
Chapter 3 - breakfast

Sarah jumped up out of the bed and looked around the room. It was a large bedroom with what looked like very expensive furniture. She looked down and saw she wasn’t wearing her t-shirt and yoga pants any longer, but instead was wearing a short pair drawstring cotton shorts and a crop top. What the fuck, she thought. She ran to the door, it was locked. She pounded on the door, “Open the fucking door! Where am I? Open the fucking door!”

Sarah turned and looked around the room. There was a large french door, she ran to it and opened it. She stepped on to a balcony and looked down. The ground below her looked like it was 25 feet down or more. She looked around, the house was huge, and there was a lawn and a beach with blue clear water lapping its shore. Where am I, am I on the ocean, she thought, then yelled “Help, please, help!”

She looked around, there was nothing but the house, the garden and the beach. “Help me! Is anyone there?”, she yelled, but there was no response. She didn’t see anyone anywhere, just the garden, beach and thick forests. The water stretched as far as she could see, though squinting, she thought she might see a distant shore at the horizon. She took some deep breaths trying to calm herself and then called again. She stood there trying to think and took some more deep breaths to calm herself so she could think more clearly. Deep breath in her nose, out her mouth…in her nose and out her mouth... The smell of the pastries was so strong. Even out on the balcony she could smell them.

Almost without thinking she turned and walked back into the room. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the platter stacked with pastries. The sight and smell of them just consumed her. She stood there thinking of nothing else. She sat down on the bed next to the platter and picked up a large cheese danish and took a bite. The sweetness fell over her almost like the rush of a drug. She took another bite, then another one, as much as she could get into her mouth with each bite. She reached down and picked up another pastry, stuffing it into her mouth, then another. God they are so good she thought, chewing and swallowing bite after bite. Soon she had 3 pastries, then 4. Then another. They were so good, she couldn’t stop, she couldn’t get enough of them. Finally, after somehow eating most of the pastries on the platter, she was so full she felt as though she was almost on the verge of getting sick. She lay back on the bed waiting for her stomach to settle and trying to gather her thoughts.

What is wrong with me, why did I eat so much, she thought as she lay there miserably full. She looked down at the platter, too pastries left. She stared at them thinking that she wished she could eat those as well. Finally, she snapped out of it and got up again. Fuck I am so full, she thought, and then beat on the door “Hey! Hey! Open the fucking door!”. She turned to go to the balcony and yell for help again but felt a sheet of paper hit the back of her foot. Sarah reached down and picked it up to read it.

“Just relax, let your breakfast settle and I will be back to show you my island.”

After reading it, Sarah knew that calling for help was pointless.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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CurvyPiggy 3 years
This seems good so far. I can’t wait to read the rest.
Skibud96 3 years
Hey this is superb so far! Great job!!
JustHereToWrite 3 years
Yes, I am going to try to write at least another chapter a day. Tell me what you think of it, or if you have any ideas for the story going forward.