Fast food overtime

chapter 10: more

Chapter 10: More

A whole month had passed since Stan and Amber’s “date”. They still hadn’t gone out on a real date, but they have had plenty of fast food outings. Most of their time together outside of work was in game or at a random fast food joint. Amber had completely forgotten any will to fight the want for such things.

It didn’t take long for Amber to be completely comfortable around Stan. She couldn’t help but fall for him. He was funny, kind, attractive, and how could she not love being spoiled? He’d open doors for her, make sure she was comfy, help her at a moment's notice, and grab anything she’d like.

As the weeks went by, her want for food grew, so Stan would oblige. They still saw the most of each other at Dairy King, so it wasn’t hard for her to get what she wanted. A few nuggets here, a burger there, maybe a shake, fries for sure, why not a few more nuggets, ooo someone left their order; can’t let it go to waste!

Amber had just finished putting on her uniform when she heard the usual “P’TING!” from her phone.

“Hey, I’m almost at work. Want me to just pick you up?” he wrote.

Amber opened her curtains to look outside. Storm clouds were rolling in from the distance; certainly not the best thing to walk in.

“Yea! I’m actually almost ready.” She typed back.

“Be there in a minute!”

She sat down near the door and bent down to put on her shoe. Her fat gut now an obstacle, she struggled to put one on, then the same struggle with the other. She paid no mind to it, as seeing Stan was the best distraction. She pulled herself up and walked out the door. With each step down her apartment's stairs, she felt the jiggle of her breasts and stomach plopping up and down before reaching the ground floor to see Stan waiting outside.

“Ready for a great day?” Stan said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

“Always!” Amber giggled. Stan was already at the passenger door to hold it open for her. He closed the door once she got inside, and skipped to his side and sat down. He gave her a light kiss, strapped in, and drove a whole minute before getting to Dairy Kings parking lot.

“That’ll be $5!” Stan exclaimed, holding his hand out waiting for his payment.

“‘Kay!” Amber smacked his hand. Stan gave a playfully annoyed look. “Payment paid!”

Stan rushed out of his car to Amber’s door as it looked like the storm had caught up with them. He opened it, hoisted her up, and they both ran inside. With a crack of thunder, the rain came crashing down.

“Damn! Just in time!” Stan exclaimed.

“Thanks…” Amber took a deep breath. “... for coming to get me!” She took another breath. “That would have sucked to walk in!” Amber started to regain her composure.

“No problem!” Stan smiled.

They both walked back behind the counter and clocked in for work. They passed Catherine, a new girl who started a couple weeks ago, said hello, and went to the kitchen. Sarah popped out from the back of the storage area when she heard the two of them talking.

Sarah had plumped up quite a bit herself. She was no longer the tall skinny manager. Too much time sitting in an office had obviously started to weigh in on her. What started off as eating her feelings had obviously become just eating to eat. She ran the place, so no one could really tell her not to, and she had been eating more lately too. Even being as tall as she was, all the weight she must have gained went straight to her gut, which looked like one more pound would cause it to hang.

“Hey guys!” She was holding a half eaten hot dog. “Today’s probably gonna be boring. No one’ll want to be out in this!” She waved towards the window and to the storm. “Just do some extra cleaning for the day while business is even more dead than usual okay?” she smiled, went to her office, and closed the door.

“She really loves that office,” Stan chuckled.

“If I had an office, I’d be in there all the time too!” Amber stated. “Better start making some food!”

“Sarah said it’ll probably be dead though.”

“Yea... “ Amber said quietly, then thought to herself. “Well, make something anyway just in case!”

“Yes ma’am!” Stan stiffened his body and saluted her.

“Ha. ha.”

And so Stan began to prep the food. Amber had grown lazier over the month and let Stan do everything. She just mindlessly browsed her phone until some food was ready.

“Yay!” She immediately picked out some fries that had finished. After some nuggets were done, she started eating those too. “Could you make me a shake?” she asked Stan innocently.

“Of course!” He nodded, then went over to make her shake.

Amber had completely lost herself to food. It wasn’t even so much that she was hungry; she just enjoyed the taste. Stan never minded that she had gotten fat; on the contrary. She never even thought to worry anymore because she had already won over her crush and was dating him. Besides, eating cured her boredom and today would be especially boring with absolutely nothing to do.

Several hours had gone by, and Stan had continued to make food here and there, even though not even one person in that time had ordered anything. Amber, on the other hand, had practically nibbled and munched on everything that was made. She was breathing heavier than normal, but was munching on a fry before Stan would start to throw out the unsold food. The unused and old food would always be thrown out before making a fresh batch, but Amber always ate from it before it was tossed.

Stan and Amber had been talking about the storm finally dying down when Stan finally changed the subject.

“We’re wasting so much food today; I’m gonna hold up for a while.” Stan started to throw away the last of the old food.

“Huh?” Amber was stumped. “Why?”

Stan pointed down at the trash.

“Look at all the food I’ve thrown out!”

“But,” Amber stopped to think. He was right, but he didn’t want him to stop. She realized why she didn’t want him to, and all of a sudden felt her stomach in pain. She felt constricted; her uniform pushing into her fat. She felt embarrassed for only a brief second, but then hungry. Not the normal hunger a regular person might feel when it was past dinner time. She was full, but she still wanted more.

“I’m sorry!” Stan said. “I feel bad, too. I know you’ve been feeling down about your weight, yet I’ve done nothing but shove food in your face since we started our shift.”

“I guess you have” She laughed slightly. Those words might have hurt her several months ago, but she had gotten used to being larger now. “Am I too fat?”

Stan stopped for a second. “No! I just feel bad is all. You look great no matter what, but I feel like I’m the reason why you’ve plumped up so much.”

“I’ve gotten that big?” Amber asked. She knew the answer, but she wanted to see how he’d answer.

“I mean, you said… A little? You still look great!” Stan stumbled with an answer. “I just want you to be happy, and you weren’t before.”

“I am happy now! I’ve never been treated so well by someone before, and I love it.” Amber smiled and reassured him.

“Alright,” he said, reassured.

With that, Stan began to finish gathering food to throw out. In an almost state of panic, Amber grabbed a thing or two to eat before he could get to it. Stan looked shocked, but he wasn’t going to stop her. Amber began to eat, but now she could feel every bit of food go down her throat and into her stomach. Each bite hurt slightly more than the last, but she kept eating.

She didn’t know what the sensation was, but it felt just as good as it felt bad. It felt more than good; she wanted to touch herself so bad or have Stan go down on him as she ate… As she ate? Where did that thought come from? She just felt hornier, but hid it as best as she could as she continued until all the food was gone.

“Uhhh… uhHURRRRP!” A loud belch projected out. The sudden relief just made her feel even better. “Oh God!” She came to her senses. “Jesus, excuse me! I’m sorry!” Her face turned bright red as she looked over at Stan.

“You’re excused!” He laughed out loud.

The office door swung open, Sarah looking out the door.

“Stan! What the hell?!” She exclaimed.

“That wasn’t me!” He continued to laughed. Amber slapped his shoulder.

“I’m sorry!” Amber said.

Sarah laughed at her assumption. “Sorry Stan! You’re excused Amber!” she continued to giggle. “It’s almost closing time, start doing the end of day tasks!” and with that, Sarah retreated back to her office.

With that, Stan began to close up. Amber, on the other hand, was too stuffed to be of any help. She just leaned on a wall holding her belly. She began to feel her gut when she realized her pants button was undone. She didn’t know if she just never buttoned it or if she took it off at some point, but she couldn’t get it back on. She tried to pull down her shirt to cover her gut, but couldn’t either.

Even still, she felt just as horny as before. She felt ashamed, but still wanted to eat more. It was apparent that she could rip her uniform at any minute if she wasn’t careful, so she decided to beat the punch and went to Sarah’s office. With a knock...

“Come in!”

Amber walked in, and Sarah gave her a look up and down.

“... New uniform?”

“New uniform.” Amber’s face sunk slightly at the fact that Sarah knew immediately what she was in for.

“You know, it’s okay to gain some weight, but you’re starting to go through uniforms pretty quick.” Sarah said, walking Amber to the storage room.

“I know, I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay, but… actually, some of these uniforms have been here forever and we’re getting a new shipment of them tomorrow. Just take a box with all the different sizes in them; I was going to throw them out anyway. If you throw out your smaller uniforms, you can just wear one of these!”

“Ok, thanks!”

Suddenly, a devious thought crossed her mind. She didn't need to worry about her uniform anymore. What were these feelings washing over her? She was so focused on them, she barely even said goodbye to Stan when he dropped her off. She had to find out what was happening to her.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Gettingchubby 3 months
The slow build and internal denial is so well done! You have a gift
Pd500 2 years
Thank you for sharing this with us! I love this and can't weight to here more!
Makeme300 2 years
Great chapter. Hope she is almost immobile when we catch up with them
Theswordsman 2 years
Now the fun can really begin
Jazzman 2 years
Jdm 2 years
Awesome update!
Jdm 2 years
I hope a chapter 10 is coming, great story!
Jdm 3 years
I definitely hope to see more chapters in the future this is an awesome story!
Champ 3 years
Love it! Cant wait to read more!
Piturekapiteka 3 years
This one's great
Jens01 3 years
i love it stan so goooooooood ........
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
(♡⸃ ◡ ⸂♡)
Delta625 3 years
Just as an editing note the character Cory switches to Stan unannounced. But otherwise, excellent start, can't wait to see more!!
Jens01 3 years
very nice more please