Bellows farm inn, story two

chapter 3

I went down to the lobby and over to the gift shop. The adorable little plumper I met yesterday was working today as well. She smiled when I came in, staring at my now larger belly, “May I help you sir?” “Yes, my co-worker has had, let us say, a major wardrobe malfunction, she needs some new clothes this morning.” She giggled, absently patting her own belly, “You’re not the first one this morning with that problem. What clothes does she want and what size?” “Uh, let’s see, panties, bra, stretch pants, and a t-shirt to start.” She looked at me, “What size?” “Oh sorry, sixteen.” She gathered up the items for Debbie and placed them on the counter. “What room number sir?” “She’s in room 624 and she works for Dyna-Tech too.” She entered everything into her computer and printed a receipt. She smiled at me, saying, “It’s very sweet of you to help out your co-worker, not many guys would do that.” I thanked her, still thinking about asking her out, and headed up to “rescue” Debbie.

I got back to her room, knocked she opened it still wearing the bursting clothes. “Oh, Dave, you’re awesome.” She took the clothes and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out wearing the t-shirt and stretch pants, which looked tight on her. “Dave, these barely fit me I’m so fat now. Let’s have breakfast and I’ll go into the gift shop and get some clothes for the meeting after breakfast.”

We went into the café. It was a buffet again, I was beginning to wonder about the motivation behind this “Inn”. Debbie of course went berserk on food, refilling her plate several times with the rich breakfast foods. I tried to stay in control, but with Debbie sitting next me gorging herself, I just couldn’t and over ate too. We managed to get out of the café around 8:00.

Debbie started toward the gift shop, looking over her shoulder, “Dave, I’m going to buy a dress for the meetings today. I’ll meet you down here at 9:00.” “Sounds good to me Debbie.” I watched her booty wobbling as she walked into the gift shop.

My adorable little sales girl greeted her, “Good Morning miss what can I help you with?” Debbie smiled noticing her round belly and thighs, “I need some business clothes for some meetings today and this week.” “I can help you with those, over here are the dresses.” She looked at Debbie noticing the stretch pants she had sold to Dave earlier and seeing how tight they were after Debbie gorged herself at breakfast. “What size do you wear?” Debbie absently patted her belly and ran her hand over her round, soft bottom cheeks, “Uh, I think maybe an eighteen?” The sales girl looked at Debbie, knowing what was going to happen to her figure during her stay at the Inn and in Bellows Farm in general. “Miss, I think we should go up to a size twenty. I know that sounds very large, but you will be doing a lot of eating while you are here.” Debbie giggled patted her belly again, “Yes, your right, size twenty it is.” She picked up a couple of dresses and brought them to the counter. “What’s your room number, Miss?” “Oh it’s room 624.” The sales girl smiled, “You are so lucky to have such a nice co-worker that helped you out this morning. I don’t want to be personal, but are you two dating?” “No we’re not. We’ve worked together for a couple of years, but we never have dated.” Please sign the receipt, right here.” Debbie looked at her, “Are you the only one who works in here?” “Yes, I’m the only one.” Debbie giggled, “So you sold Dave that brief swimsuit?” She blushed, “Yes I did. I thought he would look so cute in it, he has such an adorable tummy and booty.” Debbie giggled, “You were right he does look adorable in it.” She looked at her again, “You really like him, don’t you.” She blushed, “Yes I do, and he’s so cute. I thought for a minute, yesterday, he was going to ask me out.” Debbie smiled, “Thank you for your help.” “Your welcome, miss, anyway I can be of assistance.” “Oh, what’s your name?” “It’s Katie miss.” “My name’s Debbie, Katie, it’s nice to meet you.” “You too.” Katie replied.

I got down to the lobby and weighted for Debbie. I looked over at the gift shop, the sales girl was there looking out, she saw me and smiled, I waved her and she waved back. I thought, “I really want to ask her out, she’s so hot, but I don’t want to get cross wise with Debbie, especially the way she’s eating right now.”

Debbie came down. I checked out her dress, it really looked good on her, it really showed off her new weight. We got in the shuttle and headed for Dyna-Tech’s HQ. Debbie turned to me, “Do you like my new dress?” “I do, it really looks good on you.” Debbie giggled, “I know, it really shows off how fat I’ve gotten here in only one day.” I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I just sat there on the weigh to HQ.

The meetings went well. Debbie was hanging out with some of the people she dealt with here. I was getting another donut, when Debbie came over. “Dave, I’m not going back to the Inn on the shuttle this evening, I’m going out with some of the people here. I want to mention to you that I met the sales girl in the gift shop, her name is Katie. You should ask her out, she really has a crush on you.” Well that made my day, the little hottie I was pining after really likes me too.

I couldn’t weight to get back to the Inn. I arrived and went right to the gift shop. I walked in and Katie smiled at me, “May I help you sir?” I said, “Yes, I’m afraid I need a larger size swimsuit, I’m putting on too much weight here.” She blushed bright crimson. “I don’t think you’re putting on too much weight here, I think you look very good.” “Thank you, that was very kind of you. My name is Dave by the way.” She giggled, blushed, “My name is Katie. Where is Debbie this evening?” “Katie, she is having dinner with some friends from HQ tonight. She told me I should ask you out.” Katie blushed again. “Dave, I’d love to go out with you.” “How about tonight?” “Tonight sounds wonderful. I’m done here at six thirty, we can eat here in the restaurant across the lobby from the pool area , I get an employee discount.”
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