her belly.

The next morning Matt brought donuts to Sally’s cubicle. They discreetly kissed, Sally giggling, “Matt I gained five pounds this weekend! I feel so turned on, my clothes already feel tighter!”

Over the next few months, Matt and Sally were inseparable. They went out to lunch, dinner and drinks with their co-workers. Everyone was amazed how happy they seemed to be. They were also noticing that Sally was gaining weight.

Two months after their first date and weekend together, Sally had gained seventeen pounds. She had gone up three dress sizes, her thighs were now round and smooth, she had an adorable little bubble bottom, and a very nice round, plump tummy, that bulged over her low rise jeans. In her panties she had round soft love handles that jiggled with every move she made, her tummy was bulging out almost as far as her boobs.

One night after dating for over four months Sally and Matt were hanging out at his condo, both dressed only in underwear, Matt in bikini cut briefs that Sally had bought him, Sally in a three sizes to small nylon bikini panty, her round tummy sticking up, now full of her third helping of Chinese food.

Sally giggled, patting her belly, making is jiggle, “Matt I think you need to pop the question before I pop! I don’t want to waddle down the aisle on my wedding day!”

Matt looked Sally in the eyes, reaching over to the end table, he pulled out a velvet box, “Funny you should mention pop the question, Babe, I was thinking it is time to make an honest woman out of you, especially now that you are up to “Marrying Weight!”

Sally shrieked, “YES oh Matt I am so happy right now, I love you so much!”

On the visit home to Sally’s parents the family was amazed at how much weight Sally had gained and how happy she was about it. Sally and Matt decided that she should wait until after the wedding to gain substantially more weight.

The visit home was a challenge to that decision. Two of Sally’s sisters were pregnant, both several months along. The husbands were dutifully helping them “eat for two” which turned Sally on to no end. They pranced around in panties and t-shirts when the guys were hanging out, showing off their amazing round bellies.

Finally the wedding arrived. It was a beautiful service and reception. Many of guests were startled at how much the wedding party, especially the bride and her sisters ate.

Sally’s will power finally relinquished control of her appetite. Sally never was without a plate of food in her hands. Matt dutifully made sure of that. Sally practically gorged herself at the buffet.

When it was time to cut the cake, Sally was just about to burst out of her dress, but she was so happy she did not care.

She and Matt cut the cake and stuffed pieces into each other mouths to the cheers of friends and family.

Matt had to drag Sally away, she ate three pieces of cake was starting on a fourth, and they had to make the flight for their honeymoon.

While changing, Matt had to help Sally out her dress, it was so tight that he could barely un-zip it. He was rewarded with a great view of Sally in tight lacy bikini panties and camisole with a bulging, bloated engorged belly. Sally giggling patting her belly making it jiggle, she burped, “Maybe I should say goodbye to me feet, while I can still see them!”
Matt kissed her, poking her belly, “I think you should Babe, I think this is going to get pretty big in a few days!”

Matt and Sally ran the gauntlet of rice throwing well wishers to the limo and off the airport for their flight to a six week cruise!

The cruise was just the excuse Sally was waiting for the totally let go and EAT! She stuffed herself for the entire cruise. She frequented every restaurant, kiosk, snack bar, grille and room service trying everything on the menu. Matt lovingly watched his new bride indulge herself to her hearts desire. Sally wore her bikinis with pride as her belly and bottom ballooned under the on slaught of rich food. By the end of the cruise, Sally had gained over thirty pounds!

Sally’s parents were thrilled when they picked the newly weds at the airport on their return to town. Sally’s mom poked her daughters amazing, round belly, “You look so happy all nice and plump, dearest, it certainly looks like you had a good time!” Sally patted her belly, making it jiggle under her tight blouse, “Mom, I love having this tummy, I am so happy right now I could eat a buffet!”

Matt and Sally moved into his condo. It took the neighbors a little while to get used to Sally’s habit of wearing tight bikinis at the pool, showing off her amazing round belly, bulging out from just under her pert boobs curving down to her round, plump thighs!
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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