Fast food overtime

chapter 11: discovery

Amber was a mixed bag of emotions. So much was running through her mind that she could barely process any of it. She had left Burger Queen in a hurry; even leaving Stan without so much as a goodbye. She was embarrassed, ashamed, sad… but at the same time, she was hornier than she had ever been.

She got up the last step to her apartment in a huff, opened her door and entered. She realized suddenly that she was sucking in her a gut; a habit she had formed many months before. In one large breath outward, her stomach bounced downward, jiggling back and forth slightly before ending with a slight hang. Her labored breaths became slight moans as she looked down at herself. She was so fat; why was she moaning?

Amber tried to catch her breath, almost hyperventilating in a panic and in the confusion she was in. She should feel nothing but guilt for having done this to herself. And yet she wanted nothing more than to tear off her clothes and go to town. The only thing stopping her was how out of breath she was; she needed to catch it first and calm herself down.

She walked with a slight waddle to her computer chair and plopped down. Her stomach pushed up against her lap, forcing her to open her legs slightly to release some of the tension. She looked down at the mass of fat in front of her, half wanting to cry; half wanting to play with every inch of herself.

“P’TING!” Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

She didn’t even feel the vibration in her pants, nor did she hear the loud notification. She regained her breath and focused more on herself. She took her hand and pushed it between her stomach and chest, which were smooshed together thanks to her added weight and her sitting. She pressed downward and down to her belly, feeling the pressure of all that she had eaten today and began to try to ease the pain.

It felt so good.

She leaned further back in her chair, letting her gut press out further, never minding the fact that it spilled out over her unzipped pants. She moaned and squirmed in her seat as the pain slowly turned more sensual.

This time she noticed getting texted. She pushed her hand into her pocket; her phone being hard to take out due to how tight her pants were on her.

“Hey, is everything ok?” The first text from Stan read.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you.” The second one read.

Her eyes turned to shock, and she quickly typed back.

“No! No I’m ok! You didn’t do anything!” She thought for a moment. “I’m just… embarrassed.” She added.

She wasn’t embarrassed any more.

“Ok, you just looked upset in the car, then left without saying anything. I thought I did something wrong.”

“No!” She continued texting. “I’m fat. Really fat.” Her fat fingers turned her on the more she typed it out. “I ran into my bedroom and am still out of breath.” She admitted.

With that, she watched her phone as it registered as Stan typing, then not typing. Typing, not typing. Typing… not typing… She couldn’t look away. Was he embarrassed being with her? Was she regretting getting together with her? All of her doubts and worries came crashing down at her all at once.

“P’TING!” She looked down with tears forming in her eyes.

“Can I show you something?”

Her emotions flung back and forth more than a roundabout at a kids park. “Huh?” She thought to herself. Show her what? Why now?

“Sure?” She responded.

Again, it took Stan a longer time to respond, but she was too curious now.

“Before I do, I want to say that I find you REALLY attractive… more than you probably think. Way more… I can’t help it.” He finally texted back. It made Amber feel really good for a brief moment.

“But…?” She asked.

“No buts.” He responded almost instantly, followed by another long pause of typing. “I think I made you fat.”

She paused. He did, didn’t he? But no, not really. She was getting fat before they got together. But he did make her food all the time. Wait, no he didn’t. He just made food for nonexistent customers and then SHE ate it. He even tried to throw away food before she could get to it. That thought embarrassed her.

“I mean... “ She started to type. “I think maybe we’re both to blame? But I started it, and it was my mouth chomping on everything in sight.” She giggled awkwardly at her wording.

“Yea I guess, but…” He sent, followed by another long pause of typing. “It was turning me on…”

She stopped for a second, then was hit with a memory. There first date together, she had noticed him getting hard at her just ordering food. She couldn’t forget; it was such an odd thing. She passed it off as just a random thing, but it made sense.

“Me getting fat has turned you on?”

She was glued to her phone. Her mind was racing, but she didn’t know towards what. How can he be attracted to someone like her? Before packing on so much she understood, but now?

He started typing again; same like before. Back and forth, from typing to not typing.

“Yes… A lot.”

She thought for awhile. She wasn’t sure what to say.

“I’m sorry” Stan continued after not hearring back.

“I used to weigh 130lbs…” She replied. She was ashamed to say, but she wanted to see how he’d react.

“And now?” He replied within seconds this time.

She was going to say 190lbs, but it had been awhile since she last weighed herself.

“I’m not sure… I can check?”

“Yes, please?”

She hoisted herself up, not at all thinking about how weird it was to go and weigh yourself for someone else. She was more curious herself. As she walked towards the bathroom to the scale, she remembered how much and how often she was eating. Oh God; how much can someone gain in a month?

She stepped on to the scale and waited for the digital numbers to reveal the answer. She imagined a drumroll as the machine calculated a number. She had to bend forward slightly to see around her large tits and engorged gut.


She wasn’t even shocked. It made sense; recalling what all she was eating that past month. What shocked her more, though, was how horny she felt. Not sad, not mad or upset; wet.

“Stan… I think I’m turned on too..?”

“How fat?” He quickly responded. Seeing fat just made her even more hot and bothered.


“Yea, that’s hot.”

And then, suddenly everything fell in to place. All of her doubts with Stan were reassured. She wasn’t sure why, but she believed in what he said. Hearing from anyone else she wouldn’t believe; but from him, she knew. With all that had happened since they first met, it all made sense.

A wave of relief washed over her. It opened the floodgates for her; she couldn’t deny or hide it anymore. She didn’t know the word for it yet, but she was a feedee. She had eaten so much, and felt so full, but she had to tell Stan one more thing just to see what he’d do.

“I’m hungry.”

******************** ******************

Took awhile for this chapter, and it’s relatively short. Sorry! I kinda got bored with it, but I think I’ll end this in one more chapter. It will be a bit of a fast forward of Stan and Amber’s life together, so some of you might be pleased with that, considering how this chapter ended. Cheers!
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Gettingchubby 2 months
The slow build and internal denial is so well done! You have a gift
Pd500 2 years
Thank you for sharing this with us! I love this and can't weight to here more!
Makeme300 2 years
Great chapter. Hope she is almost immobile when we catch up with them
Theswordsman 2 years
Now the fun can really begin
Jazzman 2 years
Jdm 2 years
Awesome update!
Jdm 2 years
I hope a chapter 10 is coming, great story!
Jdm 2 years
I definitely hope to see more chapters in the future this is an awesome story!
Champ 3 years
Love it! Cant wait to read more!
Piturekapiteka 3 years
This one's great
Jens01 3 years
i love it stan so goooooooood ........
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
(♡⸃ ◡ ⸂♡)
Delta625 3 years
Just as an editing note the character Cory switches to Stan unannounced. But otherwise, excellent start, can't wait to see more!!
Jens01 3 years
very nice more please