The skinny fiancé

chapter 20

“OOoooOOohh, fuck yes. That feels so fucking good. God, all these horny commenters are such a turn-on. I could read these comments all day. Oof, oh yeah. Oooohhhooo, oh shit! It’s already 9:30 a.m.?”

Allison pulled the vibrator out of her soaking wet vagina and shut her laptop. She had lost track of time, reading the comments on Luscious Lilly’s most recent photo set and masturbating.

"Goddamnnnnn, look at this fatty! I luv the fat girl energy in this photo!!! So glad u got new lingerie."

"Your such a good piggy, i bet all of your clothes are getting so tight. You make me so fuckin hard"

“I’d love to jiggle that gut while I cum in you from behind. Your growing body is so fucking hot. Don’t stop eating,” one commenter wrote, adding a cow emoji.

It made Allison so horny to imagine getting fucked from behind while someone fondled her belly. She loved playing with her new chub. It turned her on so much when she sat in front of the mirror, watching her belly and fuller breasts bounce up and up as she jiggled her fat. Now she wanted to know what it felt like to have someone else jiggle her fat body. These fat fetish commenters had such creative ideas. Things they wanted to do to her — squeezing, stuffing, ass-slapping, jiggling, etc.

And things they wanted her to do to them — face-sittings, squashing, and some real kinky dominatrix stuff.

It was all so hot to Allison. The line between her and Lilly was starting to blur. She wanted her fantasy to become reality. But her daydreams ran a little long this morning. Allison was running late to meet Tony at the gym. She wiped her vibrator clean, tossed it in her purse, tossed her purse in her gym bag, and grabbed her keys. You never knew when you needed your vibrator...

Tony was almost disappointed — almost.

Allison walked into the gym in new workout gear. It had been so hot seeing her squeezed into her tight workout pants and bra earlier that week. The image of Allison ripping her yoga pants plus the proud look on her face had been playing in his mind over and over again. He had never seen a once-fit gym bunny fall so fast and hard into chubbiness. Tony was hoping that maybe Allison would wear a similarly small set of workout clothes for squats, but really, how could he be disappointed?

Yes, her muffintop and love handles were covered up by these new, high-waisted honeycomb yoga pants. But they were black and shiny and flaunted the curves of her blossoming ass and thighs.

“Tony!” Allison squealed as she walked into the gym. “Do you like my new pants? Look how shiny they are!”

She ran up to him and gave him a twirl.

Fuck me, Tony thought.

“Do you think the squats and workout mix are helping?” she said as she pulled out a huge tumbler of chocolatey liquid calories. “God, this tastes so good. Mmmmmm. I actually need some more workout mix. I already ran out, can you believe it?”

“You should be proud of yourself,” he said. “You’ve been working hard. And it’s showing.”

More like eating like a cow, Tony thought, chuckling to himself.

“What’s so funny, Mister Muscles?”

“Oh nothing, Just thinking about your ‘wardrobe malfunction’ the other day,” he said.

“Oh, yeah, I would HATE for that to happen again,” Allison said, but both of them knew that wasn’t true.

They walked across the gym and began their series of squats and jump rope. There was no doubt that Allison was fatter — jiggly flesh rippled with each bounce she took — but it was obvious she had been doing her squats workouts. Tony was impressed. She was squatting with a lot of weight. No wonder her ass looked incredible! Her cardio was pretty bad, though. Probably the worst it had been in years. She couldn’t jump rope more than 30 seconds without breathing hard. With each little jump, she felt all her new weight holding her down. She was getting so sweaty, so fast. It felt strangely erotic. Jumping rope really made her realize that her body was certifiably different than it had been less than two months ago. She could feel the weight.

Tony couldn’t help but stare at his workout buddy as her soft body jiggled and bounced through their routine, and Allison obviously noticed. After nearly an hour, she was a hot, sweaty mess. And she was starving.

“Wow, what a workout,” Allison said. “I think I worked up a little appetite. Wish I had some more of that workout shake for my gains...”

“Really?” Tony asked with a fake bashfulness. “I don’t have any more chocolate workout mix with me here at the gym” — a lie — “but I’ve got some more at home. Maybe you could come by now and I could whip you a little something to eat?”

Allison’s stomach started to rumble.

“I think my belly answered that question,” she said, winking.

Allison had a whole rotisserie chicken waiting for her at home. She was craving a big meal like a junkie, but she was hungry for more than food. Allison wanted to fuck Tony — and she could tell he wanted it, too.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Scott12 2 years
Keep it flowing
Rogue 2 years
The more off the rails the better. This has been really hot. Write what you want.
Peachtree1 2 years
I appreciate it!
Bbman30 2 years
I agree @theswordsman this story sort of got off the rails. I was hoping he’d come back to a heartier her not go screw someone else…I’m still with the story though…
Peachtree1 2 years
I hear you. I've got a long, long story arc planned. Things will get worse before they get better. Just stick with me.
Theswordsman 2 years
At this rate im wondering if the engagement will end up breaking off
Jazzman 2 years
Pleasegrow 2 years
loving every bit of this! Keep it coming smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Will do!
Arch329 2 years
This is a fun read. Thanks,
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Berserker1 2 years
This story is amazing!! It's been such a long time since I enjoyed this much reading a wg story. Congratz!!
BTW, do you have Deviant Art?
Peachtree1 2 years
Glad to hear it! I don't have a Deviant Art account.
Rogue 2 years
This may be the best story I've read on fantasy feeder. Can't wait to see Allison hopefully continue to snowball out of control.
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for reading — and for liking the story!
Lwfeeder 2 years
This story is so good i can't wait for more
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Scott12 2 years
Great story, eagerly anticipating further chapters. Well done
Peachtree1 2 years
Frencht92yah... 2 years
This story is so incredible, it feels so realistic and relatable I love it!
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