Weighty matters

chapter 7

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“How about dinner tomorrow night?” asked Matt. “I would love too!” said Jen. “Day after tomorrow here!” Matt kissed her hand and left her condo. Jen fell asleep rubbing her distended belly.

Matt got into his condo just in time to use the bathroom. He stared in the mirror at his huge gut bulging in front of him. His belly pushed the waist band of his “Speedo” down as it bulged out in front of him. Matt rubbed marveling how huge he had become in just a few days. He peeled off the t-shirt had on and went to bed, rubbing his belly and thinking of Jen.

Jen’s alarm went off at 6:30 AM. She struggled to sit up, rubbing her still bloated belly. She hefted herself to her feet and staggered into the bathroom. She showered rubbing soap on her belly and bottom, marveling how good it felt. She dried off, pulled on a pair of panties and a bra, selected a dress that had been a bit big before, now tight. She checked herself out in the mirror to sure there were some awesome panty lines showing.

After downing a half a dozen waffles and two huge glasses of O.J. she headed off to the office. Jen marveled that she had to adjust the steering wheel to fit behind it. Jen parked her car in the building’s garage and took the elevator up to the firm’s floor. When to door opened Jen headed down toward her office. The plump receptionist smiled, “Good Morning Ms. Smythe!” “Good Morning Heather,” replied Jen. Stopping at her dias. “Did you have a nice weekend?” she inquired. “Yes ,” replied Heather, “How about you?” Jen absently patted her growing little pot belly. “Yes I did too,” she giggled.

“Ms. Smythe, I just have to ask you. There is a rumor that you and Marge are deliberately gaining weight for this new obesity rights case. I just saw Marge coming in, she looks like she gained a ton over just the weekend! Is it true?” Jen blushed, “Yes Heather it is. Mr. Faber, Marge and I all decided that we needed to be as empathetic as possible with our new clients. The best way of doing that is simply to get fat. It was actually Marge and I talking , we thought it would be cool to just let go and eat” “That is so cool, I am so envious of you two, I have struggled with my weight for so long.” Jen squeezed Heather’s hand, “Hey what about me, do I look like of have gained any weight?” Heather giggled, “You look great Ms. Smythe, nice belly”.

Jen walked down to her office. Marge was there, she struggled to get up when Jen came in. “Good Morning Jennifer” smiled Marge. Jen giggled when she saw how big Marge’s belly was. It seemed even larger than it was last night when she and Matt left their house.

Marge giggled and patted her belly. “I can not believe how fat I have gotten in just three days. George is in heaven, he can’t keep his hands off of me and he feeds me constantly.
George and I loved Matt he is so cute now, I can’t weight to see him when he gets as fat as he wants to. Oh Jen, you look so cute, your tummy and bottom are getting nice and round!”

The intercom buzzed. It was Mr. Faber, he wanted to meet with his protégé and her secretary and fifteen minutes.

The ladies headed down to his office. His secretary Marilyn greeted them warmly. Marilyn was a BBW, which should come as no surprise. Marge and Jen went into Mr. Faber’s inner office.

He warmly greeted both of them, delighted to see how much progress had been made on their goal over the weekend. They went over schedules for depositions, filings and stipulations. Then it was time for lunch.

The ladies got their purses and met Mr. Faber at his car for the short drive to his favorite Italian restaurant . He ordered for both ladies. When their plates promptly arrived, Marge and Jen was stunned at the size of the portions, they were huge. But they both dug in, knowing better than to argue with Mr. Faber about how much to eat.

Forty-five minutes later, Marge and Jen waddled out to the car, both with noticeably distended bellies. Jen got in carefully afraid he dress would split open. They worked until five. Mr. Faber asked them out to dinner, but both Marge and Jen had plans.

George was preparing a massive gorge for Marge. Jen had asked Matt over for dinner.

Jen drove over to her favorite super market and stocked up for tonight knowing that she and Matt needed plenty of food to meet their respective goals.

Matt arrived a Jen’s condo promptly at 6:30. He was dressed in a t-shirt and elastic waist band sweats, wearing a bikini cut brief underneath. Jen has chosen a lacy panty from a teddi set with an extra long t-shirt to cover her expanding assets.

Jen had laid out a fantastic selection of the most fattening comfort foods she could think of. Macaroni and cheese, pasta alfredo, sausage, brats, fried chicken and breads, plus a selection of wines and beers and fabulous deserts.

Matt and Jen gorged for hours blissfully stuffing themselves with the rich, fattening foods. They fed each other, had eating contests, eating races, jugging contests and just simply bingeing.

By ten thirty there were two seriously bloated and distended bellies. Jen was totally stuffed and had a good buzz going too. She was rubbing her bulging belly, trying to stifle hiccups and burps. Matt was in the same condition. His belly was sticking up in the air while lying on the couch.

It was nearly eleven, when they could manage to stagger to their feet and start cleaning up their mess. Bumping bellies and bottoms and enjoying being so stuffed.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.