Bellows farm move in

chapter 5

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We knocked on Dr. Jones door and he called, “Please come in, gentlemen.” We walked into his office. He was fatter than my dad, nearly four hundred pounds. He had us sit down and then started in on why we had to have this class.

“Boys, back about fifteen years ago when this school was opened. Our sex policies were based on abstinence. We thought it was working quite well. They were no sexual harassment accusations and only minor incidents. Well that changed in early May. We had five ambulance calls to the school in one week for emergency deliveries. As it turned out the girls had become so obese that they never realized they were pregnant. We urged parents to have their daughters pregnancy tested and found a dozen more pregnant girls, again, so fat, they didn’t even realize they were pregnant. We had to change our policy as soon as possible. We had the highest rate of teen pregnancies in the state and this state is known for a high rate of teen pregnancies already.”

He continued, “We had meetings with medical professionals, education experts and sex education experts and given the unique nature of the chemistry here in Bellows Farm, we decided to take a very proactive approach to the pre-marital, teen sex issue. We now give out birth control devices for all students and urge our female students to be on the pill. I’m happy to say that this radical approach has worked. We have not had an unplanned pregnancy in five years. I have a couple of films for you two to watch, then we have lunch with the girls.”

We watched the films, both were pretty boring, a lot of role play etc. some science. We went to the cafeteria for lunch and again were mobbed by the girls, they all wanted to sit with us and watch us eat. I was getting pretty turned on watching them gorge themselves. The chemicals in the water and soil in Bellows Farm affects women and girls more than it does men. Most of the girls were either bursting out of their jeans and t-shirts or were wearing sweat pants with serious panty lines and tight t-shirts.

After lunch we went back to Dr. Jones office. He started in again, “George and Michael, I’m sure you both have notice that the girls here are very aggressive in their approach to boys. The chemicals make them that way. Not only losing control of their appetites and weight, but also their libido. In other words they’re horny! I don’t know how else to put this situation politely.”

He went over some stuff, condoms, how to use them, to make sure your girlfriend was on the pill etc. I was really surprised, but I shouldn’t have been given how Ashley, Amanda and Jill had immediately latched onto me the very first day I arrived in Bellows Farm.

Dad picked me up. I told him about the class/lecture and he said after being here over a month he could see why.

We got home and went inside. To our surprise, mom had supper ready. The table was covered in rich food. Anna had not only fed Carol all day, but helped her set up the grocery order and delivery system. So food was delivered to the house on a regular basis and charged to your debit card.

Mom patted her bulging belly, she looked pregnant to me, she was so bloated, “Boys, I love it here, I’m so happy, let’s eat!” Dad and I watched in awe as our once, skinny, weight obsessed wife and mom was gorging herself.

Two weeks later, I had gained thirty two pounds and Ashley and I loved it. My mom had put on forty two pounds and was starting to waddle and she wasn’t slowing down eating at all. We were in the kitchen and she burped, “Burp, excuse me George, honey, I want to ask you, are you happy here?” “Mom, I love it here. This is like heaven to me! I have three girlfriends. I can eat all day if I want and not care how fat I get. You are getting fat and enjoying yourself. Dad’s fat and happy in his new job, what else is there!” She started crying, “I just wanted to be sure. This almost seems too good to be true, but I love it here too!”

That summer was the best of my life! Ashley and I started to make love on a regular basis. She was on the pill and I did use a condom. I liked Amanda and Jill, but more as friends with some very minor benefits. My mom continued to gain weight, by September she weighed over two hundred pounds and loved every ounce. I had put on over fifty pounds, getting a fifty-five inch waist and nearly the same around my fat butt. I wore brief swimsuits and underwear at Ashley’s insistence. Dad now weighed over three hundred pounds, but still less them most of the executive suite at Dyna-Tech.
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I always love your characters and the easy way you show them through dialogue. Now, with this story, you are building a world in such a skillful way. Thank you for writing this.