The skinny fiancé

chapter 6

Jeremy had been in Austin for more than two weeks now. Work was fine, if a bit hectic. He missed Allison, but it was nice to get home, decompress, and watch his kink porn on a flat-screen TV on full volume. He had spent years furtively watching porn with headphones in while Allison wasn't around.

Things were going okay until Allison called one day. She said something crazy. Something that made him question their upcoming marriage.

"I want you to have sex with other women," Allison told him.


"Babe, we're about to spend the rest of our lives together, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"And you have a fetish for fat women and weight gain, right?"

"Yeah," Jeremy said, sheepishly.

"We both know I'm never gonna be that woman for you. And this roleplay is fine, but I think it's important for you to experience this kink in real life. Then, I think you'll be ready to come back to me. I've been reading up a lot on sex psychology. This might sound weird, but I truly think it's the best thing for our relationship."

"Wow," Jeremy said. "It just doesn't feel right. Are you sure about this?"

"I want you to take the next few months to explore this fetish. Then I want you to come back home to Sacramento and fuck my brains out. I think this is the best way to do it."

That call was a few days ago. Jeremy still couldn't believe it. It felt so wrong. He was planning on staying in that night when he got a text from Allison.

"Have u met any 'friends' in Austin yet?"

Was this real life? His fiancée was pressuring him to cheat on her. This could be his only opportunity to truly act on his kink. It would be crazy to pass it up, right? He got up and changed out of his sweatpants. He put on some dark jeans and tight shirt. Did he even still remember how to flirt?

"Not yet, babe. Gonna head to a brewpub downtown. Maybe tonight?"

"Oh rly?? What bar?"

Jeremy was confused. Why did she want to know the bar he was going to.

"Flanigan's," he replied.

"Sounds fun!" she wrote back.

Now it was time for Allison to set her plan into motion. She chuckled from her couch where she was absentmindedly eating a sleeve of Oreos. She texted her friend Carly that the target was heading to Flanigan's. Allison felt a bit strange manipulating this situation, but she knew it had to be done. Jeremy could be shy and reserved. She knew he loved her too much to cheat on him. Left on his own, Jeremy would never fulfill his fantasy — ergo, she would never know whether to keep eating Oreos, or go on a diet.

If her friend Carly could seduce Jeremy, it meant that his kink wasn't just a passing fad. It meant Allison really could let herself go. Every day since she started her new diet, she felt her appetite growing and her laziness increasing. She was starting to wonder if she could lose this weight. She was amazed at how quickly she adapted to the lifestyle. Finding her sleeve of Oreos empty, she grabbed a big glass of melted ice cream from the coffee table. She had been sipping on it all night. She really hoped this evening went well with Carly and Jeremy. She didn't want to stop gaining weight. The train had left the station.

Carly was the ideal seductress. She was fun, flirty, and most importantly 370 pounds. This was the upper bounds of Jeremy's fetish. If Jeremy screwed Carly, then Allison figured she could gain another 30 or 50 pounds in the next few months — maybe more. All she needed was the green light.

Carly was surprisingly on board with the plan. She loved sex. And she knew how many closeted fat admirers there were. It was kind of a fun game for her, popping a man's cherry. She liked being a man's first — first fat woman, that is. When she saw a picture of Jeremy, she was smitten.

"I would be honored to screw that hunk of a fiancé for you, Allison," Carly had told her.

When Carly got the text from Jeremy, she was already at a nearby bar, in the middle of seducing a man married to a tennis instructor.

"Sorry, Steve. You'll have to spend the night with that tiny wife of yours," Carly said. "I've got some work to do."
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Pucciarello 3 months
Incredible story
Peachtree1 1 month
The story is about halfway done. The rest is sketched out. I just need the time to finish it one day. The full thing will be about 60,000 words
Frozenglass 1 year
That's hot. Never understood watching porn when you have a partner upstairs though.
Aoneill2013 1 year
Hope you finish this!
Aoneill2013 1 year
Hope you finish this!
Scott12 2 years
Any update on this in the foreseeable future?
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey Scott, I've got the whole story plotted out. I just need some time to write the second half. I hope that comes soon. Trust me. I have BIG plans for Allison. I promise.
Scott12 2 years
Awesome! It’s a juicy story and definitely surpasses many on here. Cant wait!
Boni 2 years
Love this story. Please keep it going!
Kane24 2 years
Hope you keep going with this one!
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
AgainstTheCu... 2 years
This is just the best story on here.... looking forward to more!
Kakaru 2 years
Beautiful story The best I've ever read, I hope you will continue to write it
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you! I will
Little Sparr0w 2 years
Loving this, looking forward to more updates smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks all for the kind words. I will be updating the story soon — I promise!
Charfire2002 2 years
I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Boni 2 years
Absolutely love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Pd500 2 years
I finally had time to finish chapter 26. I'm really digging this and can't wait for when Allison & Jeremy see each other again!

Great story!
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