Weighty matters

chapter 2

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Matt got home, totally pissed at his situation. Took off his clothes and tossed them in the closet, thinking, “if Mr. Himmle has his way, I won’t be fitting into theses anymore!” In his bikini cut briefs and a t-shirt Matt got out a beer and nearly chugged it down and then another and another. Catching a buzz, he decided to “stuff” getting some plastic dry cleaner bags he kept for just this purpose and stuffed his t-shirt and briefs with the plastic and pretended to waddle around his condo. He ate a huge lunch of several cheese burgers, potato salad and several more beers. Now bloated with food and beer, Matt fell asleep on his couch. He had a dream about becoming massively obese, bigger than even Mr. Himmle, waddling around the office making calls and setting new records for sales. All the cute plump secretaries swooned over his massive belly and bottom. They always brought him donuts and pasties so they could watch his belly swell as he ate them.

Matt woke with a start, it was now dark out, he had his “stuffing” still in and for a second he thought he was really fat! He started to think about the dream, “I could get really, really fat and show Mr. Himmle what I can really do.”

Matt called and ordered two large, deep dish, pepperoni pizzas and two liters of Coke and desert sticks and frosting. He answered the door with the stuffing still in his underpants and t-shirt startling the driver (who soon would get used to it!).

Matt stuffed himself, getting up later that night to finish off the remaining food. The next morning after enjoying a shower with his growing belly he went out to breakfast, had double orders of French toast, pancakes, bacon and sausage. He felt he would explode when he left the diner went back to his condo. He admonished himself for walking, patting his now noticeable belly, “No more exercise for you!”

Jennifer met with the clients that afternoon. They all went to lunch, and Jennifer made sure she ate as much as she could. She did not want to offend “her ladies” with looking like she was dieting or disapproving of their life style. They talked at lunch about how all of them had chosen either to remain fat after some event or just slow gaining or even deliberately gaining weight.

Jennifer felt a tingle at the thought of deliberately gaining weight. She asked several questions in regard to weight gain and over eating in general. Jennifer found that she was getting turned on listening to their stories of midnight binges and stuffing parties.

After seeing her clients off, Jennifer went to her office. Her secretary, Marge, came in.
She just loved “the ladies”, she even said she envied their girth. Jennifer asked, “Marge, would you like to get as big as they are?” Marge giggled, “Jen honey, I would love to just let go and eat to my hearts content.” Jennifer sighed, “I think I would like to just let go and eat all I can. I loved hearing their stories about eating and eating, about getting totally stuffed and then doing it again!” Marge looked at Jennifer, “Jen you have such a cute figure, would you really consider doing that to yourself?” Jennifer answered, “Marge this is a really big case for the firm, I want to be able to totally relate to my clients and their situation. Plus, it is a struggle for me to maintain this “cute figure” I really don’t like working out or exercise in general, my mother and her sister are all at least as big as our clients, I just think why not?” Marge replied, “It would be so much fun too, just eating all you want, that would be so great!” Jennifer asked, “If I did it, I mean if I gained a ton of weight and got really fat, would you do it too?” “Oh God, Jen you are really serious… Yes, if it was ok with my George, I would stuff myself to oblivion with you!” Jennifer asked, “How long will it take you to ask George?” Marge giggled, “About as long as it takes me to dial this phone.”

Marge got George on the line, she explained the new case, the clients, their lunch with them today and then Jennifer’s proposition, “George, dearest, can I get fat with Jennifer?”
George chuckled, “Yes you may dear, on one condition.” “What’s that honey?” asked Marge. “That I can help and that you won’t mine if I fill out a bit myself.” Marge shrieked, “Oh darling I love you so much, dear, I might be a little late tonight, Jen and I might have to do some “work”. Marge hung up the phone and hugged her new bingeing buddy. Jennifer said, “Ok I want to be sure Mr. Faber is on board with this, let’s see if we can see him right now.”

Mr. Faber saw them immediately. When Jennifer told him what she and Marge planned to do he was thrilled. “You two would really get fat to handle this case, that is fantastic, I knew you would be the right person for this case, Jennifer, I could not be more proud of you both. Let me take you to my club for a nice big celebratory dinner!”

“That would be wonderful Mr. Faber, let Marge and I get our things and we will meet you in the firm’s reception area.” “Very good ladies, I will be waiting.” Replied ,Mr. Faber.

Marge giggled, “Jen we need to go to the restroom.” “Why?” Asked Jennifer. “We need to take off our panty hose. I hate getting really full wearing panty hose, especially control tops.” Replied Marge. Jennifer giggled, “This feels so wicked and naughty I can’t weight to just get stuffed at dinner tonight and with Mr. Faber, I’m sure we will too.”

Jennifer was right. Mr. Faber drove them to his club. He was the long time serving house chairman, so the wait staff new him very well and catered to his every whim.

After they were seated, Mr. Faber insisted that he order for Jennifer and Marge. He ordered the twenty-four ounce prime ribs, making sure there is a good layer of fat on them, Yorkshire pudding with extra butter, mashed potatoes with sour cream and extra butter and a heavy rich casserole. He then ordered two bottles of wine, to enhance the appetites of the ladies.

When the food arrived, he said, “I will do the talking, you do the eating. Eat as fast as you can, have plenty of wine I will see you both home, if you ladies are wearing any tight fitting clothes, especially around “the middle” loosen them now.” Jen giggled, Mr. Faber, you sound as though you have experience at fattening up!” Mr. Faber winked at Jennifer, “Yes my dear I do.” Patting his substantial belly he told them the story of his relationship with his late wife.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.