Weighty matters

chapter 12

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Jen too, had continued to gain, with the encouragement of her team, she became rounder with plump thighs and a round, soft, bubble bottom that jiggled with every move she made.

Her co-workers too, were expanding a prodigious rate. Marge had to start using a scooter just to get around the office. George bought it for her the week after the celebration around the pool.

Heather had grown plumper in all the right places. She looked several months pregnant with a round bulging belly. Her bottom was to die for, perfectly round sitting atop equally round thighs. Heather wore dresses and skirts that showed off her expanding assets.

Their clients were devoted to their legal team. They always sent treats and other goodies to show their appreciation of the lawyers.

The trial date neared, Jen had ballooned to over one eighty pounds. Her thighs now were as big as her old waist size. She had a pronounced waddle that made her now huge beach ball bottom bounce up and down. Her belly would swing from side to side when ever she waddled around the office.

The trial date arrived, Jen had not gained anymore weight. She had been so busy. Marge now used the scooter for all of her movements she was so huge. Heather had turned into a Minnie Jen, she had gained so much weight. The clients were so impressed, their legal team that only a few month before had them worried about how they could be empathetic to their size issues were all now the same size as the clients.

Jury selection went very well, the jury pool contained many BBW’s and BHM’s. The opposition tried to keep them off the jury, but they ran out of challenges. Jen managed to seat a very ample jury.

Opening statements went well. The opposition would make snide comments and be chastised by the Judge.

As witness after witness told of how badly the clients had been treated just because they were obese or overweight, Jen and the team knew they had it won.

The deliberations lasted only a few hours, the jury brought back guilty verdicts on all issues, finding fault and malice. The clients won millions in damages.

Mr. Faber made Jen a full partner in the firm, prompting several other male and female associates to either start gaining or leave for “leaner” pastures.

Matt now weighed over three hundred pounds. His waist now was sixty-one inches as hips or bubble beach ball bottom as Jen loved to call it was sixty-seven inches. Matt now had to buy all of clothes through the company. Matt decided that he was now fat enough to confront Mr. Himmle and start working again. Though he was worried about re-starting his old routine, he had become so fat and lazy he was worried he would be able to get up and go to work and last a whole eight hours.

So on Friday, the same day Jennifer and her team won the court case. Matt waddled, literally, into Mr. Himmle’s office. “Well Mr. Himmle, I am back, I think you will agree that I have met the obligations of my original agreement/contract and then some.” Patting his massive belly causing it to quiver.

Mr. Himmle was stunned, the once fairly fit Matt Fox was now obese and huge. “Matt how did you get so fat, you look absolutely huge. Please sit down, it must a strain to stay standing.” Matt lowered his huge body into a large chair filling it. His belly spreading his legs apart. “I never intended for you to get this fat, Matt” stammered Mr. Himmle, obviously stunned at the huge, round young man in front of him.

Matt patted his huge belly. “Mr. Himmle I want to thank you, if you had not insisted that I gain weight, I would never had become this fat. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself these past months, I never new how enjoyable and pleasurable overeating could be. I met a beautiful young women, who for other reasons was also gaining a massive amount of weight. We have become very close, and I am going to marry her! I want to get back to work, though I have become very lazy and sedentary with all of this fat on me, but I do want to get into the swing of things again.”

“Matt we have missed you here. I was very worried that you would just quit instead of gaining weight. But I am so impressed with the “new you” that I am not only giving you back your old job, but promoting you to senior vice president for both marketing and customer service.” Stated Mr. Himmle. “I am also increasing your salary by fifty percent and increasing your bonus program.”

“Thank you Mr. Himmle, I am so glad you stuck to your word on the contract, I am going to go down to my office and show off all of this, shaking his belly, to the staff.”

Matt waddled down the hall to his office. His secretary, a little plumper named Carol looked up, “May I help you sir?” Matt laughed launching his body in motion. “Carol it is me, Matt!” Carol looked up again, “Oh My God, Matt you are so huge, I can’t believe how big you are. How much to you weigh?” Matt chuckled, “Over three hundred pounds.” He replied patting his massive belly.

Carol had always had a thing for Matt, but since he was so slim before, she never really was attracted to him, but now! She almost fainted when Matt waddled past her into his office, she could not believe how fat he was his bottom was gigantic. Matt looked around, but he was getting tired, he was not used to standing much less walking this much in one day. He gave Carol a peck on the cheek leaning up against her she almost fainted again and headed back to his car. (Carol’s merely overweight husband, started on a new gaining weight diet that very day.)
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.