Bellows farm move in

chapter 2

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My mom was nearly done with her plate and was getting up to get a refill. I was amazed, she looked bloated, wearing yoga pants and a tight t-shirt. I sat down cleaned my plate and went back for seconds, as my mom was sitting down. “George, the food here is really good.” I just replied, “I know, mom, it is good.” I was really enjoying the food and eating, my mom wasn’t bugging me to stop and every time I looked up, Ashley was looking at me smiling.

I later found out that the high school in Bellows Farm had a disproportionate number of girls in the senior class, of just over three hundred seniors, only one hundred and five were boys.

I went back to the buffet line four more times, getting nice and full and bloated. My mom was stuffed, her belly was sticking out pushing down the waist band of her yoga pants. I was thrilled, she might gain weight here.

We checked out and got directions from another adorable cubby young lady at the front desk to our house. We drove over there and opened up the house getting the key out of the Realtor lock box, which my mom had me take off the door. A half hour later the movers arrived. Ours was the first load of stuff to come off; they had two more houses to deliver to. They unloaded at a record pace. It was all my mom and I could do to point which rooms’ boxes and furniture were to go in. They were done unloading by one thirty. Mom and I just sat in the kitchen. I was sweating, as usual for a fat guy; mom was flushed from the heat. The house is well air conditioned, but we had the doors open for the movers, so it was taking some time to cool down again.

The doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door and opened it, there was a chubby chaser dream come true! Ashley was standing there wearing just a very tight nylon black bikini, her belly was bulging out, so far that if I didn’t know better I’d swear she was eight months pregnant. She had a matching halter top on, with her plump boobs bulging out of, there was a nice deep roll of fat creating by the halter’s string and love handles spilling over the bikini’s waist band. She giggled enjoying my rapture at her body, “George, this is my mom, Anna.” I looked Anna was enormous; she must weigh nearly three hundred pounds!

Mom called, “Who’s there, George?” “Mom it is Ashley and her mom Anna.” Mom came to the door; I introduced Anna to my Mom. Anna spoke up, “Carol, it’s so hot out and you two, I’m sure are hot and tired from the movers, please join us for lunch.” Mom smiled, “We’d love to, and that’s so thoughtful of you to ask us over.” Ashley piped up, “Bring your swimming suits too.” Mom went and got hers out of her overnight bag. I said, “I don’t know where mine is.” Anna said, “George, don’t worry I’m sure we can find one that will fit you.” We started to walk to their driveway. Ashley took my hand; I was thinking this is a great day.

Their house was as large as ours with its own pool and Jacuzzi too. Anna said, “Carol and George, why don’t you change quick, we can have some pizzas for lunch and then swim to cool off. I don’t want the pizza to get cold.” Ashley came in to the kitchen giggling and handed me a size thirty eight, black Speedo brief swim suit that her dad can’t fit into anymore. “Here, George, this should fit you.” I blushed, but secretly was turned on.

We changed and went to the kitchen; Ashley was totally checking me out, giggling the whole time. My mom, to my surprise, didn’t say a thing about how big my belly was now. I did notice that her bikini was a lot tighter, showing some nice little fat rolls. We sat down to five, large, deep dish pizzas and it seemed like gallons of sweet tea.

We started eating, Ashley and I matched each other slice for slice and glasses of sweet tea too. I loved it, getting to binge with a hot girl, who was eating as much as I was. Anna was plying my mom with glasses of sweet tea and slice after slice of pizza. I watched her virtually stuffing my mom with pizza, when I wasn’t watching Ashley stuffing herself.

Ashley and I pounded down two of the pizzas; we were both bloated, but not quite full. We laid into the third one eating half of that. Anna said, “Ashley, why don’t you and George go out to the Jacuzzi and settle you tummies, Carol and I and going to finish these pizzas.”

Ashley took my hand and we walked to the Jacuzzi. We stepped in after adjusting the timer. Ashley looked into my eyes, “George, I’m so happy you are living next door. I really want to get to know you; I think you are so hot!” I blushed bright red. “Ashley, no one has ever told me I’m hot!” She poked my belly, “I think you are George.” We sat and talked. I told her about my old high school near Chicago, and that I was glad to be leaving it. I mentioned my dad and I have been heavy for most of our lives and my mom has always been really slim and worked out.

She asked, “George, does your dad work for Dyna-Tech?” I answered, “Yes he does, he just took over as comptroller about a month ago. He’s been working here for a month already. We had to wait until school was out for me to move here. Does your dad work for Dyna-Tech.” Ashley giggled, patting her belly, “Yes he does. We moved here five years ago from near Boston. My dad worked for them in the Route 128 office and got promoted to here.” I thought for a moment, “Ashley, did you gain weight after moving here.” She giggled, “Oh yes, mom and I got so fat. I was really skinny and so was mom when we moved here. The first summer we were here all mom and I did was eat! Mom doubled her weight and I turned into a little butter ball and we loved it!” I laughed, Ashly asked, “What George?” “Ashley, I’m going to love it here, I love fat girls and women, and I think my mom’s finally going to get fat too and I met you!” She giggled, “George, stand up.” I did and she stood too, “Now press your tummy against mine.” I did, she got her cell and snapped a photo with us standing belly to belly. “I’m sending this to my two girlfriends, you’ll like them. Jill has an amazing fat booty and thighs, and Amanda is just round. I want you to meet them, we hang out a lot together and of course eat!” I thought that was a little weird, you meet a new guy or girl for that matter and then invite your friends?
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I always love your characters and the easy way you show them through dialogue. Now, with this story, you are building a world in such a skillful way. Thank you for writing this.