The mad feeder - (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 8

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The phone rang for a few tense seconds before a voice finally answered.


“Mo m!?!!”

“KELLY!?!? Sweetheart where are you!?!? Are you OK!?”

“I’m… I’m… I’m OK… I’m… Stuck… Somewhere…”

“Kelly, please, where did you…”

The reception began to break up.


“Mom, can you hear me!?”

“Sweetie, stay on the line, please! Where are you!”

“Mom, hello?”

“Are you still there, Kelly?”


“I got you again! Where are you Kelly!?! Please tell me you’re OK!”

“Mom, I’m fine, I’m in Russia somewhere, I don’t know where! We met this guy…”

Sergei chuckled as he listened to them.

“Kelly? You broke up again, honey! Oh my God… I’m gonna call the police, and have the call traced, sweetheart please hang on! I love you!”

Sergei overheard this and snatched the phone from Kelly’s hand, breaking it in half, popping the battery out, and dumping the pieces into a glass of water. Kelly began to cry.

“It must be hard… Leaving your loved ones…”

“Don’t you have a family, Sergei!??”

“Hehehehehe, no.”

“Bullshit! You have to have a Mom, Dad… Fucking someone that loves you! People are looking for us! They’re gonna find us eventually!”

“Hehehehehe, oh Kelly, you disappoint me! Tell me something. If I have the capability of building a facility such as this, carrying out a plan like this, wouldn’t you think I’d take that into consideration? Over here, girls disappear every day! But three American girls… Oh no, that is major problem! Even if they do find you, which I am confident they will not, it will make no difference. I would go to prison either way!”

“What do you mean…?”

“Hehehehe… That is story for another day. For now! We must get you back on your tube. We burned so many calories during our little escapade, and I cannot have you wasting away now, can I? Lay down…”

Kelly hadn’t noticed it at breakfast the next day, but Vicky had been eating with a new level or vigor and enthusiasm. Hunched over her plate, shoveling food into her face, her eyes stayed trained on Kelly, studying her, trying to match her pace. Sergei looked on all of this proudly, cocking his head to the side as Vicky’s ass crack began to crest the waist of her leggings. Her hips were beginning to blossom into full-on saddle bags of fat. He envisioned her thighs bulging out past her knees, and her hips eventually scraping doorways.

Vicky refused to stop eating until Kelly did, but she couldn’t surpass her, much to her disappointment. Sergei offered her a firm pat on the back as he collected their dishes and they were dismissed back to their rooms.

“For lunch today, girls, I have special American delicacy… Hamburgers and hot dogs!”

Kelly squealed and clapped her hands, her entire body jiggling each time she brought her hands together. No sooner had Sergei put two hot dogs and a burger in front of Vicky was she double-fisting the dogs, shocking Kelly and causing her to panic as she tried to contain the head start as much as she could.

Kendra chewed her food rather slowly. She was hungry, but if she could deny Sergei the satisfaction of watching her cave in and pig out like her friends, she would. Kelly and Vicky locked spiteful gazes with one another as they stuffed their faces with food, chomping and munching and gulping and guzzling, neck and neck as Sergei kept their plates full.

Kelly was growing full as she neared her tenth hot dog and fifth burger, but Vicky maintained her voracious enthusiasm. As Kelly choked down the last bite of her hot dog she slumped back in her chair, falling into it, whimpering as her belly bulged in her lap, ready to vomit. Vicky stuffed the last half of her burger into her mouth, licked each finger, and threw her arms up victoriously.

“Very, very, good, Vicky! It seems my Kelly Belly has a bit of competition…”

Kelly frowned and rubbed her belly, groaning.

“I get you girls some medicine, to help with sore bellies…”


Vicky was in her room, nursing her swollen tummy, perusing the limited variety of Russian basic cable with apathy. There was an English channel she could get sometimes, but it didn’t always come in too clear, and the most recent show that aired on it was Married With Children…


Vicky would’ve jumped out of bed had her ass not been weighing her down.


“It’s me, Sergei.”

“Well duh…” She mumbled to herself.

Sergei let himself in and stood next to her, presenting her with a burner phone identical to the one he’d given Kelly. Vicky gasped and put a hand to her mouth.

“You’ve been doing very good lately, Vicky. I see the way you eat today, very impressive! For this, you may call one family member of your choosing…”

Vicky snatched the phone from his hand and dialed her sister’s number. She expected this to be a joke, that the phone wouldn’t ring, that it wouldn’t make the call to America.

But it rang…

And rang…

And rang…

And rang…

“Hi! You’ve reached Amy McCready! Leave a message!”

“Fuck! Amy! It’s me! Vicky! I’m… Somewhere… In Russia… I don’t know where… Please, please, please, help me… The last sign… I remember seeing… Is… I think it was for… A place called… Pripyat? We were on the highway, and this guy, he kidnapped us…”

Sergei ripped the phone from her hands and snapped it in half.


“I just wanna go home…”

Sergei sighed and put a hand to her face. “I know. It’s hard. But I keep up with the news, Vicky. Nobody has any idea where you are. Your American news cycle, they have all forgotten about you, about Kelly, Kendra… Sooner you accept your new life, the better! It’s really not so bad! I think you’ll warm up to me after enough time passes. Few women can say they live in this level of luxury!”

“Can I call her again tomorrow?!”

“Well, Vicky, you know the rules! If you behave, I give special privileges…”

She hung her head and whimpered. “OK…”

“Alright. Get some rest…”

Sergei left Vicky to herself and went back to his quarters.

Kendra was the last one to finally reach 200 pounds. Sergei had remedied her resistance by increasing the metabolic and appetite enhancing medications in her tube feedings, leaving her powerless at mealtime.

“Very, very, good Kendra! Took you a while, but everyone gains weight differently…”

Kendra huffed and crossed her arms, though it wasn’t easy for her to do so. Her bust had swelled and arms had grown so swaddled with fat she had to really try to get them intersected over one another. Her tummy, by comparison, was rather modest.

“We’ll see about that…” She mumbled as he shut her door.


Entry 52…

All girls are over 200 pounds. Kelly is classic fat girl, big belly, big tits, fat ass, thighs, those fluffy arms, well rounded. We shall see if she develops double belly or if it stays big and round. Vicky is pear shaped, I am very pleased with her. As I keep her seated most of the day, I predict her ass will bear the brunt of her weight gain. I will make love to her soon. She hasn’t come around as quickly as Kelly, but as I sow the seeds of rivalry between them, I am confident I will have her under my thumb soon enough. I let her call her sister today. She didn’t answer. In a way it was somewhat funny. She has been here for months, and she finally gets to make contact, and she cannot even bother to answer the phone!

I’ve been keeping close tabs on the investigation. Police are keeping tight lipped about it. But I am under investigation already. This does not bother me. When Kendra said her mother was politician in American, I must admit, it worried me. But a little digging has shown that was a bluff. Nothing has come from Kelly calling her mother. I predict the same for Vicky. She mentioned “Pripyat” when he left a voicemail. I could hardly contain my laughter! I pretended to be irritated with her, in order to keep her in line. While it is important I do not get arrogant, I am confident I will have my perfect harem soon.

It’s just a matter of patience…
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Stevita 2 years
Fr fr I hope Kendra turns the tables on Sergei and makes him as big as a house
Stevita 2 years
Clearly this story fits well into the established genre of captive weight gain. I would just be cautious of the noncon scenes. Also forever rooting for Kendra
Stevita 2 years
Unsure about how I feel about this. Kendra is so far my favorite character. She has a spunk and an agency that the other characters lack, and yet, a special effort seems to be made to break that?
Mmcco291 3 years
already loving it
Angelhoney 3 years
@johnsmith I agree, this story is written very well but troubling to read from a black woman’s point of view. And to the author, great work, keep it up, but the race and rape fetishization is a huge turn off.
Skibud96 3 years
Honestly, I liked the story, especially more so on Kelly's gain. Good job with this one @cggo! It was nicely written and ended on a good “obese” note.

PS. @John Smith, the author already gave the trigger warning on the description.
Reflection O... 3 years
Im here to give this a like and comment just to stick it to the troll John Smith.
Cggo 3 years
I do this message for those who scrolled down at chapter 1. If you are not into really dark themes don't read this please.
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Pretty amazing story
Fatlilboy 3 years
How does one write a three page feeding essay with not ONE word involving the word FAT. It's the most erotic descriptive wonderful word. Don't avoid it.