The skinny fiancé

chapter 28

Allison stared at her computer screen, waiting for FakePierceBrosnan to write a message back. She hit refresh. After a few moments, she hit refresh again. Then she double checked her internet signal and sighed.

Allison felt a rumble in her tummy. All that typing must have worked up her appetite! She was starving. She walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a jar of nutella and a spoon, and walked back to her laptop and hit refresh. Every time she took a bite of nutella, she hit refresh.

Pretty soon, the container was empty, and there were still no messages from FakePierceBrosnan. Allison felt an emptiness inside her, an emptiness she couldn’t fill with food. She thought about calling Jeremy, but what would she say? “Hey Babe, I’ve decided to become a fat fetish model. My adoring internet friend (who might be a 70-year-old toothless man) doesn’t want to talk to me today and now I feel sad.”

Yeahhhhhh, no.

Allison wasn’t gonna call Jeremy. There was no way he could understand what she was going through.

According to her rough calculations, Allison needed to eat at least 5,000 calories today if she wanted to hit 200 pounds by next month — the midpoint of Jeremy’s worktrip. She imagined how fun it would be to have this sexy stranger, FakePierceBrosnan, call her and tease her about her rapid weight gain. She would gorge herself while he teased her. Maybe they could even have some phone sex.

Allison called Tony. No answer. He must be at work. She thought about texting him, but didn’t want to seem clingy.

Instead, Allison willed herself to do a few rounds of squats at home and ate an entire family-size lasagna. That might sound like a lot to some people, but there was another lasagna in the freezer that Allison was supposed to eat today.

She stood in front of her mirror and stripped down to her panties. Allison was fatter than ever, but it was like she had reverse body dysmorphia. She felt tiny. She grabbed her growing gut with both hands and shook it. She liked watching the jiggles reverberate across her midsection. She let go and watched her belly plop down. Her belly now hung off her. A roll of fat pushed over the top of her underwear. It turned her on to think that her gut could not be contained — but she wanted it bigger. She imagined being so fat that you couldn’t tell if she were wearing panties because her fat rolls completely covered them. She had DD tits now, but she wanted FF. Her fat ass was turning heads, but she wanted a shelf. She wanted an ass so fat that men would literally stop in their tracks to gawp at her. She wanted to fill out that black lingerie set that FakePierceBrosnan had sent her.

No, she wanted to BURST out of the lingerie.

She wanted her fat to rip through old clothes. She wanted to be worshipped like one of those ancient fat idols. She wanted to be fatter than Carly and seduce her fiance, too. She would pin him to the bed with her fat body and say, “Isn’t this what you always secretly wanted, Babe?”

But for now, she felt tiny.

Allison went to bed early. She prayed for a miracle, then fell into a deep sleep.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey all, taking a break for now, but will finish up this story later.
Scott12 2 years
It’s the dilemma. He’s been in the shadow about it. She explored and is into it and he doesn’t get to experience it with her. He’s still uncertain of her feelings toward it.
Scott12 2 years
Almost like a, lose what you’ve desired the most type of theme. But I’m with you, hopefully when they reunite, or one of them figures it out through the online chat and
Scott12 2 years
And recognizes it’s one of them on the other end...I’m curious to see how things might play out.
Fatowl 2 years
Great story! Allison's mental conflicts are the best. Another crisis after she squats with Tony? Gets together with Carly? 3some with Carly and Jeremy? Then loses weight? Fun!
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for all the nice comments! @luvchubbygirls — that's a good question. I say Allison's weight starts at 115 and later I say she is tall. I guess that's a bit of an inconsistency. If she were tall, being 115 would be really skinny. Maybe let's say s
Karenjenk 2 years
This is amazing
love how the rate of gain is
P;lease keep going
Luvchubbygirls 2 years
Great story, how tall is she?
Kangaroo 2 years
I'm really, really enjoying this. Thanks so much!
Ssaylleb 2 years
Well done! I'm really enjoying this one.
I like how you showed her feelings and doubts, and she didn't jump to love it and gain 200lbs in a week.

Looking forward to more!
BulletSpire 2 years
This is awesome, keep going, it's great.
Peachtree1 2 years
@Jazzman -- Thanks, man. I appreciate it!
Jazzman 2 years
Awesome Story. Really better with every chapter
LeandroAlex 3 years
Good afternoon, how much do you think about putting on weight? How about she get annoyed that I couldn't find a method that ends up making her huge.
Jazzman 3 years
This beginning is Fabulous. Reminds me of a Fantastic story still in my mind 20 years later. Please update regularly
Zxcv 3 years
Just love this!
Peachtree1 3 years
Thank you for reading! I hope to add a couple chapters a week. I've got big plans for this story!
Jazzman 3 years
Good Start!
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