Tales from my fattening

chapter 2

First day back in term, I decided to follow through on my commitment to be healthy. My weekly shopping avoided buying any snacks or alcohol and sticking to the basics. I also decided to go on a run to get myself going. My dad was a marathon runner and I had been doing this for a while before coming here so I guessed a 5k couldn't be too hard for me.

The first few minutes felt good. I could feel my legs warming up and my stiff body loosening up. Soon though, it was getting harder and harder to keep up a decent pace. I slowed down sharply and soon started walking. I had not even done half the distance and I was messed up. I was red, wheezing and took the shorter route back. I decided that it was too cold for me to be heading out for now and I should hold off until the weather got better.

Later that night, I rushed to the shops and bought myself crazy amounts of sugary snacks and beer. I couldn't control myself from doing that. I swear I felt as though I had guzzled insane amounts of food before heading to bead that night and fell asleep in a tiny food fit. This night set the routine for what was to come.

I constantly tried to limit my intake of calorie-rich food but always ended up failing. I would give up and head to the store every week. I also kept telling myself excuses for not exercising - from rain to the cold to the workload and on and on. The term flew by before I could even catch on and I sure as hell wasn't any healthier.

As spring rolled in, I had been at university for about half a year and I had been enjoying myself to the fullest to say the least. The drinks, the parties, the sex. The most mischievous things though was the snacks, the gluttony and the laziness, so much of them and I was about to become painfully aware.

After a long while, I pulled out my shorts from my cupboard and pulled them on. Oh boy, it took a beat to button them and they felt a tad bit too snug. "Nooo" I thought to myself and looked in the mirror in front of me. I didn't look fat, but softened for sure. My waist was flat, but bulging out; my thighs were still lean but filled out those shorts. I was quick to shrug off the 'winter' weight but somewhere in the back of my head, I was scared.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Sugarkitten7 3 years
This was super good :3