The Curse of Fat

Chapter 1 the witch

Just an average guy
(Note this story will contain adult content be warned)

John was ambitious, dark brown haired, software developer with a laid back attitude. He is 25 years old and has a job in a software development department of a mega corporation.

He has a unknown secret he doesn't know of, but we will get to that later....

It was like any other day. He was out taking a walk in the park close to his apartment, as per usual. John was a simple guy with ordinary tastes he had always been the average guy, someone that would go unrememberd if you met him on the street. Lately he had decided he would start going the gym, he wasn't by any standards overweight or skinny just a normal in between, he wanted to at the very least be classified as semi attractive as he had been very social as of late.

John had heard of a pretty laid back gym somewhere in town and had gone out to check the place out. There weren't a lot of people there mostly just people like him or the some people looking to become a little healthier, maybe a dedicated personal trainer or 2.

He went in and asked some questions and tell them that he would be back. He left knowing he would come back tomorrow to get a membership as soon a he got paid.

He spent the rest of the day just walking around town to kill some time he lived in a big city so there were no shortage of things to see.

Whilst he was walking, he spotted a peculiar store he had never seen before. It was cute and quaint nothing special, but i gave off an eerie aura.

He decided to be brave and investigate.

The store front was small, which made it stand out alot considering it was dwarfed by the residential buildings on either side. He saw flowers and love cards aswell as things like incense and yoga mats in the store front window, this seems like the great place to be if you were into more sentimental or spiritual aspects of life, which made the feeling he got from the store feel so otherworldly.

He entered the store and noticed something quite interesting, it seems to be a bit larger on the inside. It almost felt to big, like the inside was somehow bigger than the outside. "Curious..." he thought to himself as he went in further.

As if on que a lady the desk checkout desk sat and stood up quite quickly and rushed over to him like he was the first person she had seen all day, she welcomed him into the store before she came close. What he did not expect was the lady to be so flushed, cheeks red and very much out of breath. When she was closer he noticed that she had a bit of chub on her not outright fat but definitely more that average she seemed to be a little on the chubby side, her breasts were large about a C cup and sagged a bit under their size.

A small paunch was pushing against the confines of her somewhat tight fitting clothes. She seemed flustered while being out of breath it seems like she was doing some exercise before he came in. She kept her hands behind her back.

"Okay....." he thought "I wonder what se was doing..." at that moment he finished his thought she seemed to became aware of her behavior and put her hands together in front of herself.

"Hello and welcome to my shop my name is Samantha. How may I help you today?" she said in a polite tone despite still being flustered and red.

"Hello thank you I just came to browse your shop it looked interesting so i just wanted to browse a bit."

He said in nice tone to be polite, but he was still wary of this place and did not want to show it. She was probably just a nice girl who ran a bit to excitedly to talk to her customer. "She moves fast for girl of he size, its a real shame her face is quite cute, to bad that paunch is in the way otherwise i would have made a move, maybe if i was brave enough"

She looked away a very embarrassed for the slightest moment but then again adopted a big smile "Good just tell me if you need anything." She then proceeded to walk back the the curtained rooms he came form.

Why did this store bother him so much it seems so normal for the first part.....
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 1 year
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