Fifo 15: roles reversed

Chapter 6 - the fifo feeder

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Pretty soon Jared's entire day revolved around when he'd see Ericka next. He couldn't wait to have her fill up his plate of whatever she wanted him to eat. He not only couldn't say no to her anymore, he didn't want to say no. He longed for her eyes to gaze at his expanding middle, then look up to meet his eyes with a sweet satisfied smile.

And as the days went on, that sweet sweet smile started to turn into a smirk. Ericka was enjoying this just as much as Jared. She could fill her plate with whatever she wanted to eat, but without any of the fattening consequences. All of those consequences ended up on helpless little Jared. He had gained three times the FIFO 5 - at this point he was a full 15 kilos (33lbs) heavier than when he started his job. But he didn't care. He loved how it felt around him. He was so overfed and round. So soft and pudgy. It all felt so wrong yet so right. And he had never been so turned on in his life.

Same with Ericka. Seeing Jared lust over her feeding him made her feel so sexy and powerful. Seeing Jared gain more than she had lost was such a perversion of expectations - and it felt so hot and unexpected. He was supposed to be the hot, cut new guy, and she was supposed to be the chubby new American girl. But now she had the hottest body at the site, while Jared was getting fatter and fatter every day.

On the last week of Ericka's contract, they sat down for one of their last meals together. She was about to fly home to Georgia, her home state in the US. She was going to miss her job and her little interactions with Jared. While they were sitting at the table in the food hall, Ericka suddenly looked down at Jared's overfed gut and said, "I really like what I did to you. I'm going to miss it."

Confused, Jared asked what she meant.

"Oh, you know, all those calories I made you eat. And all the fat you put on because of it."

Jared was shocked. Did Ericka actually enjoy this? Was she fattening him up on purpose? He didn't know how to respond.

"Don't worry," Ericka said, "I know you like it, or else I wouldn't have done it." She got up, gave Jared a little poke in his soft belly, and waltzed over to the dessert bar. She brought back a plate piled high with lots of sugary, fattening treats. She gently placed it in front of him.

"Here, why don't you eat these?" she said as he turned bright red. He could feel the judging eyes of those around him, linking this plate of excess calories with his widening waistline. And instead of pushing them away and laughing at the teasing, he obediently started eating. With each bite, he could feel more and more pressure around his waist, causing his gut to bulge over his belt. Yet he was powerless to stop. Soon enough, he had finished everything on the plate. He was breathing heavily, his heavy gut pushing in and out. He had never been so turned on in his entire life. What was happening?

"Want more?" Ericka asked, innocently. Before Jared could even answer, Ericka brought over an ice cream cone. Just a little dessert to finish off dinner for most people. But for Jared, this was absolute excess, with every single calorie going straight to his wobbly gut.

He could barely get up to go back to his room, so Ericka helped him up and walked him back. They walked in silence, fueling the sensual tension. Before Jared closed his door and said goodbye, Ericka gave his overstuffed gut a big squeeze, then shut the door to let Jared deal with the consequences of his actions.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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FrecherTyp 3 years
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Thank you for not making this premium yet. You really write well. I love the pacing. I envy your storytelling skills.
Miachu 3 years
Liking this story so far!