The skinny fiancé

chapter 24

When the Uber pulled up, Jeremy got in the front seat of the SUV. Sarah and Carly clambered into the back. Carly had to hand it to Sarah. Sitting down in the bar, Sarah hardly looked 200 pounds. But when she stood up, Carly realized what an impressive gut and fat ass Sarah had. She was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke jean shorts, clearly from before her recent weight gain. She had a flabby muffin top, and her ass and rotund thighs were stretching the denim to its breaking point.

“I might have misjudged you, Twiggy,” Carly said playfully. “Are you gaining weight on purpose now?”

“I suppose so,” Sarah said. “Just seeing where this takes me. Do you mind if I ask how much you weigh?”

“Last time I checked, 375 pounds, but I know I’m heavier right now,” Carly said. “I can tell you wanna touch it. See how soft and jiggly I am. Go ahead. That’s right. Grab a roll. Feels nice, doesn’t it?”

“Whoa,” Sarah said. “You’re so soft. It feels incredible. And by the way, your outfit is gorgeous!”

“Thanks, I designed it myself,” Carly said. “Skinny designers just understand how to flaunt all of this fluff properly.”

The two girls giggled.

“What’s going on back there?” Jeremy asked from the front seat.

“Just trading secrets with your little friend. She says you have a nice ding dong” Carly said. “Aren’t you supposed to be ordering us pizzas?”

“Oh yeah,” Jeremy said, pulling out his phone. He dialed a delivery joint and asked for three large, extra cheesy pizzas. “On second thought, better make that four pizzas.”

The Uber driver leaned over to Jeremy.

“Both these women… they’re for you?”

“What can I say,” Jeremy said, smiling. “I’m a lucky guy.”

“And the pizzas?”

“They’re for my lady friends. You see, they get a bit hungry after sex. Also before sex. And sometimes hungry during sex, too. Four pizzas should be enough, right?”

The Uber driver was astonished. These three people were apparently about to engage in a bacchanalia that would make a Roman emperor blush — and yet they were so casual about it.

“Life is short, sweetie,” Carly said from the backseat. “Why not have fun?”

“Anyway,” Jeremy said. “Thanks for the ride. Ooh, looks like the pizza guy is right on time!”

The trio got out of the Uber, snagged the pizzas, went inside Jeremy’s apartment and into his bedroom.

“So,” Carly said. “How do you want me?”

“First, you should strip down for us — I mean for Jeremy,” Sarah said, taking a seat in the corner of the room.

Carly stood and peeled the tight clothes off her fat body. Sarah and Jeremy watched in awe as her fat rolls seemed to jump out of the confines of her shirt, like one of those inflatable sponges that had water dumped on it. Carly shook her fat belly and boobs like they were jello.

“Is my weight gain noticeable?” she asked cheekily.

Standing before them now in only lingerie, Carly was massive. There was no other word for it. Massive. No picture or video or words can do a fat woman justice, Jeremy realized. If he ever had any doubt about his fat fetish, it was instantly wiped away. Jeremy instinctively stood up and reached out to touch her body. There weren’t thoughts going through his mind. Just a primal desire to be with Carly.

But Carly pushed him backwards onto his bed and climbed on top. She took off his clothes. His stiff cock sprang out of his pants as she pulled them off. She pulled her panties to one side, slipped his cock into her wet pussy, and rested her full weight on him. She was more than double his weight. Jeremy felt her warm fatness envelope him and dominate him. He couldn’t get up if he wanted. He had never been in a position like this before during sex. But it wasn’t scary or anything like that. All he had to do was submit to this fat queen and to his fat fetish.

Jeremy loved fat women.

He had thought this many times in his life. He loved watching them waddle down the street. He loved seeing them scarf down food at a restaurant. He loved hearing a chair creak when they sat down. But it was always more of an abstract concept, desire, a fantasy, a wish, a dirty (big) secret. Now, it was a fact. He had a real-life SSBBW sitting in his lap, and he loved it.

Jeremy put his hands on the massive thighs straddling him. He had never felt a woman like this before. Her thighs were so soft, flabby, and expansive. They reminded him of a thick pancake batter.

Carly began to ride Jeremy’s cock, slowly and rhythmically. She spied Sarah, snacking on pizza and watching them with rapt attention.

“Twiggy,” Carly said. “Make yourself useful and gimme some pizza. No, not like that. Take two slices and fold them over each other like a sandwich. That’s right.”

Carly took the pizza and munched as she rode Jeremy. She had earned that pizza. It was victory pizza. Finally, she was fucking Allison’s fiance. She couldn’t wait to tell Allison the news — her fiance was into fat girls. Like really into them. His cock was so hard it was like a piece of rebar inside of her. She knew she better take it slow or he would blow his load immediately. So Carly just went back and forth, back and forth, feeling her fat body wobble rhythmically atop Jeremy.

“God, this pizza is so good,” Carly said. “Jeremy, babe, do you want to feed a slice? Great! Twiggy, some assistance?”

Sarah brought over more pizza. Jeremy fed her slice after slice, trying everything in his power not to ejaculate. Carly could tell how hard Jeremy was working to contain it, the pained expression on his face. She thought he deserved a little treat.

Carly began to grind harder. This wouldn’t be hard at all, she realized.

“I want you to squeeze my ass. My big fat ass,” she told him. “Yeah, just like that. Feel all that fatness in your hands? Feel my big stomach weighing you down? You love it when my big fat tits are in your face? Squeeze my ass and tell me I’m fat.”

Jeremy squeezed her giant globular ass cheeks and shook them.

“God, you’re so fucking fat!” he exclaimed.

Carly could feel the hot cum shoot inside her. She rolled off Jeremy, who appeared to be in a state of ecstasy.

But Carly wasn’t done. Not at all. In fact, she was just getting started.

“Twiggy,” she barked. “Come feed me some pizza. And take off your clothes.”
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Scott12 2 years
Keep it flowing
Rogue 2 years
The more off the rails the better. This has been really hot. Write what you want.
Peachtree1 2 years
I appreciate it!
Bbman30 2 years
I agree @theswordsman this story sort of got off the rails. I was hoping he’d come back to a heartier her not go screw someone else…I’m still with the story though…
Peachtree1 2 years
I hear you. I've got a long, long story arc planned. Things will get worse before they get better. Just stick with me.
Theswordsman 2 years
At this rate im wondering if the engagement will end up breaking off
Jazzman 2 years
Pleasegrow 2 years
loving every bit of this! Keep it coming smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Will do!
Arch329 2 years
This is a fun read. Thanks,
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Berserker1 2 years
This story is amazing!! It's been such a long time since I enjoyed this much reading a wg story. Congratz!!
BTW, do you have Deviant Art?
Peachtree1 2 years
Glad to hear it! I don't have a Deviant Art account.
Rogue 2 years
This may be the best story I've read on fantasy feeder. Can't wait to see Allison hopefully continue to snowball out of control.
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for reading — and for liking the story!
Lwfeeder 2 years
This story is so good i can't wait for more
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Scott12 2 years
Great story, eagerly anticipating further chapters. Well done
Peachtree1 2 years
Frencht92yah... 2 years
This story is so incredible, it feels so realistic and relatable I love it!
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