The skinny fiancé

chapter 5

The next two weeks went by with a flurry of eating and fingering. Allison still went to the gym for squats and deadlifts. She got on the treadmill a couple times, but by the second week, she was losing motivation. It was weird. Running was such a big part of her life before. But every day it just seemed ... dumber.

Why run? It was probably the reason her ass was so scrawny. She had been fixated on the bottom-heavy SSBBW from Jeremy's porn. She had gone back to the site a few times since and watched more videos with her. She didn't like the woman's triple chin or huge gut, but there was something magnetic about her ass. Even the way the cellulite rippled across her thighs made Allison jealous. That 400-pound woman was, well, hot. There was something undeniable about it, which felt strange to Allison. All her life, she thought no woman about 160 pounds could be hot. But maybe she had been looking at everything wrong.

She got out of bed this morning, and for the first time since Jeremy left, she felt different. Like physically different. Heavier. Her stomach was no longer flat. She had watched her abs slowly recede into her belly over the past two weeks. But now there was a slight roll that touched the tops of her thighs when she sat up. She also felt softer around her whole body. Her once tight ass felt more like padding. When she turned from side to side, a slight roll would form on her back. And when she stood up and walked around, there was a slight bounce to her body. Like everything was just a little jiggly. She remembered the feeling from grad school.

Allison was getting hungry. She never used to be hungry in the morning, but now she craved bacon the moment she woke up. Before she went to the kitchen, she decided to hope on the scale.

"130 pounds?????" Allison gasped. "15 freakin' pounds? In two weeks??"

Allison thought she would gain 15, maybe 20 pounds in the entire six months that Jeremy was away. But this had only been two weeks. How had she not noticed? She had been wearing loose pants and billowy tops almost exclusively for the past two week. She ran — okay, speedwalked — to her room, and grabbed her favorite pair of jeans.

It was fine pulling them over her calves, her knees, and her thighs. But when she got to her butt, they got stuck. She finally wrangled them up to her waist, but then spent 5 minutes wrestling to get them zipped and button. By that time, she felt like she was ready to burst. There was a clear muffin top.

Allison was dismayed, but also turned on. She snapped a few quick photos of her new fluff spilling over the tops of the jeans, then took them off.

For the first time since she discovered Jeremy's fetish, Allison was freaking out. She wasn't supposed to get this big, at least not this fast. How big was she going to be when Jeremy arrived? If she kept this rate up, she was going to more than double her weight by the time Jeremy got back. What if this was more of a fantasy for him? Oh God, Allison thought. The worst part wasn't that she was wrecking her body. The worst part was that it was turning her on. What if she couldn't stop? She did like the way her ass filled out those jeans — even if they were nearly impossible to get on.

Allison had to know whether Jeremy liked fat women in real life, or just in person. Her old college friend Carly was in Austin, right? She pulled out her phone and dialed her number.

"Carly, hey! Long time, right? You're still in Austin? Oh, perfect. Yes, I would love to come visit, but first I have a favor to ask. Sorry this is going be weird. I can explain. You're still fat, right? Wonderful. I need you to seduce my fiance."
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey all, taking a break for now, but will finish up this story later.
Scott12 2 years
It’s the dilemma. He’s been in the shadow about it. She explored and is into it and he doesn’t get to experience it with her. He’s still uncertain of her feelings toward it.
Scott12 2 years
Almost like a, lose what you’ve desired the most type of theme. But I’m with you, hopefully when they reunite, or one of them figures it out through the online chat and
Scott12 2 years
And recognizes it’s one of them on the other end...I’m curious to see how things might play out.
Fatowl 2 years
Great story! Allison's mental conflicts are the best. Another crisis after she squats with Tony? Gets together with Carly? 3some with Carly and Jeremy? Then loses weight? Fun!
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for all the nice comments! @luvchubbygirls — that's a good question. I say Allison's weight starts at 115 and later I say she is tall. I guess that's a bit of an inconsistency. If she were tall, being 115 would be really skinny. Maybe let's say s
Karenjenk 2 years
This is amazing
love how the rate of gain is
P;lease keep going
Luvchubbygirls 2 years
Great story, how tall is she?
Kangaroo 2 years
I'm really, really enjoying this. Thanks so much!
Ssaylleb 2 years
Well done! I'm really enjoying this one.
I like how you showed her feelings and doubts, and she didn't jump to love it and gain 200lbs in a week.

Looking forward to more!
BulletSpire 2 years
This is awesome, keep going, it's great.
Peachtree1 2 years
@Jazzman -- Thanks, man. I appreciate it!
Jazzman 2 years
Awesome Story. Really better with every chapter
LeandroAlex 3 years
Good afternoon, how much do you think about putting on weight? How about she get annoyed that I couldn't find a method that ends up making her huge.
Jazzman 3 years
This beginning is Fabulous. Reminds me of a Fantastic story still in my mind 20 years later. Please update regularly
Zxcv 3 years
Just love this!
Peachtree1 3 years
Thank you for reading! I hope to add a couple chapters a week. I've got big plans for this story!
Jazzman 3 years
Good Start!
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