The skinny fiancé

chapter 26

“Wait, what?? A three-way?! I asked you to seduce my fiance, not have a frickin’ menage a trois, or whatever the heck you call it. Jesus, Carly.”

“Why are you so upset? You gave me the green light to screw Jeremy. I had no idea it was gonna turn into that,” Carly said, “although, I gotta say, it was super fuckin’ hot.”

Allison was so mad she wanted to throw her phone through the wall. Instead, she just took another bite of her breakfast sandwich, which was loaded with bacon and egg. She was anger-eating. It was a new habit Allison had picked up, in addition to stress-eating, celebration-eating, and boredom-eating. Come to think of it, eating was Allison’s reaction to pretty much everything nowadays.

“I dunno,” she said, sighing. “I guess it’s a lot harder for me than I realized. Jeremy with not just one woman, but two? And he was like dating the other girl?”

“Maybe?” Carly said. “It seemed more like hooking up. She was a little bigger than 225 pounds. Cute belly. Great ass. Solid boobs.”

“225 pounds? Ugh, dammit!”

Allison was feeling positively tiny hearing about Sarah. She took another bite of the sandwich.

“What’s the problem?” Carly said. “A little jealous?”

“My weight seems to be plateauing,” Allison said. “I’m eating more than ever, but it feels like I’m barely gaining anything these past couple weeks.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Carly said, chuckling. “I can hear you munching away right now!”

“I’m eating because I’m upset, Carly!” Allison said as she dug through her freezer, looking for a pint of ice cream.

“Look, I get it. Lots of gainers go through this. It’s kinda like hitting ‘the wall’ in a marathon, or at least I imagine that’s what it’s like. Hell, I’ve never run one,” Carly said. “You’ve been doing so well, eating so much, and suddenly it’s like you’re not getting any further in your goal. You wanna give up. But you just gotta power through. What do you weigh now?”

“About 160,” Allison grumbled.

“That’s not bad,” Carly said.

“Don’t patronize me!”

“When did you last weigh yourself?”

“Just yesterday, at Tony’s,” Allison said, before catching herself.

“Who’s Tony?” Carly asked immediately.

“He’s, um, my workout buddy? We do squats together.”

“Really,” Carly deadpanned.

“Well, it’s kind of a funny story,” Allison said. She knew Carly would give her shit about this, but she had to tell someone. And Carly was the only person who would understand.

“This guy has like a six-pack and is super chiseled. It turns out, he’s a feeder,” Allison said coyly. “And I might’ve had him tie me to a chair yesterday so he could feed me with my vibrator in.”

Carly raised her eyebrows.

“... and then we might have fucked while he fed me some more…”

“You whaaatttt?!” Carly exclaimed. “And you gave me shit about what happened with Jeremy and Sarah?”

“I know, I know!”

“No, hold up a minute. You’re the one who told Jeremy he could explore his fat fetish, right?’


“You actually encouraged him to go out and have sex with some fatty, right?”


“You asked — practically begged — me to screw Jeremy, right?”

“I guess so.”

“You just fucked some male model at your gym, right?”

“Yes, but—”

“Hold up. And you’re mad at Jeremy??”

“When you put it like that…,” Allison said. “I guess it’s not really about the sex. I just don’t understand. Why wasn’t Jeremy telling me about Sarah? I kept asking over and over again. I explained that I wanted to share in this fetish with him. That he could tell me anything. Literally anything. I was excited for him. For us.”

“I hear you, but how is this not good news? Jeremy is super into this fat fetish. And it turns out, you are, too! That’s a win-win.”

“Maybe it’s good news,” Allison said. “But our relationship is about a lot more than sex. It’s about communication. We were always so good at talking through everything. And now, there’s this huge part of Jeremy’s life, and he doesn’t tell me anything at all. It’s like he has a whole other life. It feels like I’m losing him.”

“Damn, Allison. I didn’t realize it was so bad.”

Carly could hear a few muffled sobs and the sound of a spoon scraping the bottom of an ice cream container.

“I mean, what if we break up?”

“Whoa, Allison. Just stay put. Don’t do anything rash. Lemme check something out and I’ll get back to you.”

They hung up.

Allison was licking the last remnants of ice cream from the container. She was now sad-eating. She was about to grab another pint when she remembered something that would cheer her up.

Allison went to her computer, logged onto Luscious Lilly’s account, and uploaded some of the photos from her stuffing session with Tony.

There was Allison. Tied to a kitchen chair. Belly distended and full, with crumbs from the burger scattered about. Maybe she was only 160 pounds. But she wouldn’t be for long. And damn if she didn’t make 160 pounds look sexy.

“Had the most amazing stuffing session yesterday,” Lilly wrote. “So stuffed I could hardly move. God, don’t I look like such a greedy pig in these photos?”

Allison was getting wet looking at the photos, reimagining her stuffing session with Tony. She watched as a wave of comments, likes, and messages started to pour in. She watched for one name in particular.

Then, it happened.

A new message from FakePierceBrosnan.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Pucciarello 3 months
Incredible story
Peachtree1 1 month
The story is about halfway done. The rest is sketched out. I just need the time to finish it one day. The full thing will be about 60,000 words
Frozenglass 1 year
That's hot. Never understood watching porn when you have a partner upstairs though.
Aoneill2013 1 year
Hope you finish this!
Aoneill2013 1 year
Hope you finish this!
Scott12 2 years
Any update on this in the foreseeable future?
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey Scott, I've got the whole story plotted out. I just need some time to write the second half. I hope that comes soon. Trust me. I have BIG plans for Allison. I promise.
Scott12 2 years
Awesome! It’s a juicy story and definitely surpasses many on here. Cant wait!
Boni 2 years
Love this story. Please keep it going!
Kane24 2 years
Hope you keep going with this one!
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
AgainstTheCu... 2 years
This is just the best story on here.... looking forward to more!
Kakaru 2 years
Beautiful story The best I've ever read, I hope you will continue to write it
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you! I will
Little Sparr0w 2 years
Loving this, looking forward to more updates smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks all for the kind words. I will be updating the story soon — I promise!
Charfire2002 2 years
I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Boni 2 years
Absolutely love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Pd500 2 years
I finally had time to finish chapter 26. I'm really digging this and can't wait for when Allison & Jeremy see each other again!

Great story!
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