Fast food overtime

chapter 9: date: part 2

Chapter 9: Date: Part 2

Amber laid back in Stan’s chair as far as she could. She didn’t want to recline it further down, or else she’d be tempted to have it go as far back as it could. She was embarrassed, excited; more so than she should be. All she could do was focus on her breathing; she had never been so full before.

Stan was driving Amber home. This was not a conventional date; Amber wasn’t really sure it even was a date. He got her food, and she ate it all. She wanted a date so bad and Stan had been hesitant, so she came up with the idea to get food. She wanted to go to a nice restaurant, sit and chat, then maybe end the night with a kiss.

Instead, she was stuffed like a whale in his car. She couldn’t find anything to wear and was too embarrassed to be seen in public, so she jumped at the idea of getting fast food. Every bump in the road she felt in her stomach that shaked in response. It hurt so bad, she wanted the pain to stop.

She wanted to sit up and talk to Stan, but she went overboard eating. Sitting up was painful, and all she was able to breathe out since Stan had started driving was “Thank you”. Other than uttering “You’re welcome”, Stan had been silent. He seemed focused completely on driving, and it bothered Amber. Was he upset? Is this not what he expected? Would he break up with her?

Amber would have continued down that dark trail of thought if it wasn’t for what she saw earlier. She wanted to sit back up for more than just to talk. She had noticed him getting harder as she was making out her order. She fell victim to her new habit and didn’t notice any more while she was eating; but she wanted to know now.

She was more turned on than she had ever been in her life. Was it because she finally saw Stan react to her? Or was it something else? All she knew was that she felt incredible. If she was at home and able to move, she’d be playing with herself.

“Hey, I’m sorry about tonight,” Stan broke the silence. “I know you wanted an actual date, and it forced you to try and come up with something last minute.”

Amber forced herself up. It hurt, but her stomach had some time to settle enough for her to make the journey back up. She took a couple quick breaths.

“No, it’s okay!” She breathed. “It’s my fault.” She breathed. “I…”

Amber looked at the mess of bags around her. Her stomach had completely blown out of her ex’s shirt, and her jacket wasn’t able to close up to hide it in the first place. Her gut lay bare on her lap, covered in fries, salt, and crumbs.

“I know you might have thought I was attractive when I first started working with you.” She spoke quickly and to the point before gulping in a large breath of air. “But I let myself go.” Amber had a defeated tone in her voice.

“It’s okay!” Stan replied quickly. “I know you’ve been stressed since you lost your last job! And I did think you were hot when you first started. But I think you look kinda hotter now.”

Amber gave a puzzled look, showing she didn’t believe him.

“I ate all of your food and didn’t notice until I was almost done, Stan.” She said, almost annoyed. “I used to weigh 135lbs when I started with you guys. I have to be over 180lbs now.”

In saying that, she instinctively looked down at his crotch now that she had the elevation to see his lap. He was still hard; maybe more so than before. She looked back up at him before he noticed.

“Oh wow” Stan said in shock. “Well, if you don’t like it, I can help you lose it. But I really do think you look amazing!”

Amber ran her eyes around herself and let them finish back up to him.

“I’m not hot.” Her stomach made an incredibly loud groan, almost interrupting her. “And, and I ate so much that it hurts.”

Almost instinctively, Stan reached his hand over the center console and rested it on Ambers stomach. Amber recoiled, but she was still so full, moving took far too much effort. She was confused. No one had ever touched her stomach like that before. Why would he-

Stan began to rub her stomach gently, almost immediately releasing some kind of tension in her stomach. She let out a moan she had no control over.

“UHhhhh…” Amber mumbled dazed.

Stan continued to rub his hand up and down, around and across her stomach. All of the pain was subsiding; all replaced with a feeling of ecstasy. She couldn’t describe it if she wanted to. It was as if a new part of her body had been discovered, and she wanted to explore it all. She laid back in her chair and let the man work.

“Is that better?”

“Huh?” Amber mumbled.

“Feeling better?”

“Uh huh.” She whispered.

“Good!” He lifted his hand up and retreated it back over the center console. “I think you’re beautiful; you don’t have to explain anything to me. You’re awesome Amber. I’m going to plan a proper date this time.”

Amber snapped out of her daze. She looked around, and noticed they were parked outside of her apartment. For how long she didn’t know.

“Regardless, it was fun hanging out with you tonight!” Stan said.

He got out of his car and walked around to the passenger door. He opened the door and reached out for Amber’s hand. Amber looked at his hand, then shifted her gaze to his crotch. It was still hard. She wanted to reach out and grab it, but this was their first date. Scratch that: A half date? A meeting? It was certainly no conventional date. She couldn’t just jump him; as much as she wanted to.

She took his hand, and in one swoop, lifted her to her feet. She still felt heavy, but almost all the pain of eating for two was gone. She felt comfortably full. Stan walked her to the front door. She still was processing what was going on. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling. She knew it all felt good, but she had never felt the way she was feeling.

She looked up to see Stan staring at her; his eyes immediately looking into hers.

“Can I…” He paused, and looked away for a moment, then looked back to her. “... kiss you?”

Amber nearly let out a cute giggle but held it in. She was used to guys going in for the kill and her having to fight them off. She’d never heard anyone ask to kiss her before. She smiled and leaned in, giving him permission in action. He leaned in to meet her, and they kissed. Stan smiled back.

“It was great hanging out with you! And I promise to sort out a date soon and with proper warning!” He said walking back to his car.

“Good! I’ll be sure to have something nice to wear by then!” She waved her arms down to showcase how well her current clothes fit.

“I like the look” He smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work!”

“See you tomorrow!”

And with that, Stan got into his car and drove off. Amber smiled wide as she watched him drive out of her apartment complex. If she were skinnier, she’d jump with joy, but she was still too weighed down from earlier. She walked up her stairs and strained doing so, but she was too happy to notice too much.

As soon as she stepped foot into her room, Amber took off all of her clothes. They were so uncomfortable at the start; they definitely weren’t comfortable anymore. She walked to her bathroom and immediately started looking for nicer clothes that she could order. She was undeniably fat now, and she wasn’t going to lose the weight in time for their next date. She had to order something that fit.

Or maybe something larger? She kept getting new uniforms and would outgrow them; maybe she’d get a size further up too, just in case? She stepped on her scale, that she now left out since she’s been using it more, and looked to see how much she weighed. She had told Stan she was over 180lbs, but that was a week or so ago.


But this time, she wasn’t in shock. She didn’t look down in horror or cry. Instead, she was neutral. She knew she was still eating well, so the number wasn’t a shocker. And Stan didn’t seem to mind at all. If anything, he approved of it. By no means did she like the number, but she accepted it.

Instead of crying herself to sleep like the last time she saw her weight, she plopped herself on her bed and ordered larger clothes for herself. She got a few that’d fit, and a few more that were larger than that. She smiled and laid bare on her comforter, putting her phone down as she started to feel the effects of a food coma coming on. But before that, she had to release the tension she was feeling in the car.

That night with Stan would prove to be a turning point for Amber. She had no real reason to stop eating now. Her appetite was about to explode.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Gettingchubby 2 months
The slow build and internal denial is so well done! You have a gift
Pd500 2 years
Thank you for sharing this with us! I love this and can't weight to here more!
Makeme300 2 years
Great chapter. Hope she is almost immobile when we catch up with them
Theswordsman 2 years
Now the fun can really begin
Jazzman 2 years
Jdm 2 years
Awesome update!
Jdm 2 years
I hope a chapter 10 is coming, great story!
Jdm 2 years
I definitely hope to see more chapters in the future this is an awesome story!
Champ 3 years
Love it! Cant wait to read more!
Piturekapiteka 3 years
This one's great
Jens01 3 years
i love it stan so goooooooood ........
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
(♡⸃ ◡ ⸂♡)
Delta625 3 years
Just as an editing note the character Cory switches to Stan unannounced. But otherwise, excellent start, can't wait to see more!!
Jens01 3 years
very nice more please