The mad feeder - (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 3

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As they continued down the barren highway, Kendra began to grow suspicious, and started a group text with Vicky and Kelly.

“How long was the cab ride to the island?”

“Idk. 20 minutes?”

“We’ve been driving for 30. At least.”

“All the fucking signs are in Russian…”

“Nikolai?” Kendra asked.

“Yes? Is the air conditioning too much?”

“Where the fuck are we going?”

“I’m bringing you home! Like we say!”

“Bullshit! Where the fuck are you taking us?”

“Kendra, please, don’t…” Kelly whimpered.

“Fuck that! Where the fuck are we going, huh!?”

Kendra grabbed and slapped at Sergei from behind his seat, hoping he’d swerve off the road. He did not. He merely pulled over and began to chuckle.

The highway was completely deserted. Sergei pulled a rag and a bottle of some unknown chemical from the center console as the girls began yanking the door handles, but they wouldn’t open. Each of them began to scream and pound on the windows, with Kendra managing to twist her body towards the window and kick it repeatedly until it shattered. She pushed herself out of the hole and took off down the road. Sergei didn’t bat an eye.

Kelly’s attempts to climb out of the window were immediately thwarted by Sergei, who grabbed her effortlessly and put the rag to her mouth. As she hyperventilated, her lungs filled with the fumes from the chemical, and she was incapacitated almost immediately. He repeated the process with Vicky before stepping out of the car and setting off after Kendra.

Kendra continued to sprint down the highway as Sergei lumbered after her. He calmly pulled a taster from his pocket as he began to catch up with her and sent out a cluster of webbed electrodes that stopped her right there. He threw her over his shoulder, brought her to the car, and knocked her out with the rag.

He put sunglasses on all of them, propping their bodies up so they’d look like sleepy passengers instead of comatose captives. At that point in his journey he was heading further and further into uncharted territory, and the chances of him encountering any prying eyes grew less likely with each passing mile. Still, he had come too far to blow it by being lazy.

Finally, he could see the ramshackle cement building on the horizon. The front doorway had collapsed in on itself, leaving only an insurmountable pile of rubble, deterring any “urban explorers” who may want to try getting inside.

“CCCP” was painted on the side, along with a hammer and sickle, though both had faded significantly over the last three decades.

As he pulled around to the back he jostled Kendra aggressively with his big Russian mitt. She didn’t so much as groan. Neither Kelly nor Vicky woke either. He decided it’d be most prudent to bring Kendra in first, lest she wake up and break another window. As he threw her over his shoulder he marched towards the back door, his breathing heavy and his penis growing erect as he felt her soft, warm, breasts against his shoulder.

“Welcome home, baby…” He whispered as he brought her inside.


Kelly woke suddenly, her head pounding as her mind began to reel and each of her senses were overwhelmed at the same time. She went to move her arms, but they were restrained, as were her legs. She also had a tube running down her throat, which made her gag as he began to scream and cry. She followed the tube to the ceiling, where the trail ran cold. She began to thrash with impotent rage as tears rolled down her cheeks and her legs and arms flailed as much as they could.

Sergei watched this play out through a set of monitors, his gaze stoic and unfeeling as he ate a bowl of Froot Loops. Vicky and Kendra soon began to join Kelly as they woke. After one more spoonful of cereal he turned his computer chair to the left, where a control panel sat. His giant digits hovered over the array of buttons and switches until settling on three red ones, each labeled “TUBE.”


Chuckling maniacally, he leaned back in his chair, scooping the last few bites of cereal into his mouth. He watched as the girls began to writhe with even more intensity and their clear tubes turned a dark brown. Exciting as it all was for him, he had to pay close attention. They could easily choke, especially this early into their conditioning.

Each camera in each room took video at a remarkably high resolution. These were not your average, grainy security cameras. He zoomed in on the face of each girl, their eyes wide as their stomachs were pumped with the mystery goop. As their movements grew more frantic, he hit the buttons again, all at the same time. Their stomachs were flat, but taut now, the slightest outward curve beginning to form around each of their midsections.

Sergei got up from his chair and climbed the ladder to the upstairs, throwing the heavy metal hatch door open effortlessly. Much of the upstairs had caved in, the small portion that had been unaffected held a fridge/freezer loaded with ice cream, heavy cream, and a box filled with tubs of weight gain powder.

Next to the fridge were three tanks, each with a tube running from them and through the floor. Sergei pulled heavy cream from the fridge and opened the hatch on each tank, filling them all with equal parts heavy cream, equal parts weight gain powder, and a few generous scoops of ice cream. He threw the empty jugs in the corner with the rubble and went back downstairs.

“Let’s see who’s still hungry…” He mumbled as he pushed the tube buttons again.

Watching them suffer in silence simply wasn’t enough. He flicked a few switches, engaging the microphones hidden inside each room. The pulling of their restraints and muffled screams, along with the chugging, gurgling noises of the tube system excited him greatly.

“My little piggies…”

When that cycle was complete, and all three were stuffed to the brim, he once again showed them mercy. His hand again turned to the control panel, flicking the switch labeled “TV FEED.”
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Stevita 2 years
Fr fr I hope Kendra turns the tables on Sergei and makes him as big as a house
Stevita 2 years
Clearly this story fits well into the established genre of captive weight gain. I would just be cautious of the noncon scenes. Also forever rooting for Kendra
Stevita 2 years
Unsure about how I feel about this. Kendra is so far my favorite character. She has a spunk and an agency that the other characters lack, and yet, a special effort seems to be made to break that?
Mmcco291 3 years
already loving it
Angelhoney 3 years
@johnsmith I agree, this story is written very well but troubling to read from a black woman’s point of view. And to the author, great work, keep it up, but the race and rape fetishization is a huge turn off.
Skibud96 3 years
Honestly, I liked the story, especially more so on Kelly's gain. Good job with this one @cggo! It was nicely written and ended on a good “obese” note.

PS. @John Smith, the author already gave the trigger warning on the description.
Reflection O... 3 years
Im here to give this a like and comment just to stick it to the troll John Smith.
Cggo 3 years
I do this message for those who scrolled down at chapter 1. If you are not into really dark themes don't read this please.
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Pretty amazing story
Fatlilboy 3 years
How does one write a three page feeding essay with not ONE word involving the word FAT. It's the most erotic descriptive wonderful word. Don't avoid it.