The skinny fiancé

chapter 21

It was crazy. Absolutely crazy. Tony was good-looking. Like insanely good-looking. Like male-stripper-with-eight-pack-abs-and-huge-biceps good-looking. Plus his strong jawline and five-o’clock shadow. Tony could get any girl he wanted.

Allison had been no slouch herself. Most men found her conventionally attractive (before her recent weight gain). Yet there was no way she would have ever been able to land a smokeshow like Tony. Allison could have spent every day at the gym, eating salads, going tanning, getting her hair done, turning herself into what society deemed hot — a slim, blonde, petite, tan woman — and none of it would have mattered. All it took to make Tony drool over her was getting flabby. And it seemed like the thicker she got, the more Tony stared at her body.

Allison was sitting at the kitchen table in Tony’s home while Tony whipped up lunch. He had offered a bevy of healthy options, like quinoa salad, grilled chicken without the skin, and, of course, kale smoothies. Then at the end of his list, Tony offered to make her a cheeseburger.

Allison had pretended to think about all the options for a minute, before coyly saying, “hmmm, a cheeseburger sounds nice, doesn’t it?”

Tony had smiled and pulled out the patties and his cast-iron pan.

Allison was conflicted. She knew Tony liked her thicker body, but one measly little burger wasn’t going to cut it. Isn’t it unladylike to stuff your face with food? Wouldn’t Tony find her gross? It was like there was a little argument taking place in her head between old Allison and Luscious Lilly, when suddenly a blaring horn cut through the noise — it was her hunger.

Who gave a damn what Tony thought. She was fucking starving. Allison had needs, damnit. If Tony wanted to hang around a chubby girl, he would have to watch that girl eat. And a growing girl like Allison needed a lot of food.

“Actually, could you make me two double-patty burgers?”

“Oh, you want me to put two patties on your burger?”

“Yes, but I want two of those burgers — so four patties in total.”

Tony tried to hide his smile, but it was obvious to Allison. Maybe Tony wasn’t just into bigger girls. Maybe he was into growing girls? Allison already had Tony eating out of the palm of her hand. What if she could eat of his hand, too?

When Tony got ready to serve the burger on her plate, Allison just closed her eyes, leaned forward, opened her mouth, and waited.

Tony was surprised. It was clear Allison wanted him to feed her a bite, kind of like sharing a spoonful of tiramisu with your partner after a meal at a fancy restaurant. Tony put the burger up to her mouth. Allison tore off a huge bit.

“MMmmm, thank you for feeding me,” she said seductively, wiping off some grease from her lips.

Tony was at a loss for words. But he didn’t need to speak. Allison could see the outline of his cock stiffening through his pants. She decided to go for it.

“You’re not just into bigger girls, are you?” she asked. “Tell me the truth. You’re a feeder. I bet you would love to watch me stuff my face. Maybe you’d even like to be the one who stuffed me?”

“I, uh, um,” Tony stuttered. Sure, he had boned a few porkers, but feed them? Wasn’t that the stuff of fantasy and fat-fetish websites?

“There’s no use denying it,” Allison said. “I bet you watch kinky videos of chubby girls funneling weight-gain shakes.”

How did she know? Tony just nodded dumbly.

“The truth is, I am getting fatter. But I could use some help. I’ve never had someone feed me before. Would you please feed me?”

Tony nodded again.

“Great! Let’s get some rope.”

“Rope? What for?”

“To tie my hands down, silly!” Allison said. “How else are you going to stuff me? And by the way, all this talking has only made me hungrier. Better make it three burgers!”

Tony felt like he had died and gone to heaven. He whipped up a third burger, grabbed some rope, and tied her hands behind to the back of the chair.

“Too tight?”

“It’s perfect,” Allison purred. “Now, feed me.”

It was incredible. Tony, a stone-cold hottie, was following her every command like she was a goddess. He held the burger up to her mouth as she took bite after bite, smearing mustard and ketchup around her mouth. She started to moan. The burger tasted so good — so fatty. She could almost feel herself growing fatter. Allison realized she was getting incredibly wet. She wanted to touch herself so badly, but her hands were tied. So almost instinctively, Allison started to grind against her chair.

“Oh god, Tony. That burger was so fucking delicious. You’re such a good cook. But I need you to do something for me before you feed me that second burger. Inside my gym bag is my purse. Inside my purse is my vibrator. My hands are all tied up. See? Can you turn it on and put it in me?”

Tony did as Allison commanded, nearly tripping over himself. He grabbed the vibrator, then went over to Allison. He pulled down her black honeycomb leggings, freeing her doughy belly, which now rested on her bare thighs. He could see her underwear was drenched. He turned the vibrator on and inserted it in Allison, his hand brushing against her soft curves as he pulled down her soaking wet panties.

“Oh fuck yes, Tony. That’s perfect. Now, feed me.”

Tony picked up the second burger and again held it up to her mouth as Allison took bite after bite. She began to moan louder and louder. The vibrator felt so good inside her. Allison was so close to climaxing, but she couldn’t reach the crest of the wave. She needed more.

“Grab my belly,” Allison commanded in between bites, “and play with my fat rolls.”

Tony held half the burger with one hand while he used the other hand to explore Allison’s plush midsection. She started to moan even louder. Tony loved squeezing her rolls, lifting her belly, and dropping it on her thighs. Allison could feel herself growing full. The beef patties Tony had used were huge. The fuller she felt, the hornier she got.

“Fuck yes, Tony. Keep feeding me. Keep playing with my fat belly. Oh yeah, just like that. Grab that roll and jiggle my faaaaaa—oh holy shit, holy fucking shitttt,” Allison said, grinding hard against the chair, feeling the vibrator push deep inside her as she climaxed.

Tony’s cock was so hard it felt like it would rip through his shorts. Allison could tell he was aching for release.

“Feed me that last piece of burger,” she commanded. She scarfed it down in a single bite. “I’m still hungry.”

“Should I feed you that third burger?”

“No,” Allison said. “Not yet. I want dessert first.”


“I need your cock inside my mouth. Now.”

Tony didn’t need any convincing. He stepped closer to Allison and pulled his shorts and boxers down to his ankles. Dammmnnnn, Allison thought. Tony had a big cock, too? She leaned forward and put her mouth around the shaft, using her tongue to lick his throbbing head. Allison still had the vibrator in her pussy and hands tied to the chair. She thought back to a story she read on her fat-fetish site about a man with magic cum that made women fatter when they sucked his cock. She closed her eyes and imagined swallowing his seed, growing instantly fatter, her thighs and ass spilling off the seat, her big belly spreading on her thighs, her massive tits resting on her belly. With Tony’s rock-hard cock in her mouth, she was getting closer and closer to a second climax when suddenly she felt Tony’s shaft grow even harder before a huge wad of cum shot into her mouth. She swallowed it whole and opened her eyes. She was a bit disappointed to find herself the same size as before. So, Tony didn’t have magic cum, but it didn’t taste bad.

It would have been nice to cum again, Allison thought. It felt so hot to have Tony’s hands all over her body. Her fat fetish had been growing stronger and stronger. Finally, her fantasy was becoming reality. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of Tony’s now-flaccid penis. Like magic, Tony began to get erect once again.

“Already??” Allison asked incredulously.

Tony shrugged and smiled.

“What can I say? I guess I’m a feeder.”

“In that case, we’ve got unfinished business,” Allison said in a naughty voice. “I want you to untie me, but first, grab my phone and take some pictures. I’ll need them for later..."
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Scott12 2 years
Keep it flowing
Rogue 2 years
The more off the rails the better. This has been really hot. Write what you want.
Peachtree1 2 years
I appreciate it!
Bbman30 2 years
I agree @theswordsman this story sort of got off the rails. I was hoping he’d come back to a heartier her not go screw someone else…I’m still with the story though…
Peachtree1 2 years
I hear you. I've got a long, long story arc planned. Things will get worse before they get better. Just stick with me.
Theswordsman 2 years
At this rate im wondering if the engagement will end up breaking off
Jazzman 2 years
Pleasegrow 2 years
loving every bit of this! Keep it coming smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Will do!
Arch329 2 years
This is a fun read. Thanks,
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Berserker1 2 years
This story is amazing!! It's been such a long time since I enjoyed this much reading a wg story. Congratz!!
BTW, do you have Deviant Art?
Peachtree1 2 years
Glad to hear it! I don't have a Deviant Art account.
Rogue 2 years
This may be the best story I've read on fantasy feeder. Can't wait to see Allison hopefully continue to snowball out of control.
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for reading — and for liking the story!
Lwfeeder 2 years
This story is so good i can't wait for more
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Scott12 2 years
Great story, eagerly anticipating further chapters. Well done
Peachtree1 2 years
Frencht92yah... 2 years
This story is so incredible, it feels so realistic and relatable I love it!
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