The skinny fiancé

chapter 8

Allison was sitting on the couch, nibbling on a bag of greasy potato chips and sipping wine. Perhaps "nibbling" is not the right word. She was on her third bag of potato chips and her second bottle of wine. She was trying not to think about Carly and Jeremy, drowning her thoughts out with booze, snacks, and reality TV, but she couldn't stop checking her phone.

When was one of them going to text her?

Finally, at 11 p.m., she heard from Carly.

"Ur fiance is a hottie. A bit awkward at first, but then funny."

"OMG, did it happen??"

"Did what happen?"

"Did you and Jeremy hook up????"

"It's complicated...."

Allison could see Carly was typing another message, but then the text bubble disappeared. She couldn't take the wait. She called Carly.


"Carl y, tell me everything!"

"Well, you picked a great guy. Nice, handsome, asked a lot of questions, but we didn't hook up. And trust me, I wanted to. Is that weird to say? That I wanted to bone your fiancé?"

"Ha, I'm the one who asked you to screw him. Did he seem into you? Did he seem into ... fat girls?"

"Yeah and no. I was so sure he was gonna come back to my place, then he just kinda left. But here's the thing — he had a rock-hard erection when we hugged goodbye."

"Oh man. What does this mean?"

"I'm positive he was into me. And he seemed to like fat chat, when we talked about my weight. But maybe this is all just some fantasy for him. Maybe it's just too much for him. I've been with a lot of men, and some are just too afraid to be honest with themselves about liking fat women."

"Fuck, I am so screwed."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I've already gained more than 20 pounds!"

"Girl, what? It's been like three weeks since he left, right? What's that crunching noise? Are you eating potato chips right now?"

"Oh shut up," Allison said, in between loud sounds of chewing. "Ugh, I just can't stop eating. I thought I'd put on a little weight for Jeremy..."

"But now that the switch is turned on, you can't turn it off. Trust me, I know the feeling. Honestly, I always thought you'd look good fat. Some women carry it better than others, and you've got the bone structure for it. I bet a lot of the weight is going to your ass, isn't it?"

Allison looked down at her widening butt in her newly snug sweatpants.

"It is getting big," Allison said, chuckling. "But no more. I've got to stop gaining weight. I might even need to lose some weight. At least until you can prove Jeremy likes fat women. Please tell me you at least got his number?"

"Oh, I made sure to do that."

"Great. Carly, there is no way this isn't going to sound weird, but I really need you and your fat ass to fuck my fiancé. I really don't know if I can go back to eating Kale smoothies."

"On behalf of me and every other fat woman in this great nation, I will do whatever it takes to make sure a Kale smoothie never touches your lips."

"You're the best, Carly. Talk soon?"


Allison hung up the phone. Tomorrow she would begin dieting. But right now she had a half-gallon of ice cream in the freezer that was calling her name.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Pucciarello 3 months
Incredible story
Peachtree1 1 month
The story is about halfway done. The rest is sketched out. I just need the time to finish it one day. The full thing will be about 60,000 words
Frozenglass 1 year
That's hot. Never understood watching porn when you have a partner upstairs though.
Aoneill2013 1 year
Hope you finish this!
Aoneill2013 1 year
Hope you finish this!
Scott12 2 years
Any update on this in the foreseeable future?
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey Scott, I've got the whole story plotted out. I just need some time to write the second half. I hope that comes soon. Trust me. I have BIG plans for Allison. I promise.
Scott12 2 years
Awesome! It’s a juicy story and definitely surpasses many on here. Cant wait!
Boni 2 years
Love this story. Please keep it going!
Kane24 2 years
Hope you keep going with this one!
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
Finalsafari 2 years
Wow what a great story !
AgainstTheCu... 2 years
This is just the best story on here.... looking forward to more!
Kakaru 2 years
Beautiful story The best I've ever read, I hope you will continue to write it
Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you! I will
Little Sparr0w 2 years
Loving this, looking forward to more updates smiley
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks all for the kind words. I will be updating the story soon — I promise!
Charfire2002 2 years
I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Boni 2 years
Absolutely love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Pd500 2 years
I finally had time to finish chapter 26. I'm really digging this and can't wait for when Allison & Jeremy see each other again!

Great story!
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