Weighty matters

chapter 5

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She padded down to the pool wrapped in a towel and carry some “supplies” to maintain her edge. She selected a nice chaise a bit away from the pool, but with a good view of the doorway and settled in for a nice lazy day.

Matt too stuffed himself silly at breakfast, showered and too decided to check out the pool scene. He took Al’s advice and pulled on his size 36 “Speedo”, red no less, it only accentuated how bloated his belly now was. He gave his expanding pot a pat and headed for the pool.

Jennifer looked up, “Oh cool there is that cute guy on fourteen.” She thought. “Wow, nice “Speedo”, I wish more guys would wear them, O.M.G. is that a pot belly he has? He does, he is getting fat, look at how far it sticks out and his butt is to die for.” “Geese, I got to check him out with Al, he will know what is going on and whether or not he is a nice guy.”

Matt scanned the pool area, he noticed that cute little lawyer on twelve, “Whoa, nice bikini, hold on, is that a pot belly I see, she’s not married, couldn’t be preg, to smart for that, and what’s that, oh how hot, she has a hamper of food with her, she’s got to be gaining too. I’ll ask Al, he says he knows her too pretty well.”

Jen got up from the chaise and went up stairs to her condo. She was greasy from sun tan oil and bloated from eating all afternoon. She was just about to jump in the shower when her phone rang. “Jen, URP, excuse me, giggle, it’s Marge, hey how about coming over for a nice big fattening dinner with George and I.” “I’d love to!” shrieked Jen, “Marge! I have gained seven pounds! Marge have you gained?” “Oh yes, Jen, I have gained fifteen pounds, George has been feeding me since I got home Friday night! Come on over around six, bring a friend if you want to.”

Jennifer hung up the phone. She could not believe how much weight Marge had put on. Jen thought, “She must be eating and being stuffed all day. She doubled my gain. I have got to find out the name of the cute guy on fourteen.” Jennifer grabbed a cover up, now quite tight and went down to see Al.

Jen got off the elevator and walked right up to the front desk. Al could not believe she came down to the lobby barely dressed, but she looked fantastic to him. Her tummy bulged against the fabric and the cover up hung up on her bottom and she now had a jiggle to her wiggle!

Jen said, Hey Al, mind if I ask you a question?” “No not at all, Jennifer” replied Al. “Al I want to get the name of the guy on fourteen. He looks like he is gaining weight too. Do you know him?” asked Jen. “I sure do know him, Jen, his name is Matt Fox. He works for that big clothing company that caters to obese people. You are right too about him gaining weight. He was supposed to gain when he got the job with the company last year, but he put if off and the president gave him an ultimatum, gain at least one hundred pounds or get fired.”

Just then the elevator door opened and Matt walked in to the lobby. He had come down for the same reason as Jennifer, only to find out who she was. Matt smiled as he walked up. Jen immediately noticed his belly was bulging and lifting up his t-shirt.

Matt said, “Al I hope I am not interrupting?” “No not at all Matt, let me introduce, Jennifer Smythe, Jennifer this is Matt Fox.” Said Al. Al decided to play match maker, “Matt, Jennifer is getting fat to represent some clients in an obesity discrimination case. Jennifer, Matt is getting huge to please the owner of his company. So you both have a lot in common.” They all giggled.

Jen and Matt shook hand both checking out each other’s ballooning assets. They started up in the elevator, when Jennifer out the blue asked, “Matt I have been invited to my co-worker’s house for a huge dinner tonight, she is gaining also for this case, she said I could bring someone along, would you join me?”

There was no way Matt was letting this little cutie get away. “I would love to join you, Jennifer. What should I wear?” Jennifer giggled, “Something with an elastic waist band and bring a swim suit too, they have a pool!”

Matt was thinking “All Right!” Jen got off on twelve they squeezed hands. Jen said, “I’ll drive meet you in the lobby in forty five minutes?” Matt replied, “Sounds great, Jen, I will see you then.”

Jen could hardly control herself she was shaking she was so excited at finally meeting Matt and finding out that he had to gain at least one hundred pounds had her tingling all over. She showered and dried her hair, got out a cute little black, side tie bikini with a matching halter top. She squeezed into a pair of panties and bra, noticing the nice little roll of fat the bra strap created. She pulled on a now tight terry short set, grabbed a towel and headed down to meet Matt.

Matt could not believe his luck. Just as Al had recommended that he get a feeder, he finds this awesome little hottie who is gaining too. He to showered, shaved and pulled on, a now tight pair of jogging shorts with an elastic waist band and a t-shirt. He got out another black “Speedo” and a towel and left to meet Jen.

On the way to Marge and George’s house all Matt and Jen could talk about was food, eating and how much they were enjoying themselves just getting stuffed when ever they wanted to.

When they got to Marge and George’s, Marge met them at the door. Jen was stunned, Marge looked seven month pregnant, her belly bulged out in front of her way past her boobs, her bathing suit bottom barely contained her expanding rear.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.