The mad feeder - (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 7

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After her nightly tube feeding, Sergei came down to Kelly’s room, took the tube out, and freed her from her restraints. He watched her as she stripped down to her bra and panties and applied her creams and moisturizers. Sergei was very happy with what he saw. Kelly now had a belly, her breasts were fuller, her entire body was jiggly and soft, no longer thin and rigid outside her breasts and ass. She sighed in disgust at reflection, unpleased with what she saw.

“You grow more beautiful by the day, Kelly. I hope you understand that.” Sergei said.

She didn’t answer, she just rubbed in the creams frantically, desperate to get it over with. When she’d finished, Sergei nodded, and she got back into bed, ready to have her legs secured again. Sergei began to cuff her ankle when she cleared her throat.

“Um, Sergei?”


“Do you, um… Could I have some more food? I’m… Hungry…”

Sergei dropped the leg restraint as a wicked grin slipped across his face. “Of course! Do not ever hesitate to ask for more food, Kelly! It’s why you are here! What would you like? Chips? Cookies? Cupcakes? Anything you want…”

“Chocolate chip cookies…”


Se rgei retrieved the cookies for her, ecstatic as he watched her tear into them.

“You have been such a good girl, Kelly. You know what I do for you?”


“No leg restraint tonight. You are free to walk as you please. Go to bathroom if you like. However… You must remember… I’m always watching. Do not make me regret it!”

“I won’t, Sergei! I promise!”

“Good girl. Enjoy your cookies…”

“Thank you…”

Sergei’s relentless tube feeding of Kendra meant that, in the beginning, she had a 10-pound lead over the other girls. Once she had finally begun to be more submissive, though, her progress slowed, and Kelly took over.

Kendra was more awe-struck at Kelly than anything else. Though she had finally begun to get it through her head that pissing off Sergei wasn’t a sound strategy, she certainly wasn’t about to be bending over backwards to please him, and she was willing to drag her feet when it came to his attempts at fattening her up. Watching Kelly fall under his influence so quickly was unnerving.

“Hehehehehe, well, would you look at that! Kelly Belly has finished her first plate before the rest of you! Here, my love, let me bring you more…” Sergei said, dumping more ziti and meatballs onto her plate.

Kelly giggled and fluttered her eyes. Kendra sighed and shook her head. Vicky seemed a bit irritated.

“I know I say this all the time now, but the rest of you could learn from Kelly here. I have special reward planned for whoever reaches 200 pounds first…”

Kelly began to eat more enthusiastically, prompting Sergei to run his paw over her face, pinching her cheek. Kendra felt like she was going to be sick.

They were all getting fatter, but their situation made dwelling on it rather difficult. Not one of them knew when, or if, they’d ever see the outside world again. The ideas of their families grief-stricken, left with that aching uncertainty of whether their loved ones where dead or still alive somewhere, calling for them, overrode the typical dread and disappointment that came with a few extra pounds.


Kelly stood in front of her mirror, playing with her belly, letting it plop and hang over the waist of her sweatpants. She turned around, taking in her ass, pulling the band down a bit and looking at the cellulite forming on each of her wobbling cheeks.

Sergei was idly surfing the internet on his phone when he noticed Kelly on the monitory, immediately straightening up in his seat and hunching his hulking figure over the control panel, squinting at the monitor in her room.

“Mmmm… Yes… That’s a girl…” He mumbled to himself.

His hands drifted down towards his crotch as he grew more excited, his thumb rubbing against his dick through his jeans. Suddenly, Kelly looked directly towards the camera, waved, and winked, which almost made Sergei jump at first.

Then, she began to strip. He’d been weighing and watching her each day, charting her progress. Looking at her from the high camera angle, though, he realized just how much heavier she’d gotten since coming into his home a spry 123 pounds. He peered over at his clipboard as he hastily unbuttoned his jeans with his other hand.

“KELLY. 192 LBS.”

They were all eating dinner when Sergei made the announcement.

“My three little piggies, I have very good news…”

Kelly smiled and blushed a bit as she ate, making Kendra’s eyes roll and Vicky’s face turn up in agitation.

“Kelly Belly is the first of you to reach the coveted 200 pound milestone!”

Sergei clapped, though the applause was tepid and neither Vicky nor Kendra joined in.

“As I say before, I have special reward for her. Tonight, she will be permitted one two-minute phone call to her parents back home…”

Sergei lumbered towards her and bent over, running his hands through Kelly’s blonde hair. They smiled and stared at one another for a few moments before Sergei went in for a kiss, that Kelly seemed all too willing to reciprocate.

“There is also another surprise for you, my hungry girl. Keep this belly full, understood?”

“Yes, Sergei…” Kelly giggled.

“That’s fucking bullshit!” Vicky finally said, pushing her plate forward and crossing her arms.

“What?! I tell you already, whoever reaches 200 pounds first receives special reward! You simply must be more enthusiastic in your eating, Vicky!”

Kelly looked at her and shrugged. She now had a slight double chin, soft, round shoulders, bigger breasts, and a full belly, ass, and thighs. She felt strange even thinking it, but she had to admit that Kelly seemed destined to get fat. It was as if her body knew exactly where to store each calorie, making everything bigger, fuller, softer, thicker.

Of course, she’d been packing it on herself, too. She wasn’t far behind Kelly, at 189 pounds, but it seemed to be all going to her lower half. Looking at her sitting down, lower end obscured by the table and chair, you’d had no idea she’d gained almost 70 pounds. Her calves were now chubby, thighs thick and touching, and her ass was her defining asset. The chair she sat in was still comically large for a girl her size, but she could feel herself growing into it.

Then you had Kendra, the “runt of the litter”, I suppose you could say. She lagged behind the others at 180 pounds, though Sergei was still quite intrigued by her gaining. Throughout his life he’d bedded many larger ladies, and thought he’d seen just about every body type there was to see, every possible combination of fat distribution out there. Kendra was a first, a rare treat. Her excess weight collected the most in her arms and breasts. While she did have a slight paunch growing around her middle, her boobs and bingo wings were that of a woman several pounds heavier than herself.

When they’d all been stuffed, Sergei put them back to bed, saving Kelly for last. She was very excited to get to talk to her mother again. She just prayed she’d answer a Russian number.

“Kelly Belly…” Sergei whispered as he closed the door.

“Can I call my Mom now?!”

Sergei smiled and pulled a cheap burner flip phone from his pocket, waving at her tauntingly.

“You can, in a little while. Sit down on the bed.”

Kelly sat down, and Sergei sat beside her, dwarfing her even while seated. He put his giant gorilla arm around her and pulled her into him.

“I am very, very, proud of you, Kelly.”

She smiled a bit. “Th-th-thank you…”

“I understand, that in much of the world, fat is… Frowned upon. Even in place like America, where so many people are big and fat, obesity is still considered… Taboo…”

He began to reach around her, pinching at her side fat as he spoke to her.

“…But you are incredibly beautiful…”


She could see his cock starting to stiffen through his sweats, and she wasn’t naïve enough not to know where this was going. It inspired conflicting feelings in her, she wanted to please Sergei, but she wasn’t sure why.

Just think about the phone call…

He began to kiss her, tearing off her clothes and, even though she was much heftier than before, was flung onto the bed by Sergei as if she weighed nothing. She bounced against the mattress hard, her belly and tits jiggling wildly as Sergei took her, flinging her fat legs up against his giant chest and pounding her out. He jiggled and slapped at her belly as she was slammed into over and over again.


Vicky overheard them from the next room over, turning down her TV and listening. Her face froze as she realized Kelly sounded like she was genuinely enjoying it.

“Are you going to get nice and fat for me, Kelly!? HM!?” Sergei growled between frantic thrusts.

“Yes! Yes!”

“Good… My big, fat, gluttonous, hog…”

Vicky’s surprise gave way to irritation as she crossed her arms again and cranked the volume on her TV.

“What. The. Fuck…” She mumbled.

As Sergei put his clothes back on, he tossed Kelly the cellphone.

“There are two prepay minutes on the phone. Make them count. I will destroy it when you are finished…”

Kelly’s hands trembled as she handled the phone, which after a decade of iPhones, felt like an ancient piece of history. Wracking her brain, she tried to recall her mother’s number. She was 80% sure she had it but wasn’t sure on the last two numbers. She held her breath and hit the send button, putting it to her ear.
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Stevita 2 years
Fr fr I hope Kendra turns the tables on Sergei and makes him as big as a house
Stevita 2 years
Clearly this story fits well into the established genre of captive weight gain. I would just be cautious of the noncon scenes. Also forever rooting for Kendra
Stevita 2 years
Unsure about how I feel about this. Kendra is so far my favorite character. She has a spunk and an agency that the other characters lack, and yet, a special effort seems to be made to break that?
Mmcco291 3 years
already loving it
Angelhoney 3 years
@johnsmith I agree, this story is written very well but troubling to read from a black woman’s point of view. And to the author, great work, keep it up, but the race and rape fetishization is a huge turn off.
Skibud96 3 years
Honestly, I liked the story, especially more so on Kelly's gain. Good job with this one @cggo! It was nicely written and ended on a good “obese” note.

PS. @John Smith, the author already gave the trigger warning on the description.
Reflection O... 3 years
Im here to give this a like and comment just to stick it to the troll John Smith.
Cggo 3 years
I do this message for those who scrolled down at chapter 1. If you are not into really dark themes don't read this please.
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Pretty amazing story
Fatlilboy 3 years
How does one write a three page feeding essay with not ONE word involving the word FAT. It's the most erotic descriptive wonderful word. Don't avoid it.