The skinny fiancé

chapter 27

Was last night real? Did Jeremy really have a three way with Carly and Sarah? So many fat rolls. So many chins. So much undulating, orgasmic blubber.

Jeremy lay in his bed, sore from all the bending, the thrusting, and the feeding. He lost count of the number of times he orgasmed. Just thinking about it was getting him all riled up again. He looked down at his sheets and found he was pitching a tent.

If someone had told Jeremy a few months ago that he would soon be living a fat fetishist’s pornographic dream, he would have laughed. Jeremy had a fiancee. A skinny fiancee, but an incredible partner with whom he was excited to share his life.

But how could Jeremy tell Allison about last night? She told him to explore his kink, but Jeremy was beyond exploration. He wasn’t just looking at the stars through a telescope. He landed on the moon and planted a flag in the dirt that said, “I just had sex with two fat women while feeding them pizza and loved every second of it.”

Jeremy pulled up her contact card on his phone and his finger dangled above the green “call” button. He imagined Allison’s surprise and shock at the news. Maybe even a little intrigue or jealousy. Maybe it would sound fun to Allison. She might start eating more. Stop going to the gym. She could find herself absentmindedly playing with a little chub and decide that she likes it. Perhaps by the time he got home, his fit, angular fiancee would have a few curves on her. He’d squeeze her squishy ass, stuffed into a pair of tight stretch pants. She would even let him feed her…

Jeremy snapped out his daydream. No, no, no. There was just no way his fiancee — the determined gym rat — would ever do anything more than some light roleplay. It wasn’t even worth calling Allison. She was probably on a treadmill at the gym. He put his phone down, grabbed his laptop, and typed in the name “Lucious Lilly”

The tent he was pitching in his sheets suddenly became a lot taller. There was Lilly, sitting on a chair with her hands tied, her belly resting on her thighs, and scraps from her burger stuffing all around her. As always, Lilly was careful to crop her head out of all the images, but one photo showed a corner of her smile. It was a devilish, naughty, slutty smile. It turned Jeremy on as much as any of the photos.

“I can’t tell from the photos how much you enjoyed yourself. You love your growing body. God, you are such a slutty pig, and I wish I were there to stuff you myself,” FakePierceBrosnan wrote to Luscious Lilly. “You’re incredible.”

A few minutes went by. Then a ping.

“Hmmm, my favorite spectator,” Lilly wrote. “I wish you were a participant. I’d like to imagine you stuffing me with sponge cake. I just don’t have any idea what you look like… what a shame!”

Jeremy was floored. Was this burgeoning goddess flirting … with him?

“Just imagine the man of your dreams,” FakePierceBrosnan wrote. “I make you pancakes and bacon in the morning, sandwiches slathered in mayonnaise for lunch, and a roast duck with cheesecake for dinner. In between all the eating, I rub your belly and tell you how beautiful you are. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds amazing. But what if I get too big for you?”

“Hmph. That’s an important question, but I think the framing is off. I want to feed you. I want to pamper you. I want to grab your fat rolls and caress you. But your body is your body. Will you get too big? That’s not a question for me. That’s a question for you. What do you think? Do you have a goal in mind?”

Back in California, Allison was ecstatic to see the messages from FakePierceBrosnan. This was just what she needed to get her mind off of Jeremy having sex with Carly and some other fatty. Finally, a guy who was appreciating her body — and knew how to flirt.

“I need to hit 200 pounds. And I need to hit it in about a month (long story). I just love the way the weight is hanging off my body right now. Every step I take, I jiggle. 200 is gonna feel incredible.”

“You’ll get there. I believe in you! Maybe I could treat you to some delivery food if you need....”

Allison smiled. This guy was incredible. First the lingerie, then these conversations, now takeout food? She liked to imagine he was a guy her age, just trying to understand this weird kink and get off with someone without feeling a bunch of shame. But she was afraid FakePierceBrosnan could be some 70-year-old man with a toothless grin in a decrepit house with a bunch of weird dolls.

FakePierceBrosnan knew her pop culture references. He had pretty good grammar (definitely a college grad). And he fell within the lines of what Allison called “respectful horniness.” She liked knowing that FakePierceBrosnan was jerking off to her, but he was never demanding, never stalking, never mean (aside from the playful teasing she enjoyed).

“Why do you think we are the way that we are?” Luscious Lilly wrote. “What is this obsession with fatness? Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But it seems strange sometimes.”

“Tbh, I think we’re the normal ones. Long message incoming,” FakePierceBrosnan wrote. “Did you read about those stone figurines they found in caves in Europe. I don’t remember all the details, but the figurines dated back thousands of years. The stone figures were these gloriously fat women. Big bellies, round thighs, massive asses, and beautiful, full breasts. They looked like idols for worship, and these scientists were all confused. ‘Why were these people worshiping fat women?’ These archaeologists were brainwashed. Think about it. It’s 5,000 BC. There’s no heater, no electric blankets, no McDonalds. It’s tracking down mastodons or whatever and hunting them with spears and rocks. Everyone was skinny. They had to be. Food was practically impossible to get. They were always on the move with no shelter. Can you imagine the first fat woman? What it meant it for her tribe? It meant the tribe was more successful than any other tribe out there. They were such good hunters, their women could feast. Not just eat, but feast. Remember, there was no weight gain shake back then. You had to eat a lot to get fat. Every pound she gained, every curve she grew, each fat roll — it all symbolized success, luxury, vanity. I bet the fat women were worshipped like goddesses. Big, fat goddesses. They were exotic, beautiful, and worthy of worship. There’s something deeply ingrained in us. It’s almost evolutionary. We want to fatten our women. We want to worship them. Somewhere along the way, we got it all backwards. But deep down, a lot of us know what we want.”

Damn, that was hot, Allison thought. She liked the idea of being worshipped.

“I love the way you think,” Luscious Lilly replied. “Maybe we could talk on the phone sometime?”
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Scott12 2 years
Keep it flowing
Rogue 2 years
The more off the rails the better. This has been really hot. Write what you want.
Peachtree1 2 years
I appreciate it!
Bbman30 2 years
I agree @theswordsman this story sort of got off the rails. I was hoping he’d come back to a heartier her not go screw someone else…I’m still with the story though…
Peachtree1 2 years
I hear you. I've got a long, long story arc planned. Things will get worse before they get better. Just stick with me.
Theswordsman 2 years
At this rate im wondering if the engagement will end up breaking off
Jazzman 2 years
Pleasegrow 2 years
loving every bit of this! Keep it coming smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Will do!
Arch329 2 years
This is a fun read. Thanks,
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Berserker1 2 years
This story is amazing!! It's been such a long time since I enjoyed this much reading a wg story. Congratz!!
BTW, do you have Deviant Art?
Peachtree1 2 years
Glad to hear it! I don't have a Deviant Art account.
Rogue 2 years
This may be the best story I've read on fantasy feeder. Can't wait to see Allison hopefully continue to snowball out of control.
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for reading — and for liking the story!
Lwfeeder 2 years
This story is so good i can't wait for more
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Scott12 2 years
Great story, eagerly anticipating further chapters. Well done
Peachtree1 2 years
Frencht92yah... 2 years
This story is so incredible, it feels so realistic and relatable I love it!
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