Fast food overtime

chapter 8: date: part 1

It’d been over a week, and things were going well. Amber and Stan worked their shifts together and flirted harder than ever before. Unfortunately, Sarah couldn’t find a replacement for Jeremy quickly, so they couldn’t work with each other in the kitchen. Work was always slow though, so they had still gotten by. It was both their days off though, so they were both pretty excited.

She didn’t know it yet, but Amber had put on even more weight. Once again, the thought of dieting and exercise slipped her mind as she spent all her time talking to Stan with dreamy eyes. She was actually eating more than ever being the only cook. Any time she made anything, she skimmed from it. She was completely infatuated with Stan. In a week's time, they still hadn’t hung out outside of work, however, which was starting to bug her.

Amber and Stan were playing Valheim with each other again.

“So, we should do something today.” Amber said.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, we can’t just play games all day!” She exclaimed.

“I know I know! I’m… I honestly don’t know much about dating.” Stan admitted.

“How?” Amber asked.

“You’re the first girlfriend I’ve ever had.”


“No, really! There’s no manual for this type of thing!”

“Well, the guy generally finds a nice place to take a girl out then takes her there!” Amber giggled.

“I mean, uh…” Stan fumbled with his words. “Would you like to go out for dinner?”

“YES!” Amber's stomach almost answered for her. “Let's go now!” It was around dinner time, so it seemed like a good enough idea.

“Ok!” Stan said. “I guess I could come pick you up? If you’re right by Dairy King, you’re not that far away! I can be there in 10 minutes?”

“Perfect!” Amber said. “I’ll be ready when you get here!”

Amber jiggled off to find some close to wear.

She stopped.

She realized she hadn’t worn anything but her Dairy King uniform in awhile. She never really went anywhere else. She knew how large she had gotten, so she wasn’t sure if she even HAD anything that fit. She rummaged through her closet for anything that might regardless. Everything seemed too small now; it wasn’t even worth trying to get them on.

She found a pair of very stretchy leggings she bought a while ago and started to try and put them on. They pulled halfway up her thighs before they started resisting. She could feel her fat fighting her from putting on clothes. It took a couple minutes, but they finally pulled up, revealing a rather large bit of muffin top.

None of her shirts would fit; she knew that for a fact. Still, she scoured her closet for anything that might fit. Maybe an old sweater? No. What about a hoodie from an old boyfriend? No. WIth that thought, she remembered she still had one of her old boyfriends shirts. He was much bigger than her, so maybe that’d fit!

She searched and searched until she found it under a few things and tried it on. It fit, but barely. How was it so tight on her, she thought to herself. She looked into her mirror, and what she saw was upsetting. Her chest had grown, making the shirt ride up constantly. Her stomach had started to develop a little bit off a hang; the shirt leaving nothing to the imagination. Her ass, however, seemed to grow the most. Her hips had widened, and her ass shot out far; still retaining its perkiness.

She found a large old jacket she’d wear inside when it was cold outside and waited for Stan to pull into her apartment complex. She almost wanted to call him and cancel the date, but he was surely close to getting there. Sure enough, he was. Her phone rang; it was Stan.

“Hey, I think I’m outside your apartment. Come on out!”

“Ok, promise not to laugh?”

“At what?”

“You’ll see.”

“Ok… well, see you in a sec!”

Amber started down the stairs to head outside. Luckily she was going down them rather than up. Still, she felt slightly winded. Stan had found the right apartment, and was waiting in his car. When he saw her at the apartment door, he got out and opened the passenger door.

“Ready for our date?” Amber saw his eyes dart down and then back up at her.

“Yes.” She said shyly.

She sat down in his car and he closed her door. He walked around and hopped back into his car. Stan buckled in and drove off to find a place to eat.

“You look amazing!” Stan said.

“Uh.” Amber said while looking at herself. “Who?”

“You!” He laughed.

“I look like a whale that Ursulla changed into a human instead of Ariel.”

Stan laughed again, which was not amusing to Amber.

“NO!” he panicked. “What you said was funny, NOT true!”

“Whatever” Amber pouted.

“I mean it though! Where would you like to eat?”

Amber started thinking about having to sit down at a fancy restaurant. She couldn’t see that happening; she wouldn’t let it. She started thinking about sitting down anywhere in what she was wearing, and she started to frown.

“No where.” She said.


“I…” She thought for a moment. “Can we just pick up something to eat?”

“I guess? Is everything okay?”

“No, I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I jumped the gun. I so badly wanted to hang out with you that I forgot that if my old uniforms didn’t fit, neither would any of my normal clothes.” She had an embarrassed look on her face.

“That’s okay!” They were just passing a McDowell’s restaurant as he said that. “Want to get McDowell’s?”

“That sounds great!” It felt like those weren’t Ambers words. She was just complaining about not being able to fit into her clothes, and she was instead excited about eating fast food. Actually, the thought of all the food there started to excite her. What was wrong with her?

Stan pulled into the drive through, which had no line, and began to order for himself. After ordering a decent meal, he turned to Amber.

“What would you like?”

A pulse of joy went through her body. She could feel every part of her body pushing her to order. She leaned towards Stan and out his window to the speaker outside.

“I’ll have a large bacon double cheeseburger meal, coke with no ice, a 20 piece nugget with ranch, two more bacon double cheeseburgers, and…” She tried to fight her mouth from talking, but her stomach seemed to be in full control. “... 2 apple pies please.”

“Will that be all?” a man through the speaker asked; seemingly dumbfounded.

“THAT WILL BE ALL.” Amber practically shouted. She looked down at Stan, and leaned back into her chair.

“Damn.” Stan said wide eyed.

“I know… I… maybe we could share?” She said.

Stan didn’t seem to look upset or grossed out. He was definitely shocked, but… Amber looked down. She could see his pants were tighter than before. Just as she realized, her stomach growled. She was starving, but she felt something else. Her eyes kept glancing down at Stan’s lap. He then went on to order food for himself.

As Stan paid and got to the second drive through window, Amber tried to calm herself. She was so hungry, and she couldn’t stop looking down at Stan whenever he’d look away. He was shifting his pants around; obviously trying to hide himself.. It just made her hornier, and hungrier. What was wrong with her?

“Here are your drinks.” said a man at the drive through window.

“Thanks!” Stan handed Amber her drink and set his in the cup holder.

“Your order will be out in just a second sir!”

A second? How many seconds? It’s never a second. What a stupid phrase. She wanted to eat now. Stan kept his focus at the window; still fidgeting in his seat. She was practically drooling; though she didn’t know what for. She hadn’t had sex in what seemed to be ages. But she was so hungry. What was she excited for? She couldn’t tell. Both? How?

“Here’s your first bag.” The man in the window handed it to Stan. “And your second.” Stan passed the bags over to Amber. “Have a nice day!”

“Where should I-”

Amber wasted no time at all. She grabbed the first thing she could grab from a bag and started eating. Stan stared for only a second, then drove around McDowell’s parking lot to stop for a moment. He put the car in park and just watched.

Amber wasn’t the same girl anymore. In only a few months, she had gone from a skinny college girl to a fat woman who couldn’t seem to control her appetite any more. For a few minutes, Stan didn’t even exist to her. She hadn’t eaten in awhile; she was used to eating whatever and whenever she wanted now. Not doing so felt wrong; and she was over correcting for it.

Suddenly, she snapped out of her daze. Her stomach was stuffed. She had finished all of her food, and was eating some of Stan’s. She looked over at Stan, who was wide eyed with his jaw hanging slightly.

“If you’re hungry, you can eat mine.” He said.

“Oh my God, I…” She stopped, looking down then back up at him; his bulge more noticeable than before. “I… I’m sorry!” She laughed nervously. “It looks like I already have! I don’t know what came over me!”

“No! It’s okay!” He said assuredly. “You can finish!”

She looked down into the bag. All that was left was a third of the burger he ordered and fries in the bag. She had an embarrassed look in her eyes. Stan locked his eyes to hers when she brought that same look up to him.

“Go ahead,” he said calmly. “Eat.”

Something snapped, or something rewired suddenly; she didn’t know what. Hearing him say that, or hearing his approval, set her off. She could see that whatever she was doing was affecting him too.

She laid back as much as she could, and slowly finished the rest of Stan's food.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Gettingchubby 2 months
The slow build and internal denial is so well done! You have a gift
Pd500 2 years
Thank you for sharing this with us! I love this and can't weight to here more!
Makeme300 2 years
Great chapter. Hope she is almost immobile when we catch up with them
Theswordsman 2 years
Now the fun can really begin
Jazzman 2 years
Jdm 2 years
Awesome update!
Jdm 2 years
I hope a chapter 10 is coming, great story!
Jdm 2 years
I definitely hope to see more chapters in the future this is an awesome story!
Champ 3 years
Love it! Cant wait to read more!
Piturekapiteka 3 years
This one's great
Jens01 3 years
i love it stan so goooooooood ........
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
(♡⸃ ◡ ⸂♡)
Delta625 3 years
Just as an editing note the character Cory switches to Stan unannounced. But otherwise, excellent start, can't wait to see more!!
Jens01 3 years
very nice more please