Chapter 1: hola mexico
During my senior year of university, my friend Selene and I went to Mexico during spring break. We had never done a stereotypical spring break trip, and we wanted to feel like we were living that college life to the fullest ? The only problem was, we were both working the same minimum wage campus job, so we couldn't afford any sort of fancy resort or hotel. So we both shared a low budget hotel room and decided to just get street food while we were there.Quick setting details: Selene is a GORGEOUS girl with long black curly hair, killer curves (she's probably around 200lbs, though that's just a guess), and really cool tattoos. Pretty much the opposite of me. I'm pretty average, light brunette, chubby but not particularly curvy, and just a pretty basic white girl. She knew how to dress up her shape, so she always had her voluptuous curves dresses perfectly. Meanwhile, I was still trying to squeeze into my outgrown summer clothes and swimsuits. I was still totally in denial about my weight problem, so I still stuffed myself into what I had worn 30-35lbs ago. We stayed on the west coast of Mexico, so we were right by the beach, but we weren't in a super touristy area since we were on a budget. Luckily I speak Spanish fluently, so none of that was an issue.
When we arrived, we were tired and hungry from the flight, but it was late so the only thing that was open was the convenience store across the street. We loaded up on all sorts of snacks and junk food. We were excited to try all the foreign snacks in lieu of dinner, so we bought enough for the whole week. Except we didn't. Because as soon as we got back, we ate everything. But honestly, it was mostly me. For some reason, I was ravenous. And being around someone larger than me gave my subconscious permission to absolutely pig out. Selene's eyes got a bit wide, and she was like "hey girl, pace yourself over there..." but I had already stuffed nearly everything down. It was too late. I was absolutely stuffed, belly round and hard with all the excess calories.
3 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years