
chapter v

Once they were out of the diner, Carl gave a handkerchief to Phil, "You're drenched in sweat."
He blushed, before wiping his forehead. He was breathing heavy; he had eaten a lot. It was the second time in a couple of hours he had cum without even touching himself.
"Let's be clear, I like it when one of my pigs is sweaty and out of control... however, we are in public."
Phil felt extrapolated from planet Earth: his mind was somewhere else: "Fuck social standards, uh?"
Carl laughed. He got him there.
"Anyway, I lied to you," the encourager admitted, before starting toward the motel. Phil, of course, followed him.
"I didn't just hypnotize you. I also drugged you last night, you were right."
"I could turn you in."
"And what are you going to tell the cops?"
Phil lowered his head, confused, before walking through the motel gate with the tall man.
"The drugs will wear off in a few hours."
"And then what?"
"Oh, sorry if I gave you fake hope! Not much will change. All will simply be less pronounced than it is now, hungry but not as you were back there, horny but not as much and bla bla bla" he told him, before taking the first few steps, "oh, trust me, don't take the stairs. I'll get the backpack for you."
Philbert felt over the moon, but also with the spirit down under. In a couple of hours his head had become something else, but he was glad he was finally controlling his thoughts again.
He waited next to the stairs for a couple of minutes and admitted to himself that he actually didn't feel very hungry anymore. He was so full, his belly was bloated like never before. From the outside, he looked like a pregnant man.
Carl returned with a trolley in his hand and Phil's backpack over his shoulder.
"I'm leaving tonight, but I like to wait at the airport," he explained briefly, before handing him the backpack.
"Can I come to the airport?" asked Phil.
Carl denied, rested a hand on his shoulder and advised him to go home to his parents.
Phil asked for his number and quickly realized the desperate tone he had used. He was immediately ashamed. The 40-year-old smiled, however, barely hiding his softening. He told him he had left his business card in his backpack. Phil, surprised, couldn't help but blush again.
"Call me if you have any questions, concerns… or if you want a boost to gaining weight."
He nudged him slightly and winked. Phil grunted out of nowhere.
"Well, I'd say the drug is on the wane."
"What drug is it?"
"None of your business."
Carl began to walk toward the exit.
"Is knowing why you drugged me part of my business, at least?"
The 40-year-old encourager began to watch the road, waiting for his Uber to arrive: "Drugs are a plus. Ever since I incorporated it into my Piggies' plan, they've all gained weight by the minute, even once they were off the drug."
"What do you mean?" asked Phil, approaching him.
Carl turned on his heels to face him, "Because of the drug now you know what life you could do and how much you could enjoy it, but you'll never reach that Nirvana until you become a full-fledged pig. It’s a great motivation boost."
Phil was distraught. He was never going to enjoy himself like he did today unless he put on who knows how many pounds. He didn't have time to ask another question when a big black car popped up at Carl's side.
"See you around, Piggy."
Phil grabbed him by the arm. He gave him the angriest, most instinctive hug he'd ever dedicated to anyone. Carl returned the gesture, touching his very small hips.
Philbert contained a grunt and pulled away, still confused by the whole situation. And as the forty-year-old man climbed into the car, Piggy picked up his cell phone.
The car whizzed past him just as he opened the chat with his mother. He quickly realized that Carl had sent a message for her the night before, faking to be him. He told her not to worry if he didn't come home and that he was staying at Cindy’s. Who the fuck was Cindy?
His mom's “okay”, complete with a smiling emoji, made Phil realize how nice it is to have someone in control of your life. It made him realize that he had spent his life thinking he wanted to be a man like Carl, when in fact maybe he was wrong: Philbert didn't have to become a Carl.
He was supposed to become Carl's Piggy.

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Author's note:
Just wanted to thank you for the views, the likes and the few comments I'm getting :) if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know! I'd love to make you happy - even if it weighs on Philbert's shoulders eheh
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Newaussie 6 months
Great story!
Beginner_belly 2 years
I love the direction this is going. You have a unique voice.
Bbman30 2 years
Hope all is well with you Vernon, I can’t wait to see where this story goes
Dna9123 3 years
Please continue! So far it is a very good story
Bbman30 3 years
I like where this is headed, Carl is clearly looking for a sub and he’s not their, yet. I hope he goes to California
Vernon 3 years
Bbman30 well, she's like /very/ keen on fattening up Phil so I see where you're coming from ahah, but I see it more as a grandma-grandkid relationship!! smiley
Bbman30 3 years
Who is Gertrude?!?!?! She seems very feeder like, does Carl know her?
Canuck 3 years
loving this story! well done setting the scene, can't wait to see what happens to phill next!
Bbman30 3 years
I want Phil to out weigh BBD hehe. I think Phil’s going to go off the deep end and really gain some pounds. Maybe his friend will end up helping him when he realizes he’s to far gone. Which, judge from this chapter he mostly certainly is lol
Stevo29 3 years
I'm loving this story line, from someone who has been hypnotised, I wonder...