
chapter iii

When he opened his eyes again, Phil was lying next to Carl. He looked down to see his skinny, hairless chest covered in whipped cream and what appeared to be cake crumbs.
"Good morning, piggy," the Maori man greeted him, with an open book in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He wasn't looking at him, but knew his every move.
"What happened?"
"Don't you remember?" he asked, dumbfounded. "Wow, I'm getting better at this."
He sucked on her cigarette, granting him a furtive glance, and began to explain, "It's actually very simple. I've increased your appetite, I've linked your orgasms to food, your desire to dominate overweight men is now to be in their position... oh, and I've obviously nullified any negative energy you might find the moment people start telling you you're a pig. Fuck social standards, right?"
Phil felt so full he had the instinct to touch his belly, "I think I need to throw up."
"No, trust me."
Philbert felt gags make their way up his throat, whereupon he got out of bed. He walked over to the bathroom covering his mouth with one hand.
Carl laughed with gusto, before closing his book and following him to enjoy the scene.
The young man raised the toilet seat and fell on his knees while the 40-year-old leaned against the wall to watch from behind.
"Sure you're not hungry?" he teased him.
Phil's eyes opened wide suddenly. The nausea had faded. Within seconds, however, his body was disobedient again. A huge groan from his stomach spread throughout the room. Philbert had never felt so hungry in his life.
"Feed me," he only managed to say, clutching his hands to his flat stomach.
"What did you do to me?" he then added, as soon as the encourager tossed him an extra-large package of Cheetos, which he caught on the fly. He opened it without a second thought, stuffing fistfuls upon fistfuls of chips into his greedy, greedy mouth. He was feeling so good, the flavors exploding in his mouth were heaven. He was so ecstatic that he didn't notice his erection.
"I didn't do anything, Piggy. I just got you back in the fence."
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing. You'll understand as the weeks go by."
"Carl, you drugged me?" asked Phil, continuing to pound away at Cheetos. The area around his lips soon filled with crumbs and red dust, but he had lost control. He just wanted to keep feeling that ecstasy.
"No. I hypnotized you."
"Well, unhypnotize me."
Carl arched one of his thick eyebrows, displeased, "Oh, yeah?"
Phil was about to finish the bag still sitting in front of the toilet. And then he realized: unhypnotizing himself would mean giving up forever the divine feeling he was experiencing.
Can you get me back to the way I was? was the question in Phil's head, but out of his mouth came another request.
"Wow, you're a natural" Carl answered, before going back to the bed. He came back some seconds later with another bag of Cheetos: "The other piggies usually take a while to get into it."
Phil just begged for other food without even being able to control his brain. Whatever magic trick Carl did on him, it was some black kind of magic trick.
"From the hardness of your dick, I must say... I'm proud of my job here, you're probably my best work to date."
Philbert crawled forward the bag of chips, four-legged. He then opened it and raised his head to the encourager: "Are you not horny?"
He grinned while nodding, before starting to massage his own cock.
"Oink for me" he ordered. Phil was confused, still focusing on shoving as many Cheetos he could put in his mouth. His eyes were empty, he wasn't able to control himself, his thoughts nor his actions. It felt incredible.
"Oink for me, I said." Carl's voice got angry, bossy. Philbert was in ecstasy.
And then, he did. Poor Philbert couldn't know that oinking would mean sealing the hypnosis into his deepest subconscious. Carl had an orgasm immediately; the new-born pig came in his underwear without even touching his dick.
"Damn you, Phil" the forty years old man moaned, "you're gonna be a big, big boy."
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Newaussie 6 months
Great story!
Beginner_belly 2 years
I love the direction this is going. You have a unique voice.
Bbman30 2 years
Hope all is well with you Vernon, I can’t wait to see where this story goes
Dna9123 3 years
Please continue! So far it is a very good story
Bbman30 3 years
I like where this is headed, Carl is clearly looking for a sub and he’s not their, yet. I hope he goes to California
Vernon 3 years
Bbman30 well, she's like /very/ keen on fattening up Phil so I see where you're coming from ahah, but I see it more as a grandma-grandkid relationship!! smiley
Bbman30 3 years
Who is Gertrude?!?!?! She seems very feeder like, does Carl know her?
Canuck 3 years
loving this story! well done setting the scene, can't wait to see what happens to phill next!
Bbman30 3 years
I want Phil to out weigh BBD hehe. I think Phil’s going to go off the deep end and really gain some pounds. Maybe his friend will end up helping him when he realizes he’s to far gone. Which, judge from this chapter he mostly certainly is lol
Stevo29 3 years
I'm loving this story line, from someone who has been hypnotised, I wonder...