Weighty matters

chapter 10

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Jen arrived before normal hours and went through the foyer of the firm. She said good morning to Heather, whom she noticed was gaining weight.

Jen sat in her chair marveling at the feel of the additional thirty pounds on her body. Heather brought in her coffee, heavily sugared, and her now usual plate of donuts.

She started working up her questions for the depositions. She called the court reporter to be sure she would be there next week. Then she went down to Mr. Faber’s office to discuss the deposition questions with him.

Mr. Faber smiled when Jen, now waddled, in. He said, “You are looking wonderful this morning Jen, that dress really enhances your figure!” Jen smiled and giggled, “Thank You! I feel great in this dress. I have gained thirty pounds!” “They all look great on you, too!” replied Mr. Faber.

Matt finally rolled out of bed around 10:00AM. He sat on the edge of the bed scratched his bloated belly. He hefted it and let it drop, marveling at the jiggle. He waddled into the bathroom, relieved himself and stepped into the shower. Matt lathered his belly and then ran his hands over his growing butt. He got out the shower and toweled off. Matt then stepped on the scale, it stopped at 230 lbs. He smiled to himself, thinking, “I can not weight to see the look on Mr. Himmles face when he sees how fat I am going to get..”

Matt pulled on a pair of size 42 low cut briefs from Wal-Mart and a t-shirt and waddled into the kitchen and started to gorge himself.

Mr. Faber could not help but admire his associate. He still could not believe how dedicated Jenifer was to fatten herself up to empathize with their clients. He could not think of any other associate in the firm who would even think of becoming fat for the sake of a client or a case.

“Jennifer” Mr. Faber said, “ I want to discuss a few matters with you.” “Oh certainly Mr. Faber,” answered Jennifer. “I want to transfer our receptionist, Heather to work with you and Marge. She is really interested in this case, and she is to bright to leave her on the front desk any longer. She also admires you very much and has requested more than once to work with you.” “That would be great Mr. Faber, I really like Heather and she has the body type to fit right in on the team”, giggled Jennifer.

“What else do you wish to discuss? Mr. Faber” asked Jennifer. “How big are you and Marge intending on becoming?” he asked. Jennifer shifted her plump body in the leather chair, “I am not sure, I have to admit that I am enjoying myself so much that I haven’t really given any thought to stopping. I really can not speak for Marge, I really think her husband, George, is enjoying her getting fat more than she is, and she has gained a lot more weight than I have so far. Are you concerned Mr. Faber?”

“Yes I am a bit, Jennifer. I don’t want you to think that the firm is encouraging you to get morbidly obese, possibly damage your health, just for the sake of pleasing our clients.” Answered Mr. Faber.

Jennifer giggled, “Mr. Faber, getting fat was my idea, I know that you encouraged Marge and I, but only that, we made the decision to get fat. After meeting our clients, I was fascinated by their weight and bodies. I remembered how fat my dad was. My Mom has since told me she fattened him up and then he had her gain weight and get fat for him. My mother’s sisters are all overweight or obese. The more I thought about it the more right it seemed to me to just let go and eat all I could. I love this new lifestyle, I have become quite a glutton and after meeting Matt Fox and his goal to become obese, I don’t see any or course I would even think of taking.” Jennifer replied with tears in her eyes.

“Well, that’s settled, then”, said Mr. Faber. “I just wanted to be sure you were not gaining just for the sake of the firm and your career.” “No Mr. Faber, I am doing this for myself and my boy friend”, giggled Jennifer, patting her plump belly.

Heather fit right into the team. She helped get files and snacks for Marge, who had gained nearly fifty pounds to Jennifer’s thirty.

During the next couple of week Jennifer gained twelve more pounds. Now at a plump 152 lbs. her clothes were getting way to tight. Marge gained another twenty and Heather packed on eighteen pounds on her plump body.

The ladies made careful notes of the reaction of the opposition to not only the obese plaintiffs but their “weighty” legal team during the depositions. Some of the snide comments were even caught by the court reporter and noted in the transcripts. The clients and legal team were all pleased with the results of the depositions.

They decided to have an all day binge party at Marge and George’s pool that Saturday to celebrate how well the depositions had gone. Marge kidded,” t-shirt and bikinis only, and that goes for the guys as well. We will start around 10:00AM so there will be plenty of eating time!”

Matt, who had gained 17 lbs. in the last two weeks, was overjoyed to be going back to Marge and George’s house. He remembered how stuffed he and Jen got the last time they were there. He could not weight to sit around the pool gorging, watching Jen in her cute little bikini stuffing herself. He wanted to meet the new office plumper, Heather. Matt was also fascinated by how much weight Marge had gained, he could not weight to see how big she was now.

Matt was not disappointed at all. Jen wore a bikini panty from her bikini bathing suit that she wore before she had become so fat. Her tummy sagged over the waist band, love handles jiggled over it too, her bottom barely fit with a nice bit of “rear cleavage” displayed, plus the leg openings were a sight to behold. The tight t-shirt rode up considerably displaying Jen’s round little pot belly bulging out in front of her
Marge filled a lounge chair with her ever increasing girth. Her belly was now looking as if she was nine months pregnant with triplets. Her bottom cheeks bulged over the edge of the chair, barely contained in her black nylon biking panties. George’s gut had grown considerably since their last visit. He had gained 35 lbs, mostly on his belly, he was wearing a “Speedo” bikini brief. He explained that he had felt guilty making Marge get so fat and not gaining for her, so he “strapped on the feed bag”, as he put it.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
This is a good story. A love story sweet and perfect.❤❤❤
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love it when this happens to us weight gain writers:

He could not WEIGHT to tell Jen about his promotion.

Haha. This is a good tale. I love their love.
Mattnagle 3 years
A fantasstic stoty, enjoyed it immensly,thanks so much.