Chapter 1- a shitty rom-com with a side of pizza
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Hey Folks! For Those of you who have read the preview, skip to chapter 7. For those who are new here, welcome! I hope you enjoy!
Sarah laid down comfortably on her old worn couch. She was watching the newest romantic comedy and frankly, couldn’t stop frowning at the bloody thing. “7 billion people on this planet” she mumbled to no in particular, helping herself to another handful of popcorn. “And the best they could come up with is this crap”. It was true, of course. It seemed every rom-com to be released in the past decade was the same. Girl and boy meet, girl and boy fall in love, girl and boy go through a rough patch, girl gets mad at boy, boy confesses love for girl, girl and boy get married. The only thing that changed was the actors. The rest was the same.
“There ought to be something more to life than this” crocked Sarah. She had been living in the same shithole apartment since she moved out of her parents house two years ago. And saying her apartment was a shithole was a vast understatement. Paint peeled from the plastered walls which were stained yellow from some serial cigarette smoker who lived there before her. The floor boards creaked like a cat that just had its tail stepped on. Her bathroom looked like it was torn straight out of a KGB prison cell. Frankly the place was so old it could have well once been a KBG prison bathroom.
*buzz buzz*
Sarah’s ears perked up at the sound of her phone pinging. It had been so long since she talked to someone outside of work. She had been so lonely as of late. She could have used some company. Anything would do. Fuck, she wasn’t far from adopting a bloody pet rock a week ago. And she was coming to regret not buying it too.
She lifted up her phone, a large curious smile spread across on her face. The notification read:
Team Snapchat
Just like that, her smile was gone as quickly as it arrived. Didn’t Team Snapchat have anything better to do than make her feel more miserable than she already did? Hmm… She thought about that for a moment. “Probably not”.
By the fates she was hungry. All she had really eaten today was a lousy sandwich and this popcorn that she’d been munching on for the past hour and a half. Sarah let out a loud sigh and picked up her phone to order a pizza. She deserved a pizza, she reckoned.
Sarah was a young girl in her mid to late twenties. Around 26, maybe? Sometimes she forgot her age. She had no reason to remember it. Strange how people celebrate birthdays. “Yay! You’re one year closer to death!” Useless as the plague, Sarah reckoned. The only time she had to remember her age was when she was signing up for another one of societies biggest money grabs that needed her birthday for some odd reason. Disney+ had been the latest of her shitty investments.
She was just over 5 feet tall, weighed around 105lbs, and had long brown hair which would sometimes reflect the sunlight giving it a sparkling glow. Her waist was slim and toned. She had average sized breasts and a fairly large bottom which seemed to grow larger every year despite how hard she tried to maintain its shape and size. But, she reckoned there were worse things in life than a big ass. Much worse things. And after all, she was by all definitions quite beautiful.
About half an hour past and there was a knock on her door. She always jumped a little when someone knocked on her door. Not because it startled her, but because she was afraid the door would fall down. Damn thing was about ready to fall on its own. It hardly needed the help of a human to do it. But, it seemed for now, the door stayed standing, its hinges holding on like a man might hold on to life when staring death in the face.
The brown haired girl moseyed her way to the door and opened it with the utmost care. “Easy now. Don’t fail me. Not now. You’ve done so well so far” she whispered to the door as if doors could suddenly understand human speech.
Once the door creaked open like an old coffin, Sarah found that there was a very handsome man who stood on the other end. He was dressed in what could maybe pass as a Domino’s uniform? Could, but certainly didn’t. It was wrinkled, stained and about 2 sizes to large for him. Sarah found herself unconsciously scanning the boy with her eyes, top to bottom, bottom to top, then top to bottom again before she realized she had just checked him out three times and brought her eyes back up to his face. But not before taking another glance at his body. He was quite decidedly handsome. His curly blonde hair shined even in the dark hallway. His eyes a gentle but piercing blue. His lips large and-
“You’re pizza, ma’am?” said the boy, hands outstretched. “hmmm?” mumbled Sarah, still taken a back from how handsome the boy was. God, his arms were- “Um, I am at the right address, aren’t I?” Sarah snapped back into reality and started to blush. “Oh! Yes, of course. Um, how much will it be then?” The man smirked but only for a second. “Welcome back to reality” he mumbled. “Enjoy your trip?” “Um, pardon?” she managed to say. “Oh come now. Even the blind could see you checking me out.” Sarah almost choked, her cheek’s turning even redder than before. “Oh! Well… um, yes. I suppose I was, wasn’t I… um, the pizza?” The boy smirked again. “I’m just teasing. My name’s Leo. Well, it’s Leonault but everyone calls me Leo.” “You’re name’s Leonault? Well its not wonder you go by Leo”. The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. It was truly a wonder how she didn’t have a boyfriend. Poor lad just offered her his name and she spat in his face.
“Stupid girl” she thought to herself, “Stupid! Stupid! Stu-“ she was caught off guard by… a smile? Why was he smiling? It was a weak smile perhaps, but a smile none the less.
“I’m Sarah…”
It had been so long since a pretty boy had talked to her. Actually, it had been a long time since anyone talked to her outside of work, but those monkeys didn’t exactly count as human interaction. She was surprised they even knew how to whip their arse without help. Frankly, she wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t.
“Well Sarah, it was lovely to meet you” said Leo, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly. “But as much as I would love to stay and chat while you drooled over me some more, I really do have to get back to work.” Leo handed her the receipt. “Now, how would you like to pay?”
breast expansion
butt expansion
stuck in tight places
weight gain
15 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years