Weighty matters

chapter 3

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When Mr. and Mrs. Faber got married, Mr. Faber only weighed one hundred and sixty pounds, standing five feet nine inches. He was in good shape, but just starting to gain weight in his later twenties. Mrs. Faber was what was called back then a “chubby chaser”, now referred to as a FFA. Her father was rotund she had always felt so secure and loved leaning up against his huge belly being read a story as a little girl. She started to feed Mr. Faber right from the reception on. By their first anniversary, Mr. Faber weighed one hundred and ninety five pounds. He ballooned to nearly two hundred and fifty with Mrs. Faber’s pregnancy. He was a FA himself, though Mrs. Faber remained slim during her life, their happiest was when he was at his highest weights and she was in the last trimester of a pregnancy.

His weight stayed just under three hundred pounds except during the holidays, when Mrs. Faber desires got the better of her.

Three years ago, Mrs. Faber was diagnosed with in-operable cancer. Rather than try all sorts of invasive procedures the Faber’s decided that she spend her remaining time at home. Mr. Faber took a leave from the Firm to be with his wife.

What gave Mrs. Faber more joy than anything else was to watch Mr. Faber eat and get fatter. So he ate and ate for her growing to nearly five hundred pounds and just about immobile at her death . But she was so happy in those last few months, it was worth every pound.

Jennifer and Marge, both a little misty eyed looked up at Mr. Faber, now with so much more respect for him. Jennifer said, “Oh Mr. Faber that is so sweet of you to do that to yourself for her. That is such a great gesture of true love.” “Thank you, Jennifer, what a lovely thing to say. So you can see why, I am so proud of both of you for your decision to become fat for the good of our firm and especially our clients.” Mr. Faber said, patting Jennifer on her wrist.

“Well ladies you are both members of the clean plate club, very good, you ate the fat too. Excellent! Well now for a nice rich desert and some after dinner treats.” He said gesturing for the waiter. He ordered cheese cake, double helpings for all with extra sauces and after dinner drinks.

Jennifer ran her hand under her suit jacket, thankful that she had take Mr. Faber’s advice and undone the zipper on her suit skirt. She could feel how bloated her tummy was though the tight nylon panties she was wearing. She felt the waist band stretched to the max and giggled, thinking of Marge’s idea to take off her panty hose, so glad she had done that too.

Mr. Faber looked over at Jennifer and winked, “feels good doesn’t it, to be so stuffed”. Jennifer blushed and giggled, Yes sir it truly does and I can not remember when I have felt this happy and content.” Marge just looked up and nodded.

Mr. Faber announced, “The Firm will pay all of your expenses for fattening you two up. So keep tracks of food bills, clothing and equipment costs we will reimburse or advance funds if necessary. Well ladies, may I take you home now?”

Three very full and bloated bellies struggled from the table. The wait staff was right there to slide back chairs and pick up any dropped items. The three slowly moved to Mr. Faber’s Cadillac which had been brought up to the door by the valet.

When Jennifer got home she stripped off her constraining suit and changed into a teddi. The panties already felt tight, much to Jen’s delight. She ate a sleeve of cookies and a couple of glasses of milk to “top off” and went to bed.

Matt lay around his condo, snacking and thinking of ways to get fat. He had heard the warehouse clubs all carried huge packages of really fattening snacks and prepared meals. So Matt headed over the nearest one and joined. He then loaded a flat bed with cases of pop, frozen waffles, pastries, cookies, stacks of hamburger patties, brats, chips and a whole range of prepared foods and diners. He wrote a check for nearly four hundred dollars. He was barely able to get everything into his car and he had to make three trips with the condo buildings shopping carts to get his larder to his unit.

He had bought a bit to much to fit into his freezer so he cooked several packages and binged until finally staggering to bed at one AM.

Jennifer got up late around ten, ate a whole box of waffles and a bottle of syrup. She took a shower marveling at rubbing her distended belly. She dressed in her smallest low rise bikini panties and pulled on (for the last time) her favorite pair of low rise jeans.

Marge told her about the warehouse store she and George belonged to. Jen headed over and joined. Just like Matt she loaded a flat bed full of the most fattening and decadent goodies she could find, as well as cases of regular pop, chocolate milk and six gallons of ice cream. She barely managed to get it into her car and up to her condo.

While these groceries were being stashed in various condos the doorman could not help but wonder what was going on. While these two were not the fanatical hard bodies that some the tenants were they both were fairly slim.(Key word here being “were”)

Al, the doorman or front desk person, was very fat himself. Having been a career military man and watching his weight throughout his marriage, his FFA wife started to fatten him up almost from the moment he retired. He ballooned to nearly four hundred pounds in one year. He convinced his wife to back off a bit so he would not become immobile. Al is also a FA himself, so all this activity was tantalizing to him!

When Jennifer got home she was so turned on by buying all the food she ate a couple sleeves of cookies and a half gallon of chocolate milk. Now thoroughly bloated, sated for the time being she went down to the lobby to get her mail. She had undone the snap on her jeans to relieve some pressure and her midriff barring t-shirt was riding up on her bloated tummy.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.