Weighty matters

chapter 13

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Matt got home around six in the evening. He pulled off his suit, revealing bikini cut underpants. He patted his huge belly, making it quiver. He could not weight to tell Jen about his promotion and raise.

Jen and her “team” went out for a victory dinner or gorge with Mr. Faber and their clients. They went to Mr. Faber’s favorite Italian restaurant. The rich food and wine flowed for hours into expanding bellies. By ten that evening Jen was so bloated and stuffed she could not lean forward to get up out of her chair. A waiter dutifully helped her stagger to her feet and waddle to her car.

Jen got into the car, the first thing she did was unzip her suit skirt, causing her belly to surge forward popping several buttons off of her blouse. She giggled patting her belly, “that was a meal to remember, I wish Matt had been there, he loves to eat Italian food”, thought Jen.

Jen drove into the parking garage, now barely wearing any thing but tight panties and a blown out blouse, she hoped it was late enough that none of her neighbors would be up and about to see her in this condition. She waddled to the elevator and pressed her floor, hoping the car would not stop on the way to fourteen. She was in luck she arrived at fourteen without anyone seeing her and waddled into her condo. She quickly stripped off what was left of her suit and underwear and struggled into a teddi bikini outfit.

She lowered herself onto the couch and dialed Matt’s number. “Hello” answered Matt. Jen shrieked, “We won and won millions in an award, Mr. Faber has made me a full partner in the firm too!” “That’s Great honey”, replied Matt.

“Matt how was your meeting with Mr. Himmle?” asked Jen. “It could not have gone better if I had planned it.” Replied Matt. I got a promotion too, to Senior Vice President in charge of marketing and customer service and a fifty percent pay raise.” “Oh Matt, that’s fantastic can you come up, I ate so much at our celebratory dinner that I can barely move, BUUURRRP.” “Sure babe, I ate a lot at dinner tonight but I think I can muster my strength to come up.” Replied Matt.

Matt let himself in as Jen was to bloated and gorged to move off of the couch. He was amazed at how big Jen’s belly had swollen to with all of the rich food. She was caressing her belly, trying not to belch and hic up.

She smiled up at Matt, from where she sat she saw mostly his massive belly jiggling as he waddled into the room.

He lowered himself onto the couch. He patted Jen’s belly, feeling how taught it was. “Whoa, somebody had an awesome meal tonight!” Matt never felt more in love with Jen until that moment, he was so in love with her and her fantastic figure, he could not believe that only a few short months ago she weighed only 110 lbs.

Jen asked, “How was your day at work, did you have trouble moving around and standing so much?” “Yeah Jen I did, I have gotten so fat and lazy that it is really hard to do much of anything for more the a few minutes at a time. I may have to use some of the exercise equipment to strengthen my legs to carry all of this.” Matt replied shaking his huge belly.

Jen frowned, “Well don’t work out to much, I would be very disappointed and sad if lost any of this fantastic belly you have grown!” Matt, chuckled, “Don’t you worry, the last thing I am going to do is lose any weight!”

Matt looked into Jen’s eyes, “Jen, I love you so much, not just because you helped me get fat and let me help fatten you up, though this has been the most erotic thing I have ever done. Will you marry me?”

Jen started to cry, “Oh Matt, a thousands times YES! I love you so much you are so hot, I loved feeding you watching you get fatter and fatter! I want to be with you the rest of my life!!”

Jen called her Mom, who shrieked for joy at the news. While Jen was talking to her Mom, Matt fondled Jen’s huge belly and bottom getting her so turned on that they made passionate love the rest of the evening.

The next morning they started making calls to announce the news all the while gorging themselves on rich breakfast treats.

Mr. Faber was overjoyed, he asked Jen if he could give her away, as her dad had passed away and number of years ago. Jen was delighted, she had wanted to ask Mr. Faber to do so, but now he asked her.

Jen’s Mom insisted that she wear her wedding dress. Her Mom flew out a couple of weeks before the wedding, much to her Mom’s delight the dress was to big for Jen. Mom poked Jen’s ample tummy and said, “We have some work to do, Honey!” Jen giggled “I guess I better get started right away.” She waddled over to the freezer and got out a couple of quarts of ice cream and started in on them.

Matt loved the fact that Jen had to be fattened up to fit into her wedding dress.

The wedding plans went together smoothly. Only FA’s and FFA’s were on the guest list, which was not hard considering where they both worked. Matt’s company had to do the tuxedo’s the groomsmen were all so fat and the same for the bridesmaids dresses.

The wedding was an FA/FFA’s delight. After the ceremony the reception was nearly an eight hour gorge! The caterers out did themselves making sure there was plenty of food to feed the “large” crowd. The fantastic views of over stuffed bellies in tight clothes was awesome.

After a two week honeymoon spent eating and love making at a resort that caterers to obese couples in Mexico, the couple returned to work.

Jen came into the office weighing two hundred and twelve pounds on a 5’3” frame, she was nearly as round and she was tall and loved it. Matt now weighed three hundred and twenty five pounds on his 5’10” frame. He was even fatter than Mr. Himmle.

Jen got started right away on a new case of obesity discrimination as a full partner in the firm. It was a success the respondent folded and offered a generous settlement, mainly do to the firms reputation on these cases.

Matt took over his duties. It took him a little longer to get used to a full work day, but Mr. Himmle was very patient with Matt, letting him work up to an eight hour day over a couple of weeks.

Jen and Matt loved the location of the condos. They were able to buy one of the large corner units in the building on the 35th floor, and were able to quickly sell their units.

Matt and Jen’s influence in the condo was surprising. Use of the work out rooms decreased markedly. Al started to notice some of the former work out freaks were starting to plump up. Matt and Jen got complements from other tenants on what a nice couple they were.

Mr. Faber and Jen’s Mom became a bit of an item. They were attracted to each other, not only by their mutual girth, but on an emotional level as well. Jen’s former employer sent a generous gift and expressed her joy over Jen’s “new figure”.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.