The skinny fiancé

chapter 7

Jeremy was sitting alone at the bar of Flanigan's, nursing a beer and wondering the heck he was doing here.

On one end of the bar were a pair of conventionally attractive women — svelte and wearing skinny jeans — who kept stealing glances at him. One the other end of the bar was a relatively thick woman, much more to his liking, but certainly no BBW.

Jeremy figured he should go talk to her, but she seemed engrossed in her phone and, honestly, she wasn't even that fat. Jeremy had been with thicker women before. He had dated a few in college. But he had never fully indulged his fantasy. If he was going to do this — cheat on his fiancée — it was go big or go home. He sighed, swirled the remaining gulp of beer in his glass, and knocked it back. Just as he was going to signal the bartender to close his tab, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Jeremy spun around and was stunned. When did this beautiful woman walk into the bar? Surely he would have heard her. She had jet black hair and a full, round face. Her brown eyes looked intently into his and she smiled a knowing smile. Jeremy couldn't help but look down. Her huge breasts were spilling out her low-cut top. Jeremy liked to think he had pretty big biceps, but her arms were twice as thick.

"Hi, my name's Carly," she said in a sultry voice. "Buy me a drink?"

Jeremy stammered before finally getting the words out: "Of course!"

He motioned for the bartender — perhaps a bit too excitedly, he know realized.

"Play it cool, Jeremy," he thought to himself. "Play it cool."

His heart was pounding. It was almost as if he had summoned Carly here. He forgot how nervous flirting made him.

When the bartender came over, Carly ordered an entire pitcher of dark beer.

"Vodka is for skinny bitches," she said, winking at Jeremy. "Why don't you and I get a booth? I'd join you up on that stool, but I don't think it can handle all of ... this."

Carly turned to show Jeremy her magnificently fat backside. If Jeremy had felt bad about ogling Carly before, he couldn't stop himself from looking at her now. She was wearing skintight jeans and her ass and thighs appeared to be testing the tensile strength of denim. Her ass was the thing dreams are made of. Jeremy didn't know it until this very moment, but this was the ass he had been searching for his entire life. Carly grabbed her pitcher of beer and Jeremy followed her to the booth, hypnotized by the sway and jiggle of her butt with each step. Carly had to suck in her fat gut to slide into the booth, and her ass took up much of the seat.

"So what's your name?"

"I'm Jeremy. I'm new to the area."

"Oh, did you come her for work? Or for pleasure?"

Carly practically purred the word "pleasure." It was obvious she was hitting on him, but Derek had been out of the dating game for so long he was like a fish trying to ride a bicycle.

"Uh, for work. Just a temporary work assignment."

"What kind of work do you do?"

"Eh, mostly just pushing papers across a desk. You?"

"I work in fashion. Austin is surprisingly great for fashion. It's getting a bit bougie, and that means ladies wanna look good. But there's no one making clothes for women like me. That's why a few friends and I started our own clothing line."

"That sounds like a way more interesting job than what I do," Jeremy said. "Do you have any pictures of the clothing line?"

"I'm wearing one of our tops right now. See, most fat women think they can't pull off a top like this. They wear something that covers them up. But I've got an amazing rack, and why wouldn't I want the world to see it?"

Carly took both hands and ran her fingers up and down the plunging neckline of her top. Then she tugged the fabric up, causing her massive tits to bounce.

"If I'm gonna have back pain, I might as well look good, too."

Jeremy was a total loss for words, doing everything he could to suppress a boner. This was all too amazing, too fast. Was this a dream?

"I, uh, well... that makes sense to me," he finally stammered.

Carly smiled. Jeremy was clearly flustered. This was too easy. They continued talking, and eventually Jeremy eased into the conversation, even making a joke or two.

"Oh, you're funny," Carly said. "Funny and cute."

Jeremy blushed and tried to return the compliment.

"Well, you're smart and..."

"Smart and what?" Carly said. "Fat?"

"I was going to say beautiful!"

"I am beautiful," Carly said, confidently. "But, c'mon, Jeremy. Aren't I fat, too?"

Jeremy's brain felt broken. Did she want him to call her "fat?" Girls weren't supposed to like that. Fat wasn't a compliment. It seemed wrong, almost delightfully wrong, that a girl liked the word fat. It felt like a scene out of those pornos he was always watching — except this was real.

"You are, um," Jeremy gulped. "You're fat."

"I'm fat," she said back to him. "I love it when you say that."

"You're beautiful and fat," Jeremy said, growing more confident. "I would even say you're beautifully fat."

"Beautifully fat," Carly said. "I like that. You know how to charm a lady. I live just around the corner. Why don't we continue this conversation there? Maybe you can think of some more adjectives to describe my body."

Jeremy looked down at his phone to check the time. It was almost 10:30 p.m. They had been talking for nearly two hours. Carly had drunk two pitchers of beer and didn't even seem to be tipsy. He was absolutely smitten by Carly. But when his phone's backscreen lit up, he saw a familiar face: Allison. It was the two of them on vacation on the California coast. They looked so happy together.

"Carly, I had an amazing time tonight," Jeremy began, "but I need to go home. Too much work, you know? A big presentation in the morning."

Jeremy was putting cash on the table and getting up to go.

"You're leaving? Wait a minute — gimme your phone."

"My phone?"

"Yeah, I wanna put my number in there."

Jeremy opened his phone, saw Allison's face again, and reluctantly opened his contacts app. Carly punched in her name and number and sent herself a text.

"We were having a lovely time," Carly said. "I'm sorry you have to go. At least gimme a hug before you leave."

Carly got up, pushed her fat body up against Jeremy, and wrapped her arms around him.

Jeremy was hesitant at first, but her body felt so soft. He put his arms around her and felt her back rolls in his hands. For several seconds, neither let go, totally entranced by each other's bodies. Then, Carly felt it. Jeremy had a raging boner. She kissed him on the cheek and stepped back.

"Call me when you get lonely," Carly said.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Pucciarello 3 months
Incredible story
Peachtree1 1 month
The story is about halfway done. The rest is sketched out. I just need the time to finish it one day. The full thing will be about 60,000 words
Frozenglass 1 year
That's hot. Never understood watching porn when you have a partner upstairs though.
Aoneill2013 2 years
Hope you finish this!
Aoneill2013 2 years
Hope you finish this!
Scott12 2 years
Any update on this in the foreseeable future?
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey Scott, I've got the whole story plotted out. I just need some time to write the second half. I hope that comes soon. Trust me. I have BIG plans for Allison. I promise.
Scott12 2 years
Awesome! It’s a juicy story and definitely surpasses many on here. Cant wait!
Boni 2 years
Love this story. Please keep it going!
Kane24 2 years
Hope you keep going with this one!
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
AgainstTheCu... 2 years
This is just the best story on here.... looking forward to more!
Kakaru 2 years
Beautiful story The best I've ever read, I hope you will continue to write it
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you! I will
Little Sparr0w 2 years
Loving this, looking forward to more updates smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks all for the kind words. I will be updating the story soon — I promise!
Charfire2002 2 years
I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Boni 2 years
Absolutely love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Pd500 2 years
I finally had time to finish chapter 26. I'm really digging this and can't wait for when Allison & Jeremy see each other again!

Great story!
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