Weighty matters

chapter 4

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Al looked up and saw the cute Ms. Smythe crossing the lobby. He almost fell out of his chair when he caught sight of the bulging tummy sticking out of her pants and t-shirt.

When Jen got her mail, she went over to say hi to Al, whom she was fond of. Al greeted her, “Good Morning Ms. Smythe. “Good Morning Al, said Jennifer. How are you this morning Ms. Smythe ? he inquired. “I am great Al,” replied Jennifer, absently running her hand over bulging belly. Al looked a little concerned, “Are you sure miss? I couldn’t help noticing all the food you just bought and nothing personal miss, but you look like you are gaining some weight.”

Jennifer giggled. “Thank you for your concern, Al. I am great.” Jennifer told Al about the obesity discrimination case she had been awarded at the Firm and her decision to get fat.

Al couldn’t believe it. “You really want to do this? You are so cute, Ms. Smythe.” Jennifer teased, “Al, so I wouldn’t be cute anymore with a big fat belly and round fat bottom?” Al blushed and then laughed, “To me, Ms. Smythe, you will be so Hot!”
The both laughed. Jennifer came around the dias and gave Al a peck on the cheek, “You are so sweet Al. I will be sure to show you my progress!” She showed Al her bulging tummy. “Oh, one more thing, since we are sharing this little secret, please call me Jennifer or Jen.” Just then Jennifer’s stuffed tummy growled, “Oops, I need to get upstairs, I am still getting used to over eating!” Giggled again and left for the elevator.

Al just stared after her, watching her cute, soon to be expanding bottom jiggle to the elevator door. “What a woman!” he thought.

Jen raced into her condo and used the bathroom. She decided to strip off the constricting jeans and just lay around in her panties and a t-shirt. She soon felt the need to eat again.
She heated up several chicken cordon bleu and a pan of macaroni and cheese (the good kind). Now very bloated and full, she waddled out to her deck and lay down on the chaise to digest for the next meal. While laying there rubbing her stuffed tummy, she thought “How nice it would be to have someone to share this gaining experience with. Marge has her George, Al has his FFA wife, and Mr. Faber had had his dear wife. It sure would be nice to lay back and have some hot, pot bellied guy feeding Me!”

Jen got up around five thirty, fixed several double cheeseburgers, and sat down to a liter of Coke and a family size bag of potato chips. Lay around and watched a movie, snacking of course. At ten, another sleeve of cookies and a couple glasses of chocolate milk, and with a full tummy off to bed.

Late on Sunday morning, Matt padded through the lobby in a pair of jogging shorts, now feeling a little tight around the waist and butt.

Al looked up, “Good Morning Mr. Fox! How are you this morning?” Al had also noticed all the food Matt Fox had brought in just before Jen had. “I am great Al, How are you?” replied Matt. Matt had been able to get really good discounts through the company for Al’s clothes and on a couple of occasions been able to get some free slacks and shirts for him. Al liked Mr. Fox, too, not just for the clothes, but he was very personable also.

Matt came over the front desk, Al noticed that Matt had a good start on a pot belly going.
“Mr. Fox, are you doing ok?” asked Al. “I am doing great Al, why?” asked Matt. “Well I could not help noticing how much food you brought in yesterday, you eat all that and you will be fitting into your company’s clothing line!” chuckled Al. “Yeah, you are right Al, I have to get big for the owner of the company according to the agreement/contract I signed when I went to work for them. I should have starting putting on weight right from my first day, but I put if off, now he is really pissed and gave me an ultimatum to get fat or get fired.” Answered Matt. Al asked, “How much weight is “getting Fat”?” Matt chuckled, “Well he told me at least one hundred pounds in six months, but I have decided to get as fat as I possibly can. To tell you a little secret I am sure you will agree with, I get really turned over eating and getting really bloated.”

Al chuckled, “Oh yeah I am with you there Mr. Fox, when my wife got me so fat that I nearly weighed four hundred pounds, I was so turned on I couldn’t think straight, I just want to keep eating! If her mom hadn’t slowed us down, I might have become immobile.”

“Al any words of advice from an old pro?” asked Matt. Al chuckled, “Well first go to bed full, eat until you think you will burst, snack constantly and most importantly find a FFA to help you get really fat!”

“Do you know any FFA’s that are available Al?” asked Matt. “Sorry Mr. Fox, they are a rare breed or at least hard to ferret out, but I will keep my eyes open for you. Also be sure to show off your growing body, wear tight clothes, brief swim suits and underwear, tight t-shirts, stick out your belly, let people know you are proud of you weight and not ashamed of it.”

Al thought, “Gee I should get Jen and Matt together, they would make a super couple even it they both were not on the same mission to get fat!”

Jen got up late again, the gaining was making her a bit lazy. After using the bathroom she went right to the kitchen, toasted up a dozen waffles, a bottle of syrup, quarter pound of butter, a package of sausages and a quart of orange juice, carried it all to her balcony in just her teddi and panties. After eating everything, loading the dishwasher she took a shower rubbing her distended belly with soap. She decided to be lazy and hang around the pool. She got out her smallest bikini and struggled into it. She ran her hand over her bloated tummy, even the bra was a little tighter. Her fat cells from her previous high weight of 140 lbs. were beginning to come to life again. Curious, Jen weighed herself and was pleased to see the scale jump to 117 lbs. “Wow, wait until I tell Marge I gained seven pounds in one weekend!” she thought.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.